Is 5/3/1 a meme? When should I consider 5/3/1?

Is 5/3/1 a meme? When should I consider 5/3/1?

Up until today I've just fucked around in the gym doing whatever I felt like because honestly, that's the only way I could manage to get into the gym. I've tried routines before but after a while I lose motivation because I think "fuck, today is day."

I found myself going 3-4 days a week consistently knowing I can just do whatever I feel like doing.

Anyway, today was my first day of 5/3/1 and I can barely feel my legs. The progression seems really slow, would I be better off just doing what I was doing and increasing 5lbs each time?

I've done 5-3-1 several times.

Not once did it actually build any muscle.

I smell a bamboozle.

Why the fuck is your squat so shit?

Injured a long time ago so I switched to a bro split, neglecting legs. Eventually recovered from injury but dreaded squatting.

just do jokersets if you feel good. DO first set last set as hypertrophy. Do shoulders and stuff like that for health and size.

do this
if you build muscle or get stronger on anything but deadlift on the original, barebones 5/3/1 you are a beginner or a genetic freak

the original program has one working set a week per exercise and a bunch of accessory work to make that up, total garbage

If you use the layout of the program as a guide you can tailor it to suit whatever you want and whatever level you are at.

Common complaints are:

Progress is too slow
- It gives you a formula to calculate a score on your main set of each day. Use this as a guide to work out how much weight to add each week. It will be different for each lift - try and be reasonably consistent though and learn from experience.

Not enough volume
- The appropriate amount of volume will depend hugely on your lifting experience. If you're a beginner do the basic program. If you are more advanced and need more volume you should have an inkling by now how much you need so do the right amount. Do another 5x5 squats at a lower weight after the 5/3/1 if you want, play around with different accessory work programs.
- Accessory work doesn't have to be isolation exercises and situps, it can be more squats, benching or whatever.

Don't build muscle
- Do more volume (see above) and eat more.

It's a good program which takes things slower and can give you consistent strength gains for a long time after you get past linear progression.

The other option is program hopping every time you plateau. Which is fine and can work well too but will always be a bit hit and miss - depends on what you prefer.

* I meant how much weight to add each 3 or 4 week cycle.
Also feel free to skip the deload week whenever you feel you don't need it.

Whether you need it or not will depend on how much volume you are pushing.
Again, its all strategy and personal preference - if you prefer to go really hard you will need the week off, or you can not go so hard and will rarely need it.

Do Nsun's 5/3/1 . the original 5/3/1 is made for people with already huge lifting numbers that have very slow progression. Nsun's just takes 3 weeks of progression and puts it into 1 with way more volume.
you just need to add a bunch of accessories depending on your goals/weaknesses

People who didn't make gains on 5 3 1 didn't understand the program. It's all about getting submaximal rep prs which is why it's based on a training max approximately 85-90% of your real max. You should really be hitting over 8+ reps on your 5 day 6+ reps on your 3 day and 4+ reps on your 1 day.

Joker sets I generally used when I hit a certain number of reps (9, 7, and 5 on 5 3 1 days respectively) If I was feeling fatigued or burned out I left these out. After the main set I would do a fsl amrap back off set.

I would also do BBB (5×10) but with the alternate movement (I.e. OHP on bench day, squat on deadlift day etc) You can do this as 50% of your main lift but I prefer to do an alternate movement like db bench or front squat which I progress separately.

After that it's general assistance with a lot of upper back and arm work on upper days or hyperextensions and unilateral work on lower days.

>Fsl on deadlift day
C-can I just skip that part
Every other beginner program/routine only calls for 1 working set

it's always a very brutal set but honestly you kinda get used to it after a couple of weeks
People tend to underestimate how much effort they can put in
I never understood that 1 working set for deads honestly

the one working set of deadlift a week shit is fucking moronic

notice how no actual successful powerlifting coaches program one set of deadlifts a week for beginners? that should tell you something

I'd substitute it for more squats if I were you
Maybe fronts if you're tired
And don't forget to remember your chinups and rows

What are your lifts? 5/3/1 is only for strong people, and even then you need the correct accessory setup for your goals.

5/3/1 works just fine for intermediates, and there are even beginner templates out there

I'd bet all my reddit gold that he did original 5/3/1 without joker sets and FSL and it just didn't have anywhere near enough volume

5/3/1 isn't for beginners?

That's my thought too.

In the book he describes what changes to make for beginners, and how progression on accessories should be for beginners/intermediates.

nSuns 5/3/1 is, which is the one he's talking about

Someone tell me if I'm just hurting myself in the long run with this routine, I think there might be a bit too much volume but I really want to make the most out of this bulk.

Been on it for 4 weeks and it's killing me, but it's doable if I push myself. Have made probably cns noob gains on all my lifts, TMs were at 115/155/205/215 lbs when I started.

Main lifts in the morning before work and accessories in the afternoon on lunch break.