Am I right here? My dad does not believe me

Am I right here? My dad does not believe me.

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This is a bait thread

This is a bait thread

he is suggesting I get surgery. should I do it?

Not sure what app this is so whose who?

youve never seen an iphone? do you live under fucking boulder?

This is a bait thread

This is a bait thread

your father is so supportive, you're a lucky guy

I know this is bait but I feel sorry for that dad

No I have never seen an iphone in person.

I dont own a cell phone or use facebook or any of that bull shit.

This is a bait thread

This is a bait thread

You are beyond lucky to have a father that supports you.

Read the sticky, learn about proper nutrition.
Get a check up from a doctor, advise him of your goals.
Weight loss and quality of life is easily achievable and maintainable with the right knowledge.

I hope you die OP. Seriously.


Your dad is a stand up guy, I would've probably disowned you or killed myself if I knew I raised such a faggot, but hes sticking with it. Go do the procedure, lose the weight, get fit and realise what a great dad you have and thank him for it.

read about 'set points'

Tell me about your life pls

Your father is disappointed in you, and you are a failure of a son.

You should be lucky you have such a supporting father, but its squandered on an ungrateful son who simply makes excuses and latches to bullshit "scientific realities" (PROTIP: There is no scientific reality to your bullshit).

To answer your question: You are wrong, and your dad is right.

I know this is a bait thread, but I fell for the bait.

>There is no scientific reality to your bullshit
THERE WERE STUDIES OF STARVATION MODE. THE HUNGER HORMONES GO THROUGH THE ROOF. THE WILLPOWER DROPS TO NOTHING. You want to know the equivelant: never pee, never jack off, never breath. once you are 100 lb overweight you are FUCKED

I work, exercise, go hiking and camping a lot, get laid regularly.

Most the places I go don't have a reception and if I am not home I am out enjoying myself already and don't need to talk to you anyway.

>what does he mean by this

Ketofags and many more recent studies already proved "starvation mode" is bullshit, and perfectly healthy process.

>the rest of your post
Is this english?

> once you are 100 lb overweight you are FUCKED
There are hundreds if not thousands of people on leddit (/r/progresspics) that prove this wrong. Who am I to believe, actual evidence, or some fat fuck that doesn't have the mental fortitude to put down the fork?

have a (you)

bullshit that you can tell yourself when you fail instead of getting back at it.

OP you should fast completely. Your body needs to readjust. Your hormones are all fucked up from (correct me if I'm wrong, but) exercising at a deficit for half a year. Give your body a hard reset, a chance to reset its hormonal balances and metabolism. I know this post will get over looked and most of this retarded board won't agree with it, but from my personal understanding of human biology it is exactly what you need.

Fast for 2-3 days at the least. Water, coffee, vitamins only.

Youre right op. Theres no reason to even try at this point for you. Go eat a big chocolate cake and a couple pints of ice cream. Who cares about diabetes in this day and age anyway. Just dont use any public medical care, theyll just tell you to lose weight. You know how 'doctors' can be.

This thread, the thread I am posting in, it is a bait thread.

This is definitely a bait thread

>food is the only source of energy for the body
>remove food
>no source of energy

>"Increased energy"

That's just the most obvious example
Every single one of those claims is false, your body functions on food, without nutrients you will become ill and die

I know this is bait. But for those who have the same question

perceived "energy" doesn't mean literal energy, you don't get energized by coffee because of the calories fuck head. This is bait so fuck off, if you aren't baiting kys.

Fucking OP just kill yourself. Please.

fuck user i would kill to have a dad as supportive as yours.

dont squander it by being a weak bitch.

This is a bait thread

OP is a faggot

>lose 50 lbs
>"it doesn't work"

>i do not want to be around fat people
says the fatass lmao

i hope this is bait

if it's not i hope you realize your'e an absolute retard. you're gaining the weight back because you're eating more food. your weight gain is your own doing. kys

This is bumming me out, your dad is too good for you.

lost 5 more pounds since the after pic too, if I can do it anyone can stop making excuses.

I've dropped 85 lb since Late March. If not bait, you're just a bitch.

>i do not want to be around fat people
neither does your dad, who is being painfully supportive btw

Your dad is, perhaps, too supportive of you.

He loves you, but he should let you suffer a heart attack. For your own good.

holy shit dude you're on a fitness board
take the advice of the people who manipulate their bodyfat every day
this shit's fucking easy
count your macros and observe the BF% you want simply come into play
but if you wanna latch onto all your sissy bullshit studies be my guest faggot
don't come on here and ignore good advice because 'muh studies'

can we make laws against these bait threads, or the retards who post them?
like, if this is fucking real, I'm so fucking mad that I wasted time reading all this fucking bait shit holy fuckinggod
I pray that the average person, the average fucking person, doesn't talk or behave like this
this is like a fucking animal walking around just fucking parroting whatever fucking sounds it likes
"muh studies say I don't have to work to understand my environment, they say it's pointless"
"better give up"
fucking faggot shit makes me so fucking mad to even try to understand from his perspective
he has no fucking perspective
drags his dad down
drags himself down
fucking be a man, faggot
take control of your fucking body, you're fucking everything up

I know this is bait. But I also know that people like what you are pretending to be actually exist. My hatred helps keep me going.


If this thread isn't bait you should kill yourself. I'd tell you to hang yourself or jump off a bridge, but the rope would snap and you can't get your greasy rolls over the railing.


Kys yourself

This shit quality bait can't gave this many replies, are you samefagging and changing your IP each time you post?

wow this makes me wish I had a dad

>owning overpriced garbage
Wew lad

Does this count?

>i have shit self control and blame muh genetics

sleep tight ponper

I hope you choke on a greasy burger and die you fat fucking waste of space. Your dad is trying to help you but you're too fucking lazy and stupid to take it. Why do faggots like you get to keep your fathers while mine withered away and died from cancer. Fuck you.

Stop making excuses you lazy piece of shit.

I really and truly hope you stroke out and die.

you people need to read up on 'set points'. If your body isn't the weight it intends, it will just explode unending amounts of hunger hormones until you stuff yourself. it all malfunctions. some people have different genetics/body chemistries.


I hope you die. Do you happen to have a brother, so you based father who doesn't deserve a piece of shit like you as a son can raise a functional human that will make him proud?

>hunger hormones

Things which you can ignore if you try really really really hard. Cravings start normal, chocolate, fatty meats etc, but you know you're really making progress when you look in the fridge and get a sudden urge to down a bottle of soy sauce. That's when you're pushing yourself.

It's not a set weight point, it's a set caloric deficit. As you lose weight you have to further lower your calories and when your calories are lower than you've had them in a really long time you will crave everything. It's just a matter of getting through it really, once it's over it's over. If you really want it, make it one of your primary objectives in life and go for it like you would anything else that's important to you. If you don't really want it then you probably won't make it, that's the reality of life.


Honestly man, you're 35lbs down. You've obviously been doing the right thing, all you have to do is continue exactly how you've been going.


your poor dad, man.
i wonder if he imagined he'd be spending his later years taking care of his fat autistic son.
I'm sure this is exactly how he planned for his and your life to turn out.