Powerlifting general
good advice edition
I'll start off, "stop deadlifting"
Powerlifting general
good advice edition
I'll start off, "stop deadlifting"
Other urls found in this thread:
Failed my medical
Looks like I'll be living the NEET life baby
Next bit of good advice: "Stop powerlifting".
Why's that
unless you are actually good at it, which nobody here is
But I haven't really found anything quite as fun in life as lifting heaviest weights I possibly could
What else can I do
Martial arts looks fun i guess
Truly amazing results for a vegan natty.
Dedication + Proper nutrition + Time = That body
lift mediocre weights waaay more often
Do it until you have to start getting fat to get stronger, then just get yourself lean and do some powerbuilding/meme fun shit for the rest of your life
Have you guys seen clarence in jujimufus new vid. They attempt to pull a truck. Juji does it but clarence gives up after 2 pulls
This is why I value general strength way more than just the big three.
about 5:40 if youre curious
Lads I'm looking to buy babby's first oly shoe so I can do deep, clean highbar squats without pain and buttwink. I don't mind a heel on the larger side because right now my squat looks pretty good and feels comfy with my heels on a couple of 20kg plates. Any suggestions?
Thoughts on the Renaissance Periodization powerlifting templates?
Anyone looked at them/used them?
(you can probably find them in the Veeky Forums volafile chatroom if you want to take a look)
If you look at their techniques you can tell Juji has done shit like this before while Clarence doesn't seem to understand how he should pull it
how much do you want to spend?
Heart and eye sight primarily. I'll appeal and get reviewed by more specialist doctors as the heart thing is no longer really an issue.
Not sure about my eye sight though, my right eye was fine, my left eye failed by .5 or something ridiculously low like that.
As little as possible because I don't even know if I'll squat with them in the long term. I'm looking at powerlifts right now but obviously I'm not gonna buy something that's complete trash and I won't even use it, so I'd be okay with spending more if there's a good reason to.
Take a look at these, they're prettty cheap, but good quality.
retarded youtube tier comment kys
Ausfag btw, so no amazon-only products. Those are only 3 buck less than these and
as an added bonus these aren't a gook off-brand.
How do you train "General" strength
All those guys except Clarence are on steroids though
Adidas Powerlift is alright, but I've heard many people say the sole does compress under heavy loads.
Low specificity, high exercise variation, scrap peaking cycles and do more hypertrophy training.
its true though imagine being able to squat 600 but you cant lift some log overhead
>bbbut muh total
by not only focusing on the big three
More back work, overhead work and carries probably
Is there any particular version numbers I should stay away from? I've seen posts here about people complaining that some newer oly shoes are shit.
Can I use clogs for squatting
>he doesn't squat in high heels
If you splurg on romaleos, go for the 2's and not the 3's. the 3's are slightly worse, although the are nicer to look at.
Other than that I don't really know. I bought mine a couple of years ago and haven't really kept up with the new releases.
Does this sound good to you guys:
Hypertrophy + bulking --> strength+ maintenance --> hypertrophy and strength maintenance + cutting
2 months --> 2 months --> 1 month
list strength levels
What's 'strength maintenance'?
I would just do a one month hypertrophy block while cutting
Bench: 125kg
Squat: 178.5kg
DL: to my great shame, 155kg
Be: 84kg
If it's relevant, I can do pull ups with +35kg for a 5RM.
you don't squat low enough or your can't deadlift correctly
No. 1 month is far too short of a cut and you'll lose like 5lbs, maybe 10 if you're ok with losing a bit of muscle, hardly a productive way to get lean. If your goal is to gain weight over time with small deficits to take care of the excess fat and you're gaining 1-2lbs during the bulking phase like Israetel recommends then disregard this advice and go for it, but make sure you're lean first.
I'm assuming you've taken Israetel's cutting strategy and reversed it so that you're spending 8-12 weeks in a bulk, 8 weeks on maintenance and 4 weeks on a cut instead of 4 weeks on a bulk, 8 weeks maintenance and 8-12 cutting.
Get laser surgery, nigga.
But instead try different types of development, now that you've achieved maximum power, start doing yoga and achieve maximum flexibility and locus of control over your fine motor skills. Start doing HIIT and cardio and achieve speed and endurance. Don't view brute strength as the end all be all of athletic achievement, view it as part of a trifecta
I found these for the same price as adipowers on ebay. Seems too cheap to be true when all the other models are well over 200 buck. Are these a legit older model or some weird knockoff bullshit?
I'm tired of this meme.
Really makes me think sometimes
>340 kg
Any decent program that doesnt neglect Military presses or even have the same ratio of MP to bench?
SS starting strength by Markusz Rippedhistoe
Of course, but brute strength is currently what I enjoy the most and want to focus on. Speed and athletics are fun too, but I wanna do powerlifting until I'm satisfied.
Strength maintenance is not trying to get stronger but simply maintenance of existing strength. I thought it might be constructive to maintain hypertrophy and strength, at MV, for a month to get rid of cumulative fatigue
Also why is cutting on a hypertrophy block any good? You won't grow and you'll have tons of volume to recover from
>Also why is cutting on a hypertrophy block any good?
