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Health #428
How many years of roids would I need to achieve something like this if ive been lifting for 6 years?
/FPH/ Fat People Hate General
What anime does Veeky Forums watch to get hyped for lifting?
/mirin/ general - Mired only by males edition
Fuck scraped knee at gym
Be lonely and depressed
Veeky Forums absolutely BTFO lol
I eat one whole RAW onion a day
You must design the perfect male specimen. What are his stats?
ITT shit normies say
How do I make vegetables not taste like shit?
CBT - Le natty edition
Starting Strength or Stronglifts, what's truly the best for someone who wants to get stronger and look better?
What are the best ways to spot a healthlet?
What are some good fitness channels on youtube?
How to get adrenaline while fighting?
Starbucks Discussion
I came to a realization
What are you supposed to do between sets?
First day of keto
Have any framelet success stories?
Does drinking this help? How much?
Rate my squat form Veeky Forums
So fish oil causes prostate cancer, what does Veeky Forums think?
/FAG - Facial Aesthetics General/
Why are females naturally more alpha than males?
Whats Veeky Forums's opinion on Straight Edge?
Why work out if it will make you look terrible in a suit?
Girl on far right wanted to come over this weekend
Took creatine at age 17
Sunday night Veeky Forums chill thread
Hunter-Gatherer Bodies
Poor Rich... listen to this audio
Veeky Forums i done goofed greentext inc:
Implying I'm not training
What does Veeky Forums look for in a girl? Great body? Sense of humor? Decent personality? A feminine penis?
Counting calories/protein bullshit
Natty goal bodies
Good Feels Thread
What's your record for oats in one sitting? Is 200g a day too much?
How does Veeky Forums deal with the fact that they will not last 10 seconds if they ever have sex with a girl
The Mr. Olympia contest has turned into a fucking freak show. A politicized, rigged...
Mfw sick of mires
Does anyone else hate this kind of the year fit
Does size matter bros?
Fph thread? This is me Veeky Forums
Look up towards the ceiling and take a selfie edition
Friend hires personal trainer at planet fitness
Is this attainable natty?
/plg/ powerlifting general
About to have sex with this Russian chick
Rate me boys;* yep im a fitness Queen
Is obesity inevitable?
How important is warming up before lifting?
Reminder that this is literally all you need to get girls. six months is all it takes
Went to the bank for a minute, return to find this on my windshield. WHAT DO?
How do you build large shoulders? What are some good workouts,and what's the rep range that should be used?
Life General
Weekly reminder to stay safe and injury free while you're training. if you do any of these bad habits...
Transformation thread
/BWG/ Bodyweight general
Full body 3x or PPLPPL?
Quick Weightloss
Slipping a girl the morning after pill?
Find a flaw
/fat/ put the fork down fatty edition
Post your daily routine
Would you say this ass was good?
Parallel or below parallel when squatting?
How do i get bigger calves?
Routine Help pls
R8 my form
Routine thread
So apparently he didn't do cardio?
What does Veeky Forums think of my girl's workout?
Modern bodybuilding everyone
VEGAN GENERAL CONT. - Meatcuck Double Standards Edition
Thoughts on my gf Veeky Forums?
Is coffee degenerate?
Havent smoked any cigarettes in 12hours
Ranking the races/countries
Night sweats
Will lifting get me a black gf ?
Go drinking
Veeky Forums fantasies
This is a boys only thread ! Girls keep out! What's your favorite food?
Any good Veeky Forums related anime's aside from pic related?
Tungsten Weights?
Calum thread
Veeky Forums music
Wich one is harder, a one arm pull up at 250 lbs bodyweight
Just a reminder that many thousands of women your age or younger suffer exactly the same body dysmorphia issues as you...
Is it wrong if I want to go to the gym dressed like Ryu...
Tfw i looked better before i started using gear
Emotional during lifting?
So how does your girlfriend feel about your love of fitness?
When a guy tries picking up a girl in the gym but gets curved
ITT. Give me attention
Sex is a type of cardio user, why are you not doing sex for those sweet pelvic gains?
Clean gyms
Veeky Forums humor
Will lifting make me stop wanting to be a cute girl?
How do you look compared to the average man?
Ask a guy who has given up fitness anything
What Mode Is Gaston?
Me and my trainers need the free weight section to ourselves, put the dumbells down and take a walk
/lgbt/ is making fun of us
Hit that last rep! You can do it user!!
