Exercises only you do at your gym


pic related

it is part of the program I am currently following (PHUL)

these fuck my knee up massively


>hamstring curls
>fucking up your knees
what are you doing? where does it hurt

Don't know, I lose tension in my knee when I do them.

I can't put pressure on my left knee if I do those, it's really weird. That's the only exercise that fucks up my knee, which is a pain, because it's a killer exercise

knee flexion isn't supposed to put pressure on your knees, can you do extensions without pain?


lmao that's weird, never heard that before. usually it's the other way around

Standing OHP. Only a few other people do OHP and always seated

Hammer curls, trap bar shrugs/farmers walks, stretching.


the BRADFORD press

lying hip extensions
full rom pullups/chinups
weighted pullups/chinups
barbell squats
i go to an old people gym with powercages, feels good man

Bent over rows.

Standing OHP, Deaflifts, Barbell Rows and i'm the only man doing squats.

behind the neck press. Inb4 snap city for shoulders, I do ~65lbs for lots of reps

same here OP, I think there has to be one and only one of those wannabe-klokovs like us in every gym

I hope to live up to him one day..

Standing overhead triceps extensions and facepulls

I've seen one other guy who weighs like 40lbs less than me do a single ugly one-arm-at-a-time muscle up.


anything with an ab wheel

weighted pullups i do often but rarely see anyone else do them, it's a busy commercial gym but maybe once a month i see someone do them

>full squats
>stand ohp
>bent row
>pull up
>chin up

my gym sucks
on the other hand, i own the squat rack

Behind the neck ohp

Good men

>not being able to push press lmao3sticcs

Floor press.

Towel grip pullups
heavy pause squats
dragon flags (saw 1 other guy do them)

- Standing OHP
- Farmer walks
- Power cleans
- Front squats

Power snatch

Behind the Neck push press and Lu Raises are the only exercises I can think of that only I do. There's one or two other olympic lifters who do the lifts. Most dudes at the gym just do bench, curls, lat pulldowns, cable flies, quarter squats, and deadlifts.

Apparently, squat to depth. Lots of people squat, but very very rarely do I see anyone else get to depth.

I love my gym. I really do. But I've had it up to HERE with these monthly butthole inspections.

I put a lot of thought into my workout program. I've made it, easily. There's no reason I should have to endure the humiliation of going before the gym owner and his trainers, dropping my squat plug, bending over, and spreading wide for a full anal analysis.

According to the chart, my b-hole is a "Cheerio" type, the smallest allowable size in our gym. I get bitched at for this every time, but I honestly don't know how to fix it? Gym Lord himself claims to have a "Fruit Loop" which is the "statistically perfect fitness anus."

This system never really bothered me until last week, when I saw a really ripped friendly Chad banished from our gym for sporting a "bagel" anus, which is three sizes too big. (Our gym only goes from "Cheerio" to "mini-doughnut," although exceptions can be made based on the shape of the hole and level of pinkness).

It's also unfair how the guys with the best assholes get first pick of squat racks as well as free premium plugs. I contribute more to our gym than anyone in Gym Lord's inner circle, but get rejected from their clique because I was born with a "less impressive" anus. By the way, I have seen the holes of every guy in the top 10, and they're hardly majestic.

On top of this, there's the obvious problem of not being able to eat the morning of my routine or the night before, for fear of accidentally passing gas during the inspection. That's a worse crime than excessive hair, or even failing to thoroughly wipe yourself. The one and only guy I've ever seen play the butt trumpet during his inspection was blacklisted from every gym in the state. I'm not going to lie though, if I ever wanted to quit working out, I'd do so by deliberately ripping a toot right in the head inspector's smug face.

Sorry for the rant. I just feel like the normalization of anal inspections has cheapened my once-noble, fit hobby. But I understand if you disagree.

jefferson deadlifts. dead serious. but I'm closing on 5pl8 so people know they don't have the right to say anything since literally no one can pull 4pl8 at my gym, not even conventional.
also snatch grip btn presses, again no one can strict ohp for a single what I snatch press for reps.
feels good being the strongest at your gym. might try some even sillier looking lifts. zercher deads are a favourite of mine.

this. Well, a regular sideplank.
I got scoliosis, and before squatting, I *have to* do a short sideplank, otherwise there's a "hole" in my braced core where my spine curves.
I'm not sure which muscle that is desu, since it's at the lower back, probably internal obliques?

Sumo front squats

For the gloots

Any kind of leg training.

Press (aka overhead press)
Barbell rows
Some kettlebell warm ups (halo's, swings, etc)

Seen couple of guys doing squats few times bad that's all.

I did bent presses once but I got away with it because I'm the strongest guy at my gym.
>tfw you can see all the normies desperately want to say something but deep down they know they're too weak to adress you as a peer
>tfw pretty sure all the dyels there talk about me behind my back and call me a dumb meathead or something
>mfw in reality they all fear me and every one of them is aware of that but they try and maintain a facade when they talk to each other despite each of them knowing perfectly that the others are as scared of me as they are

Out of my way faggots, bent press master race coming through.

Parallel squat


Power Cleans

I saw one other guy do a set 2 years ago

Squats, deadlifts, dips

I think I'm the only one training weighted pullups? Not sure though.

aint guardmans just like real life

i'm literally the only person in my gym who does shoulder/hip mobility

and my gym is supposedly a "box"

Dragon flag

I lift in my home gym half the time but sometimes I'll go to a gym nearby with a friend. I usually keep the unconventional lifting to a minimum just to be sure people won't bother me.