First time going to the gym

Today's gonna be the first time I ever go to the gym any advice? Something I should think about?

Get big :^ )

>Something I should think about?
Nothing and no one, user, but yourself

Dont let them see weakness, when you walk in, find the smallest person in the gym and start a fight with them.
It doesnt matter if you lose, people will know not to mess with you.

Your first time will feel a bit like a scout of the place rather than an actual workout. Go there, work up a sweat and get used to the layout.and general feel of the place Don't get intimidated going there either. Just keep at it and it will feel as natural as breathing after a while.

Dont be afraid to ask for help.
No one is judging you.

99% of cunts in the gym are lads

Advice is much appreciated, thank you

find the biggest meanest guy and beat him up or suck his dick. Then you're set. You have to assume at least a 1/3rd of your gym has been to prison.

by dont be afraid to ask for help, i mean you should ask for help, for first time ever you're going to do everything wrong

Do whatever you think is fun. This is the most important part of training that makes you come back. Everything else is details.

Bring your own lifting plug, public use ones are usually too much for newbies.

Headphones and ignore what everyone else is doing.

I'm a complete newbie and I don't know what a lifting plug is, and doubt I have one. Why should I bring my own if there are ones there?

Because the public ones are one-size-fits-all.
Assuming your are on the tighter end of the spectrum, itd be better for you to start small.


>dont be scared to ask someone for a spot or help in using some equipment
>bring a towel and dont leave your area a mess
>tip the receptionist on the way out

>tip the receptionist

Lmao, for what? Standing there?
Americans are weird

Don't be self-conscious and do things as if you were all alone. Don't sweat it when you realize you did something that might have looked stupid. Everyone makes mistake and then they got big because they didn't sweat it.

lifting butt plugs are only a meme untill you need one yourself, remember that.

it's a Veeky Forums meme don't do this

He said he was going to the gym, not prison.

All advice much appreciated, thank you

It's fucking courtesy, you Euro savage. Do you not tip concierges or maƮtre d's either? Tip your receptionist and join the civilized world. Goddamned continentals.

Be safe, be respectful, and most importantly... Have fun!

trust no one, not even yourself

Only focus on what you are doing and do it with perfect form. Because if you look around and realize that everyone is watching you and what you are doing you might get nervous and hurt yourself while making everyone in the gym laugh at you.

just stay out of my way