/plg/ - panzer lifting general
Is lifting weights a mental game?
40lb hell
Gf hits 130 pounds
Max Dick gains
Am i going to make it?
Have had tinder for 3 days
Tfw no Veeky Forums loli gf
How the FUCK am I supposed to prep this in advance for lunch?
Why aren't you Chad Veeky Forums?
ITT: DYELs you respect
What the hell is quark?
Fake It Till You Make It
Is NoFap a fucking meme or not...
/fat/ Make a new thread already GOD DAMNIT edition
Is your dad a chad, Veeky Forums ?
YLYD: You Laugh You DYEL
Tfw I look better after using gear
You're in the gym, she shows up and says
Are you man enough to decide right now to take cold showers for the rest of your life...
What are the best feels a Veeky Forums person can get aside from obvious ones like hitting a new pr or something
What do you do when people disrespect you?
Vegan General
Outside of fit
Be 19 and manlet
How can a guy lose this without lowering food intake?
Help me bros
Veeky Forums I have heard different things and need your opinion
What is this guy's name again?
Military Fitness Thread
Be fat kissless virgin
Good feels
Anyone else think this is way too many calories for someone 155lbs working out for like an hour a day and doing just...
Saturday Evening Thread
There is not 1 single lift made easier by being tall
Is this what peak performance looks like?
Deadlift tips
Delusional Lifters Thread Mk. II
CBT: Ibutamoren-enhanced edition
Is it true that exercising your forearms for hypertrophy is a waste of time
LegLord master race checking in
How the fudge am i supposed to eat 2000 calories a day as a skelly
Me on the left
This is one the dumbest things I've ever seen. Do people actually use these?
Why are all the real gyms right wing shitholes?
/fraud/ - insecurity, steroids and abusing steroids to deal with insecurity general
Training without roids... spend 3 years lifting and still look dyel / skinny fat
Why cant i do a super cut with just protein powder, water, and multivitamins?
Sexual Fitness General
Its impossible to eat right/sleep/go to the gym
Nofap Day 5: The Hump
/FPH/ Fat People Hate General
/PLG/ Powerlifting General
Abs are all about bodyfat percentage! Everyone has abs if you lose enough-
Daily reminder that heavy lifting is not sustainable
Lift for a year
Face the truth
Tfw i looked better before i started using gear
Tfw you just wanted to take pictures with fans and promote your supplements but then a gang of beaners showed up and...
We all started out lifting for some chick that we crushed on. When it finally settled in that you wouldn't get her...
Anons who had their wisdom teeth removed / got braces: did the procedures affect your face shape...
How did this legend used to train?
De-toxing your body
How much does he bench?
Anybody here managed to fix his forward head posture?
How do I into Zac effron mode?
What do you do to make chicken less tasteless/ dry?
Why do guys always stare at your ass when you go to the gym?
Have oneitis on coworker
Why is there no thread about mr.olympia?? Keep this thread updated!
6 foot king of manlets
ITT: God tier macros of foods noone knows about
Can we finally admit that the Ruby Classic is a bigger event than the Olympia
Do you get sad when you see a very attractive girl?
Does anyone here watch AlphaDestiny? What do you think about him?
I cant get over her past
Alcohol Thread
Skelly here. What does a 3000 calorie day look like? I realize that I'm not eating enough...
Jordan B Peterson could Bench Press 225 Pounds
Tfw get turned on by your own ass in compression pants
Is it healthy to want to rape?
Thoughts on Jeff Nippard?
I have lunch with a Latina co-worker on Monday
Literally everyone is stronger than me
How is your Friday night?
Martial Arts General
Olympia 2017
Sup Veeky Forums
/FPH/ Fat People Hate General
Who gonna win this year bois?
Manlets eternally REKT
Friday Night Veeky Forums Feels
There are things in life much worse than being a kissless virgin, Veeky Forums
Did people treat you differently after losing weight?
/deutsch/, immer /österreich/, niemals /luftgangster/
Who else lifts in not-lifting-shoes?
User, why did you start lifting?
Is "Bear Mode" hot to girls?
I started eating 2 eggs and a slice of wheat bread for breakfast and it's amazing...
/plg/ Panzer Lifting General
Qt 3.14 with nice ass is working out near me
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Friday night
Have any of you guys ever tried being anorexic to lose weight. If so can you tell me about your experiences?