>maintain while cutting
Try finding your cutting MRV and then MAYBE you won't lose strength or muscle if your cut is slow.
I do deadlifts after squats on TM
C6W lads, for plugging in Cuckols' bench program are you just running it 3 times consecutively for every 2 of Candito's?
ok lets get this shit going
Jacked & tan 2.0
For the first two weeks I'm just gonna do one day of Nuckol's Bench instead of Candito's bench, since they both have 3x bench days.
After that I'll uh, improvise.
anecdotally higher %1rm goes to shit way way more than lower intensities does on a deficit for me, and you can tolerate more volume at lower percentages and still recover (and keeping volume high is the key to retaining muscle)
third day of c6w pretty easy so far
Chipotle and some ice cream later
some old Metallica
pretty sore from the first day of squatting
c6w&knuckols, second bench day
fuckton o' peanutbutter sandwiches. I started having a two of these between every planned meal and I'm just a constant black hole of hunger now
Thinking I'll go with Eurobeat for this training session
Skipped lecture today. Planned to stay at home and study but I mostly just masturbated. So I feel very lazy.
Last semester I was better at getting to later lectures but now I feel like if it's scheduled later than 10AM I cba. 8AM lectures are my shit now. At least I have my sleep schedule relatively solid atm.
starting c6w's notorious second week today with squats
What am I in for guys
Is there a list anywhere of t2 exercises for GZCL?
>t2 bench assistance
Any exercise that ends in bench which doesn't start with "competition paused"
>t2 ohp
Any standing press except the one you just did
>t2 squat
Any exercise that ends in "squat" which doesn't start with "lowbar competition"
Also leg press
>t2 deadlift
Any exercise that ends in "deadlift" but has other words in the name.
Also an exercise with a two word name which rich piana would often yell at the start of his videos, however the two words would be separated by the word "fucking"
weighted fucking hyperextension goddamnit
The second lower day looks fun.
>11 sets, assuming you get 10 reps
Got diagnosed with high blood pressure at 18
What do
good guess but no
squats 5x5@50% felt pretty good no back pain and discomfort, hopefully in a month I can go back to squatting normal weights again. What are you guys training today?
donate blood
explain the science behind this
Roiders do it go ask /fraud/. Might not work if your BP is caused by natural causes.
not that guy but if your hematocrit is elevated having some blood taken will lower it, that's why roiders do it
otherwise reduce sodium, do cardio? idk man i'm not a doctor
less blood, less pressure
Is he getting bigger or is the image just stretched?
Same but I was 16 back then, now 23 and idgaf anymore. Doesn't cause any issues.
I started shilling gzcl aggressively today. It's already working. This will be huge on fit in a few weeks and I claim the credit for it. :)
Not if I shill renaissance periodisation harder.
Is it actually good though
Mike Israetel's volume landmarks-based progression is GOAT for hypertrophy phases.
Yes user, I agree. Let's shill together.
Deadlift, hack squat and ham curls
Had a chicken stir fry before going to the gym, probably schnitzels with spinach and cheese after I get back home.
Death Grips.
Procrastinating, in a way. Doing other productive things (gym, dishes&cleaning, reading) instead of working on my masters thesis.
Way better.
If you guys shill israetel hard enough, I'll do that next winter ;)
Stretched image. He is huge though
we do it for free user
As soon as I found out he was buddies with CWS I knew there was no way his methods weren't great. I love that his writing explains both the theory and the practical application of the methods so you can learn with trial and error and then go back and understand the principles. That's my preferred way of learning things.
There's a youtube channel "revive stronger" or sth and he does interviews with bodybuilding dudes, often with Israetel. Watch those, the stuff he says just makes total sense.
So do I. English is not my first language, I didn't know the term implied otherwise.
You're using it right in the sense that nobody here uses it right. There's the meme context and the real context and nobody almost nobody uses shilling in the real context.
I know him and read the article that introduces mrv and so on. For this winter I'm hyped for J&T 2.0, but I already downloaded the cws&israetel book already and will read it. Next winter is another bulking phase and trying different programs is fun.
>the pdf I shilled twice has spread
Soon, everyone on /plg/ will pretty much be hooked on bodybuilding and maybe once a year run 2-3 months of strength blocks with a peak to test new maxes.
Looks like aesthetics are back on the menu, boys!
> tfw every word has a "real context" and a "meme context"
fuck this modern world
Proud of you!
Sheiko advanced large load
I unironically think peaking 1-2 times a year and alternating strength/hypertrophy blocks is the GOAT way to train. Peaking is overrated as fuck, a 1-2 week taper and max test at the end of a strength phase is the easiest and quickest way to get a decent idea of how your progression is going. Just run strength blocks with competition form instead of variations.
The only correct answer
>Strong but look good
>Not fat or so muscular as to look disgusting
>just an intense healthy hobby rather than a life consuming habit
Make lifestyle changes then consider meds.
Thanks chaps, you collectively answered my question amazingly. /plg/ truly is the last bastion
Yep yep, takes a few years for most people (including me) to realize that