What sport produces the sexiest female physique?

What sport produces the sexiest female physique?

Hammer throw. That is of course, assuming you aren't low test.


Volleyball buns.

>think there is a giant hammer throwing amazon out there for you.
>turns out she's only 5'4"

>ywn she'll manhandle you, force you to cum multiple times while being choked out and make you suck on her tits while you cry


Sprinting if they don't go ham with the heavy use of masculanizing steroids.
That's it.

rock climbing

Gymnastics and dancing

Is this even a question? High test alpha coming through


pole vault

Drinking as many birth control pills soaked in soy milk as you can an hour.

sprinting/hurdling/pole vaulting

second on that no, all the women i see that rock climb have non existent booties and V tapers.

Birth control pills actually makes women far less fuckable and smell all wrong.

I love Sabina!

Anecdotal evidence but all the girls ive known who were on BC were much more sexual
There is a simple explanation for it though, girls who are sexually active and like sex usually want a reliable BC.
Girls who dont give a fuck about guys and are too high and mighty to give anyone the time of day dont need any form of contraception

Not basketball...

This is probably the most attractive female physique I've ever seen

A lot of the lifting girls fill out too much in the upper body which looks mannish

your opinions are wrong, kys

Have you unironically ever had a family member wonder if you are autistic?

If sex was a game shed be the boss battle

>TFW mom is ex basketball player

At least I'm not a manlet

Girls are gross

Stay Veeky Forums




What sports grow a chick's tits?

Cock bouncing is a kind of dance

she's fuckin ugly


holy shit




i don't know about best physique but holy shit dancers know how to move their hips. sex with a dancer is insanely good.

Probably sprinting, can't be bothered but those webMs of track demons bouncing around make me DI-O-MONDS

>my man
was about to post this

Wtf she has no ass

I'm low test I guess lmao fuckin gross

i want to join a volleyball team
h-how do i stop being scared of the ball when it comes at me? srs

You wouldn't know that though


Source : my oneitis

Have the ball come at you a lot of times. You'll eventually get used to it/realize it's not that scary.

You're gonna have to stop being a pussy and let them hit you until you're use to it

Volleyball produces the best toned physique with nice butts thats still feminine

eat ass

lol no

no one is going to have an ass with your legs spread that far out

no, the only good thing about gymnasts are their ass and flexibility. They have broad ass shoulders and lats, makes em look like manlets desu.

why didn't i play sports as a kid? one minute of practice with a friend and i turn into the little kid that would run away during gym class
i hate being scared of everything

Move hips like how?

The only answer here is a dancer. To be a top dancer it requires a nice ass and the ability to twerk really well.
>tfw no qt slav dancer to twerk on my average cock
One day tho I will make it.

i used to be scared of so many things, then i trained my pain resistance up with weight lifting and judo

your body and mind just gives up reacting to pain after a while

how can you even HOPE to satisfy this without at least an 8x6? you think you came prepared but them buttcheeks gonna test ya b r e h s

lol that's pretty gross

And I can guarantee my test is higher than yours by an order of magnitude.

>One even one user here mentions swimming.
kys nu-Veeky Forums

Pole dancing
I shit you not


Worst grills

how long did it take you?

Don't know about you bro, I thought lats on grills are pretty hot.

If it makes an hourglass-shaped body? Yeah I agree. Not so much if they just make a manly v-taper.


No point in a sexy physique if she can't use that physique to rassle

Why not wrestling then?

I don't like the v-taper man. I think some definition on girls is hot though, but swimmers tend to have wide shoulders and I don't dig that.

Probably gymnastics or long jump



I actually dig the V-taper ... am I ... am I a closet homosexual?

>am I a closet homosexual?
Do you like traps?

I used to date a swimmer. besides a little bit of ab and back she didn't really look fit. It's not gay but it's not the top tier sport for fit chicks either


Diving. Hands down. I think the sport is so challenging and competitive, but every time I see a diver, my thoughts go straight into the gutter. Every time.

Emily ronzo


is this even a question? bodybuilding specifically for a big butt. ill also take powerlifting as the right answer.

and ironically i wanna fuck the asexual girls. im done with sloots.

>takes a look at the Veeky Forumsgirl threads

>stronk adductors
>knowledgeable in riding
>good core

>lots of fat ones
>u better have big dick
>they're all fucking crazy

No clit feeling either

tittyfucking obviously.

Having babies makes women's tits grow. The only issue is that they also tend to sag a fair bit.



anavar-saturated roidchicks =/= hot feminine chick with thicc ass, quads, and hamstrings

dude just go to any uni gym and look at the chicks lifting weights. they are the best


Top fucking kek, this man speaks the truth, I'm average sized and I got a shot with a honest to God BRAPhog, thank God that iron like determination the Marine Corps instilled in me kicked into action or else I would've embarrassed myself

It's a pretty dope energy drink, what of it?


>She'll never force you to the ground, bend you like a pretzel, rip off your pants, and make you cum in your own face
Why even live?

Christ she's perfect.

>they're all fucking crazy

you got that fuckin right.

Yeah if you have a thing for mannish dykes

>tfw high test actually means its gonna test you

This is fucking perfect.

Fit yet still has that soft female look and nice hips.

Would have children and a nice life with.

Really? None of youse cunts posted this yet?