What sport produces the sexiest female physique?
I just joined the gym yesterday. 20 bucks a month...
Holy shit I finally got to use my strength gains for SOMETHING GOOD IN MY LIFE
4 days sober
Whats Veeky Forums opinion on tank tops...
Why do people recommend working out every other day and keep your workouts less than an hour or 50-40 minutes?
Clarence thread
How does one stay being perceived as alpha when he doesnt drive?
Milk vs Water
/fat/ Addicted to Powerbars Edition
Post 400 calories meals
Is body dysmorphia really a bad thing...
So apparently someone from germany tried to fuck a plate today and fire department had to cut him out
How to lose the final layer of fat?
Veeky Forums Village
There's got to be a better way
Why would anyone use a barbell when doing chest exercise. When the dumbbell is far superior for building a big chest...
Your favorite lift
If you ate a diet of just fried potatoes, wouldn't you be malnourished from the lack of protein and amino acids?
What would you look for in a powerlifting / weightlifting / bodybuilding gym
There is simply no other exercise, and certainly no machine, that produces the level of central nervous system activity...
I've realised why squats and deadlifts are so popular on Veeky Forums now
How long do you guys sleep? do you wake up on your own or an alarm? I've been just sleeping until noon/1...
What mode is this
What is the proper way to approach quitting a job that you dont like very much...
Naturally Alpha and Chad Males used to be so common just a century ago. What happens?
How much milk do I need to drink a day to grow 3 inches...
Tfw chest gap
Friendly reminder that you can get a herniated disk on your upper back from doing heavy bench
Exercises only you do at your gym
Pic related is your new body
How does he do it?
Does Veeky Forums have a waifu that you lift for?
Ideal thread
PPL vs Greyskull LP
Vegan Shills
How far do I have to leave humanity behind to suck my cousin's big fat titties?
Don't lie, this is aesthetic perfection
Stalling, please help
My theory is, that our generation is so much into bodybuilding, because Dragon Ball Z was famous when we were kids
Tfw realized that i have kleinfelter at 22. Is it too late get diagnosed?
Sexual health thread
Holy fuck what Happened To Connor's Hair
Finally got a gf
Buzzfeed sub 200 testosterone
Do you lift for women? If so, why?
Hi Veeky Forums. I was crossing the street and got hit by car yesterday...
How the fuck do you party and stay fit?
One pec bigger than the other?
How can an entire weight room be out of order?
/run/ - Running general
I've come to the conclusion that back squats and deadlifts simply aren't worth the risk if you aren't a power lifter
Where does Veeky Forums rank on the Kinsey scale?
First time going to the gym
Thought on nocco
Feels thread
Literally what am I supposed to do between sets?
How do I get these shoulders??
Butt health/fitness
/BROSCIENCE/ - Ecto, Meso, Endomorph
Just found this rare sips. Fuck bros
/fph/ Fat People Hate - "Just say grow, grow, grow" edition
Muscle Soreness - How to avoid?
I wear it for comfort!
Go to gym every morning
How did warriors and other strong people train before the current knowledge of nutrition and training?
For me, it's the front squat
Is the chad on the left natty?
Be fit, lean autist
Post 4th image in Veeky Forums folder
Do workouts like Insanity actually work...
Things you can say about/to a barbell, but not of/to your gf
Almost there /bfestimate/ thread
Tfw lifting/ cardio is the only thing stopping you from slipping into a deep depression and most likely killing yourself
Veeky Forums I want a list of everything that changes in your life when you go from DYEL to Veeky Forums
Stronger people are harder to kill
Could you do it Veeky Forums?
Post embarrassing moments at gym
Wtf is this
What the hell is the point of lifting?
Hey Faggots
Read Models by Mark Manson
A thread for our guy
W-will being Veeky Forums help me bang cosplaying consluts
Hey user, we're all gonna grab some drinks across the street after our workouts l. See you there??
This is Ian McCarthy. Say something nice about him
Did you make your waifu proud today Veeky Forums?
/QTDDTOT/ Face Edition
Tough mudder
Does your gym have a manlet pit?
Normie at the gym kept talking to me over the last few months...
Who /strongestguyatthegym/?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
/plg/ Panzer Lifting General
Be recovering fat
You meatheads would get fucked up in a fight with either of these manlets because you thought lifting heavy things was...
