> 40% protein, 30% fat, 30% carb
> percent macro ratio
Fight me boys
> 40% protein, 30% fat, 30% carb
> percent macro ratio
Fight me boys
I think I have this ratio on my firness pal?
>Current year and going by macro percentages
Ask yourself, for what purpose? Get your of protein and fat depending on how many grams you need by your lean body mass then fill the rest of your caloric needs with carbs
>not using different ratios based on bulk, cut or maintenance
>macros, for what purpose
>just do macros
Who is she please? The only image I'm able to find on Google is this.
It's goat but hard to sustain as a veggie so I'm trying 30/35/35 for a while to see how it affects training. I'm not even below 10% yet though
>as a veggie
They should free you of your suffering and take you off life support.
i only track calories and protein desu
i'm almost certainly getting enough carbs and fat
not 70% protein
not doing egg diet
damn, women just can't help themselves but crave black cock
She has great taste whoever she is
>why does he wear the belt
im always uncertain weather people are fucking around in these videos or not but even if they are they deserve a one way ticket to the snap city
>over 20% protein
for what purpose?
3:2:1 fat:protein:carbs
Protein : 100g
Fat : 10-30 g
Carbs : Rest of all calories , usually around 400
good b8
I get all my essentials fatty acids and fat soluble vitamin in those 10-30 grams , why would I consume more of this shit macro that add nothing to performance
>Falling for the 1g/lbs meme
Water 100%
>not injecting for 100% protein
never gonna make it
implying eggs are 70% protein
Can you read?
oops, meant for
>Under the AMDR for carbs
>Over the AMDR for protein, putting excess stress on kidneys
>Doesn't mention which kinds of fats
Literally pleb tier.
>40% intake of PRO on a 2000cal diet (low even for a manlet) comes out to 200g protein at the least
>Avg person can metabolize 30-45 g of protein in a particular time frame, 1-2 hours, the rest gets excreted and places pressure on glomurular filtration system
Try this:
>45-65% calories from carbs
Make at least half of all intake whole grains. Shoot towards the higher range if you do alot of cardio, lower range if your mostly sedentary
>20-30% protein
This comes out to 100-150g for a 2000cal diet or 150-225g for a 3000cal diet. Aim for higher protein range if you get alot of DOMS or trying to preserve LBM, aim for the lower end if your bulking/maintaining
>20-35% fat
Make as much of it as possible monounsaturated fat, but don't forget a healthy amount of polyinsaturated (O-6, O-3)
>As much fiber as possible from food
>As much water as possible
Ok how much then, most of the thing i've read and have been told you should intake like 1g/kg i have 75 g and try my best to take in 100 g.
Am i wasting my time or should i just take in 75g or much more then 100?
Do yourself a favor. Go on "Google scholar" and look up studies about protein intake vs muscle gain. Read a bunch of different ones and consider the results, and make your own educated decision. I'm a nutrition major and I can tell you the results you will find swing wildly between "don't need more than 70g pro a day" and "350g protein a day"
Piccolo pls
Once you establish the protein, fat and carbs you need to reach the caloric goal you get percentages, otherwise known as macros, you fuck.
She's staring at his ass
that nigger is photoshopped in
So you literally just said to believe what i want cuz no one know how much you need
50% carb
25% fat
25% prot
bulk bulk
even if that were true, it would be because the creatures attached to them are easy to manipulate, and have a high life living mentality, never saving or investing money before 50. women love to use and throw things away, they hate you niggers just as much as everybody else
>eating carbs
Back to /pol/
niggers will never make it
200 prot 180 carbs 50 fat
Such is the life of cutting.