What anime does Veeky Forums watch to get hyped for lifting?
Nothing makes me want to lift heavy more than wanting to see and protect the smiles of my 2D friends.
What anime does Veeky Forums watch to get hyped for lifting?
Nothing makes me want to lift heavy more than wanting to see and protect the smiles of my 2D friends.
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Jojo can get a person hyped for basically anything, shit is cash.
Hell yeah man
>mfw pr on The Press
>gateway animu
This hurts the gains.
There's no good anime for pre-lifting.
But watching cute SoL after lifting feels really, really good.
Dubbed Saiyajin-Cell arc DBZ
Berserk anime and first two ova
Recent Fist of the North Star OVA
Baki the Grappler
Hajime no ippo
Same one that got me hyped for guns
>But watching cute SoL after lifting feels really, really good.
My man. Nichijou is GOAT after lifting.
The one with my waifu. If I think of her mid rep I gain strength
This, I watch my Chinese cartoons post lifting as a reward, but only if I do well
>be a tessa fag
>go back and watch
Kaname was truly best girl
It is crucial and lucky that people like you exist that will take one for the team by going for one of the worse girls. That way I can be with my one true love. Thanks user!
Baki grappler is pretty motivational tier
Ashitaka demon strength was pretty cool
Some crazy shit Gainax and his successors make, like TTGL, KKL, FLCL, Gun/Daibuster
>inb4 muh trendy anime
Its fun and the characters recovering from Snap City is relatable
Unironically the best anime as of late
All of these scenes in Mob 100. Such fucking bros
Initial D, Symphogear, Fullmetal Alchemist and Gurren Lagann. Occasionally the Rock Lee fights from Naruto and Zatch Bell if I'm in the mood.
How is this thread health or fitness related?
I love how they look like they were going to be douches but turned out to be super nice and actually help out the mc.
Mental health related
>Fullmetal Alchemist
Old or new? I fucking loved Brotherhood, want to look like King Bradley when I'm old.
I'm conflicted.
In the old one, there were actual consequences to things. Tons of people fucking died. Plus it felt more emotionally involved in things like Nina. The ending didn't make sense worth a damn though and it leaves you feeling empty.
The new one feels much more complete, but there are times when it lacks the character of the original. That said, Greed and Ling are the best character. The ending makes much more sense and it just feels good in general, but there was basically no consequences to what happened.
Hajime no Ippo
>watching anime to get hyped for lifting
faggot. I read Holyland, Kokou no Hito, Sun Ken Rock and Ajin.
Based kaname
too soon
>not being full on tessafag
>not watching NGE whenever you're depressed
Name a better coming of age story.
>reading 2000 chapters of "Yamato Damashii" and "use both hands boy"
no thanks
I felt embarrassed just reading that, OP.
kill yourselves, there is nothing good about this show, even all might is a pussy and a fraud
an*Me is degenerate. Go back to
Do namefags and tripfags really think they have any place to say anything to anyone?
Real niggas listen to Kuroko OST while lifting
post a song, I've been building my ultimate weeb work out playlist and am always looking for new additions
I only watch sport anime with handsome guys so I can use them as goals and fantasize about fucking the otome self-insert girl these shows always have
I lift for femRanma.
DBZ, obviously.
Whoa, a Sawako-fag.
An honor to be in your presence.
just lol if you ain't watch boku no pico before a PR attempt
Tendou reminds me of my qt Chinese gf when she's around me and makes my dick rock hard.
I couldn't watch this while working out I'd start crying and have an extnetional crisis.
But no can't name a better one show is a masterpiece.
It is literally shonen made perfect. Not revolutionising at all but so entertaining.
>childhood is lifting for Chitori
>adulthood is lifting for Akko
>heres the story of how i became a hero
>abloo bloo bloo i wanna be a hero liek all the other kids
>here take this ultimate power
>proceeds to lose every fight hes ever in
>focuses on one off characters or the 30+ secondary characters instead of the story
>copypaste OPM minus the humor
I shall throw you into the gas chambers.
>the whitest character in the show, blonde hair and blue-ish eyes.
That's quite a stretch.
>Recent Fist of the North Star OVA
The fuck you talking about? There is no such thing. Its been 13 years since the last FotNS OVA.
You're mad they're not making a season 2 of an anime you like or something.
Its fucking trash tier shonen and if you like it you have awful taste.
>t-there cant possibly be anything wrong with this thing i like, you just randomly just this thing to hate because youre angry for some reason
smells like denial
White women don't act like that, though. They are manish and ugly.
>seeking approval in good taste from a 4chin poster in a closeted homosexuality board
I do believe you found flaws in it you dont like and thats fine.
I dont believe you can be this mad about it without having some personal issue with it.
believe what you want nigger, I'm not the one wasting my time watching and shilling garbage shows
>le plus ultra!!! XDXD
naruto 2.0
Anything KyoAni
Sailor Moon
And my waifu
jojo, but only part one and two, because there is no way Polnareff isn't juicing. He would be a skinny frenchman if Butenandt never got cooking in the kitchen.
>>copypaste OPM minus the humor
What? How? can understand you not liking a series but calling it a OPM knockoff is dumb.
>watching the anime adaptation
The faggotry is off the fucking charts. Go away posers.
if I were to pick up all the volumes at the same time, that would be a workout in itself, which would make it pointless.
>liking the shitty drawings in the manga
Pls be trolling
Jeez Whats up with this amount of normies recently?Did someome from here killed himself or shoot a school?
Yuru Yuri
>posts dub
Massive influx of users from GG onwards, especially on /pol/ during trump elections. Now they spill over into other boards pretending they have been here since forever despite not once having touched anime or manga. If you aren't into manga or anime you haven't been here for all that long, which is fine, just don't be a pompous redditmoralfag about it informing us of the degeneracy it causes or whatnot.
Mugi, the waifuest
I dont lift for no 2d women though.
I can make any show sound bad by being hyperbolic about it too
Name some non-trash shonen then
You're wasting your time going autistic about people liking them though.
>naruto is bad
We all grew up on stuff like it. Watching Evangelion and Cowboy Bebop or whatever is your le patrician anime of choice doesn't forbid you from enjoying more juvenile stuff as well
>Name some non-trash shonen then
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Jojo is ridden with plotholes, bad pacing, cheap animation and other issues. It's fun and I liked it, but it doesn't make a good case to why Hero Academia would be so shitty
>tfw roy was shitting on manlets before it was cool
>worse girl
Everyone thinks of the person they love as the best. For you, ritsu is better than everyone and for me sawako is better than everyone. I'm happy for you and your waifu
Really love this one. Characters develop well. Seriously just them training to get stronger the whole time, real well done seeing them get new powers etc...
>reading to get hyped
this show feels like it was made for male pedophiles
>tfw Edward made short guys cool
Alfonse was clearly stronger than him though. He was also the better character and if anyone disagrees you are a pleb.
It's got that one wierd tranny in it but I dunno why you'd think that otherwise, you pedo
I'm the guy that kills pedos
Just like every japanese cartoon then
Hokuto no ken is my pre workout
Haikyuu!!, NGNL, Shokugeki, TTGL.
The most badass motherfuckers on the planet get killed by a blond qt trap with red eyes
>holding cocked gun to forehead
As for anime, any harem with an actual ending, the /a/ drama threads for the MCBowl are just too much fun.