How do i become FAST?
Food poisoning - what do
Newish dude at my work reeks. Fucking REEKS. I have to work right next to him most of the day every fucking day...
Fattie McFat here. I am pretty sure I have hypothyroidism. I cannot lose weight no matter how hard I try...
So this is how it works?
Monster Mornings
New Transformation thread
First year at pic related
What should i work on more?
Is it possible to cut without it becoming painful?
What are some Veeky Forums approved jewtubers?
Veeky Forums pawgs
Push Up Thread. LET EM ROLL BOYS. Also post push up variations for low number getters
Spartan Run/Obstacle Course
Your local gym characters
Becoming a trap
Can someone give me a guaranteed erection stack...
Go on date with qt
Tell me about your dad Veeky Forums
Anybody else here unironically lift for their waifu?
Anyone here with a herniated disc? How has it affected your fitness activities?
Ctrl+f "goal body"
I look like shit in compression and better shirtless. How long do I need to "cut" to get to cool looking in it...
/fph/ Fate People Hate
Potassium Chloride
"I can't believe I thought he was big"
Give me (one) reason to do any leg training other than leg press
How are guys attracted to muscular women? Women with gains is freaking disgusting...
Exercises you invented
/fat/ going to diet after this slice edition
There are physiological differences between races (other than the obvious skin color)
Why do you eat carbs, fruits, and vegetables Veeky Forums...
Jerking off as Cardio
God he's pathetic
Morning Discipline
I did no fap this summer and ended up getting a epididymal cyst. It's sore as fuck
You faggots lied to me. You convinced me that NoFap is just a meme and I postponed doing it for years almost...
How does this pic make you feel?
Deadlift Alt
Got qt3.14's #
What does Veeky Forums think about beards when it comes to aesthetics?
On OHP, do you leave thd bar on a chest height rack between sets or do you lift from the floor before each set?
How would you describe this physique?
Daily reminder whether or not you should squat and deadlift is determined by GENETICS
So now that the dust has well and truly settled and we KNOW that homegym is the ultimate gym for natty aesthetics...
That guy who lifts and does HIIT on the treadmill but then smokes before and after the gym
Is it possible to lose 60pounds by only dieting before new year
Gym Sloots
General vegan thread, mainly for discussion of health as this is a fitness board...
It's leg day
*blocks your locker*
How tough are these Spartan Races and Tough Mudder really...
Open heart sugery
What's his name again?
What's fit's opinion on tanning beds, I'm so sick of my Farmers tan
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Why don't more women lift? Don't they want qt gainz? Natty muscular women are hot as fuck
What mode is he?
Who do you lift for Veeky Forums?
>Boogie doesn't even look differe-
How to reverse this trend?
Why roid when you still look like DYEL?
Is it worth taking Fish Oil?
How does one develop the mental willpower to do nofap at least noporn? I'm fucking addicted brehs
I'm doing a three day zero cal water fast. What am I in for here?
That guy at the gym thread
He will win the rooby with his surprise bulk
Be me
Does anyone else unironically hate squatting and deadlifting?
Who is your favorite fitness YouTuber Veeky Forums and why is it Brandon Carter?
Are there any clinically obese people you respect /fit /?
Tfw just turned 23
Mfw I realise eating shouldn't be about weight gain/loss, but muscle gain
So now that the dust has well and truly settled and we KNOW that PPL is the ultimate routine for natty aesthetics...
I've done it, lads
Vegan General
Become Vegan
Nofap is literally dumb as shit
Tfw Luke
How do I into pussy slayer Link mode
Is it time to start lifting /fit?
Strongest cunt who ever lived
Lads just lost my virginity after NoFapping since last November. She was skinny, gorgeous, had a sexy face...
Admit it Veeky Forums, this is you
C'mon user you must have SOME hobbies besides lifting
What music do you guys lift to?
How long do I have to lift before women start mirin my gains?
Day 7 of nofap
How do you spot steroid use?
Let's be honest. What's the point in lifting if you aren't gonna be banging sloots like these boys?
Hello, dyel manlet here,How can I improve my chest
Lifting as an escape
I hate my hometown
Squat thread
Tats vs no tats
Is this a Veeky Forums approved workout?
Rate my breakfast
Why does a pizza exist?
Western world has been brainwashed by the meat industry into thinking eating meat makes you more of a man...
Veeky Forums humor thread
You wake up in this body
Redpill me on this fucking thing
Am I right here? My dad does not believe me
Hello y'all, where do you get your protein stuff? I need to get some protein bars in massive bulk...
Why don't you have a gf Veeky Forums?
Are personal trainers a sham?
I'm suicidal and have nothing to live for why can't I just give in and eat everything I want?
Literally spent a third of my food stamps this month on Halo Top™ ice cream
Lifting for several years at same gym
Vegan cunts absolutely BTFO
Is Dom Mazzetti a FRAUD??
Tfw stalling on 80lbs bench press
Veeky Forums careers thread
Reminder to always brush and floss your teeth daily for maximum teeth gains...
Exercise for hella poor
Why aren't you doing planks for a flatter stomach Veeky Forums?
Why do you train legs user
Are they, dare I say, /ourguys/ ?
Does anyone know the effect cannabis use has on exercise, whether it be cardio or resistance training?
/plg/ Panzer Lifting General
Advice on how to cut without fucking starving all day long?
Lagertha is perfect, do women like her exist?
Arm thread. Show off fellas
Halp me get betches on tinder by writing me a bio based off this photo
/fat/ No Shirts in the Pool Editon
Do you shower at home or at the gym after working out?
/fph/ /fps/ /fht/
Hey there user
How many calories are in vaped weed?
Is 22 too late to start lifting?
Name a SINGLE protein shake that doesn't taste like shit
Why do I lift? Why to defend capitalism from leftist subhumans of course!
Give me one good reason why I can't do leg press, extensions and lunges instead of back squats?
Birt Plate
My acne wont go away, i wash my face three times a day...
Suggestions for my first 5 km marathon
Well, what does it say, Veeky Forums?
Has anyone ever had a problem with being attractive but too stupid to ever have success with women (like all easygoing...
My gains have gone through the roof since I started smoking cigarettes
R8 pls my dudes
Does eating early prevent more food from being stored as fat before and after you sleep?
Is this guy legit?
Can we get a feels general thread?
Reminder that pic related is what peak women want (age 14-21)
Hey Veeky Forums
What's her name, Veeky Forums?
Sam Hyde uses gear confirmed
Meal Prep Thread
Is it bad to fuck ugly chicks?
This guy is 14
Social Gains:
How to get huge massive glutes?
Post shirtless picture of me on bumble and tinder
Are there any good testosterone boosters that work?
This picture really opened my eyes today
Always make sure that my form is correct when squatting
Does lifting weights help with losing belly fat/gaining abs?
When will they learn?
Boogie will never lose weigh-
Tfw i looked better before i started using gear
What do you wear to the gym?
Who's gonna win the 2017 Mr. Olympia?
Tfw smoking weed after gym
High Fat Diets
70's Big LP
Has getting fit changed your political views
VEGAN GENERAL - Vegan Master Race Edition
Conflict situations at the gym
Holy shit, Boogie is actually making it
How in the name of God can you actually eat 2000 calories per day? My lunch consisted of 500 and I'm stuff...
A thread for this man
What're you going as for halloween this year, Veeky Forums?
Daily reminder that this is the correct form you should be using for the press
Is it bad to do plyometric style training with wrist and ankle weights on...
Big legs
Is Jason Blaha really a woman?
Post godtier self-improvement books
This will never be you
Fasting is a lifestyle guys, absolutely not an eating disorder we swear , it even has benefit haha
Genetics thread
I could REALLY go for some pizza today
I have a body very similar to this one...
Am I supposed to feel it in my traps? I only feel my lats
Name 1 (one), just ONE, legitimate benefit of being able to move/carry/lift more weight than the average person can
Which of these are /fitlit/ approved?
What will happen if I try and walk 100 miles with breaks just for snacks and water?
/uni/ Thread?
Wake up at 5:30 am today
Bodies that normies might think are fit but are clearly shit
Does anybody have any problems with the employees at the gym that you go to...
Began working fulltime
1000 lbs Club
FACT: If you can't do ten pull-ups you are objectively unfit
Chipotle now serves queso with chips
Tfw even the future King of England is bald
Can someone please explain to me why the fuck weights are so expensive?
Sleep addicts anonymous
/FPH/ Fat People Hate General
The protein "myth" has been floating around for generations. Historically...
Gains Goblin Stories
Best way to stop hair loss
Beach party
Will getting Veeky Forums help me get a tomboy gf?
Can do 2/3.5/4/5
Do i really have to buy all this shit in order to squat without hurting myself?
Are ab wheels a meme or not?
Surgery thread
If Texas Method is a shit program, what intermediate program should I do...
Gains can't pleasure women, but a big dick can, why the fuck aren't you big where it really counts Veeky Forums?
Are you fit enough to survive 3,000,000 years ago
Why do you lift?
Unnpopular Opinion
/plg/ Panzer Lifting General
Is Veeky Forums still 'mirin?
Is there anything more æsthetic than the bicep vein?
So what do you guys typically eat for breakfast?
Get back from a run
"An adult male is at least 200lbs."
How do i cook it? I tried boiling it but it didn't cut it for me, too dry and baking it barely makes a difference
Why does Veeky Forums hate the pad more than anything?
Jerking off as Cardio
Good practical and though martial art to do with little brother?
Tfw American-born Pajeet
What protein bars to get?
How can I get ride of my dark circles? I already sleep 7-9 hours a night
Why do you lift?
WDYL-Thread (Why Do You Even Lift)
2 years worth of gains granted instantly
Tfw bulking
Realistic goal bodies thread
Lads any of you have experience with having a GF who is a fussy eater?
Training legs more than once a week
Changing at work
Gym Etiquette
Experimenting in the gym/Anectotal Evidence thread:
Veeky Forums meta thread
Unpopular Veeky ForumsOpinions Thread
CBT - Winter bulk starts now esition
Facial Muscles
What mode is this?
I lift everyday so I can punch Nazis and prepare for civil war to kill fascists
/FAT/ "I'll start monday" edition
What is the ONE thing you wish you could go back in time and tell yourself before you started lifting?
Smoking promotes the production of testosterone and protects your lungs from (((pathogens)))
The gym alpha throws me on the floor, and open up his bag, taking out his muscle measuring tools...
Is this the ultimate natty limit ?
How to be Chad: A Study in Chadliness
Stop training legs
Any tips on how you can approach that cute boy in the gym? Rspeically someone who looks to be a few year younger
How you holding up, Veeky Forums?
BBC Genetics explained
Hello Veeky Forums
My alcholism is killing my gains
Is having a gf good or bad for self improvement and goals? What are the short/long term effects?
What do you think?
Would being my size be your nightmare?
Am i a fag for squatting in the smith machine?
/sex/ health general
Ayy lmao
Hands down, best natty Veeky Forums youtuber
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Is he Natty?
How do i get people to leave me alone at the gym?
Time for one of these
Daily reminder whether or not you should squat and deadlift is determined by GENETICS
Is this the ideal female body?
User, how come chad looks better than you even though he doesn't "lift"
Walk into the gym
Can you post pictures of what people who hit 1/2/3/4 look like?
Besides a chicken sandwich what are some Veeky Forums approved sandwiches and sandwich recipes for some serious gainz...
Can we get a progress thread going?
How do I achieve Morning Leader mode?
Walking towards a bus stop
Dream thread
Gym Twinks
Why don't intermediate and advanced lifters train more intelligently?
Genius program for free
I just realized that natty is short for natural
Women prefer Slenderman arms
Fraud (Steroids general)
Not eating your boogers for maximum gains
Guys I can't take this. Yesterday, my girl announced that she fucked another dude...
Does anyone take this goon seriously?
Why does no one on Veeky Forums talk about olympic weightlifting anymore?
Success stories Veeky Forums?
Hang out with girl yesterday night
Name ONE (1) thing this man has ever said that was wrong
Do you guys wear cologne or deo to the gym?
When that nofap test boost kicks in
"Losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time? That sir is simply improbable"
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
What's so unhealthy about burgers again? They're basically just meat and vegetables
What is your motivation for lifting weights
What mode is this?
I just got banned from my gym guys
Whats his end game?
Born with small calves
What is your injury and how badly is it fucking up your training?
What's the core exercise that you live by?
You know what pisses me off?
Hey Veeky Forums are there any other fellow addicts in recovery here
Is 5/3/1 a meme? When should I consider 5/3/1?
More girls in the gym recently
Hey i'm skinnyfat atm but a week ago i started working out; my regime is as follows:
How come some people can get 100kg bench just fucking around on a meme split not even actually trying or aiming for...
How do Olympic lifters increase their gains while staying within their weight class...
How do I bang MILFs?
So Veeky Forums, why isn't your penis big? you can't pleasure a beautiful woman with gains at all m8
Parkour or Nah?
/fast food/
What does it take to be "80's hot"?
What is this mode?
The dyel who does box jumps for 30 minutes, then leaves
Who /international chest day monday/ here?
Push Up Thread. LET EM ROLL BOYS
ITT: Last rep face
/fit approved movies and shows
Mode thread
Will things get better bros? Still mourning
Are guys with big butts aesthetic?
Question for all of the long haired Veeky Forumsizens...
Why do normies say weightlifters have big egos?
Veeky Forums style
He's beating her right?
Biglets can't compete
So now the dust has well and truly settled and it has been decided that full body is the greatest routine for natties...
I went into the gym to try my first Push day, but had some issues
Who else here lifts to protect capitalism from leftists?
First time posting here, so feel free to tell me I'm an idiot if I do this wrong
/FPH/ Fat People Hate General
How many of you faggots are still falling for the meme instead of eating animals for your gains?
What is Chad called in your country/region?
How can I try to weaken down Sleep Apnea?
Tinder thread
What mode is this?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Mew/Tongue Posture General: 3rd edition
What mode is that guy laying on his stomach?
Work out
The Dutch Giant awakens to set the record straight
Is there any way I could become a chad?
Phd student
Gym Anxiety General
Got any more of these? i find them really motivating for some weird reason
Walk into gym
Why isn't this the king of fit?
Day 2 /nosip/
ITT: fictional motivational figures
Music to lift to?
Are asian girls the most aesthetic?
His height starts with 5
Workout everyday
/CBT/ - Current Body Thread
I lift to defend global capital from leftist subhumans
Is it ok to workout while having a cold?
What does it feel like to bust your ass several hours a week in the gym to sculpt and perfect your body...
Connor Murphy
What mode is this?
Hello Veeky Forums, I have never posted here before but I need help...
Make way for the future ms olympia faggots
/run/ - Running General
Hello Veeky Forums! Time to see how much you look at male bodys. Tell me who this is
Who /2pl8/ club in here?
How do you maintain a social life while living the ''fitness lifestyle''
Mfw I finally hit lmao2pl8 bench
24 years old
He doesn't press with a double layback
How the fuck are you supposed to get the dumbbells up to setup for the first rep, without someone helping you?
Gym Anxiety
Who is /fat/ for?
How do you reconcile the fact that red meat is carcinogenic but that your fitness fanatic diet encourages eating a ton...
Gain blessed countries
Itt: "superfoods" aka food that is unusually nutritious
Give your best advice you have. Ill start
Vegan General
So if alcohol kills gains how am I supposed to deal with the crippling anxiety?
SARM suppression
Sips general
"Ok, now please you take off your shirt"
ITT Veeky Forums is all female
Im a guy with child-bearing hips, thunderthighs and a small upper frame. How should I train?
Today i found out im 169 cm (5'5 or 5'6 in NA)
Not tipping the gym receptionist
Meet Canada's future Prime Minister, Jagmeet Singh
How the fuck do NFL players keep their size while doing so much conditioning/burning calories?
Will smoking 1 (one) gram of Hash (pic related)
Been smoking for about 3 years now, ~half a pack a day... looking to give this shit up
Lads what goes through your head when you see a 6'3+ beast killing it in the gym?
A girl born without arms and legs does deadlifts
Just eat eggs bro, they're the best!
Who does Veeky Forums hate most?
Why don't rappers feel heartbreak
Why does "UFC fighter" Phil Brooks have so much loose skin? He was never fat
Get Veeky Forums
Tell me Veeky Forums, for whom do you lift for again?
You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?
Virginity or two pl8s
ITT Post your favorite Veeky Forumsness youtubers
Why do you lift user?
359lbs 5'10 have some muscle but really can't see it other than forearm and shoulders...
Lifting for many years
Brian Shaw--"Worlds Strongest Man"
He was a skaterboy
Noob gains pussy slay brag thread
Noob here
How do i get this body without steroids?
Tfw the fat black chick at work says you have really nice eyes
Always get told I'm handsome
What are my fellow Veeky Forumsizens going as for Halloween this year?
40% protein, 30% fat, 30% carb
Benefits of donating blood
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games