user, why did you start lifting?
User, why did you start lifting?
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I just want to wear weird looking clothes and pose like an autistic fashion model while being ripped so I even if I act really retarded, people will still think I look good
i have a nice face, and i was told i have a lot of "potential." started lifting to fill out that potential i guess, as vain as it sounds
I'm angry.
To stop being a skinny bitch. Now I'm a slightly less skinny bitch
Because I had a crush on this girl from high school. Didn't get her.
this and Im also masochistic a fair amount. albeit less than be4
This is healthies way to get it out of my system for the day hahaha.
I hate that people dont live or have Ideals. Few do, 99% are men. Why do women put so little effort into their life? I put so much I want to find a woman worthy of me. Sometimes I think I do, then she puts a cigarette in her mouth and I cry a little. Women are supposed to be God's GIFT to MAN, and they are wasting themselves without guidance led astray by this insane absolutely insane world. Everyday I see another beauty ruined at hands of too ugly of a guy for her, or she smokes, or she drinks like a sailor, or she talks like a whore outside of bedroom. Just disappointed with the state of those things.
I achieved a lot and there is not a single woman I can fuck without feeling I lost something. Because I devalue myself with fucking sluts so why do it when a thug across the street can do it. Pussy is cheap and worthless today.
I want to go out and just kill kill kill every pleb peasant I see.
Which is fucked up considering Im a medical doctor.
user, why do you keep making the same thread?
This is why
>I want to go out and just kill kill kill every pleb peasant I see.
how about you fuckin do it little miss internetwarrior?
holy shit are you me
For you my jewish princess. Also because I dont want to be smaller then my little brothers
You're gonna make it
for an actress you'll never meet that will soon be out of her prime?
that's silly
Crush muh enemies
To stay healthy so I can live longer for my ten year old son, who is ill. He needs me.
I almost puked one day looking at myself on the mirror. (true story)
Thats a better reason but I stand by mine.
because being 6"4 AND fat is like being a 1/10 on the scale, but being 6"4 AND ripped is like being at least an 8.9/10.
most of all i just want to be able to fit cool streetwear so i can splash my money on a $1000 supreme shirt and pretend i skate.
because I loved my best friend... but they could never love me back, I wanted to protect them, so I got in shape to join the military, that way I could be there for them when they needed me.
That's what he's waiting for, m8
The reason i lift is so that i have the intrinsic confidence to confront woman i seem to unintentionally take a liking towards in a romantic manner.
At this very moment in time any sexual interaction with females has come short of fulfilling my desire to feel needed in this world.
May god be with me when that time arrives were my interest in a specific specimen truly reaches a maximum and sex becomes more than just a empty genetic carnal desire.
As i come forth with my desperate wish for love, partnership and presumed happiness through female interaction. Some of you may question the achieve-ability and mere sanity of my wish.
To those i would like to say the following words: isn't it a great and righteous dream to not just live for oneself? to be able to base one selves reason for existence on a person who can match this provided desire in sincerity and intensity?
True love must be one of the most beautiful parts of being a concrete implementation of the abstraction called humanity.
Wouldn't all of you be able to agree on this point? But don't waver in resolve my fellow partners.
There is always a chance. As long as we keep improving ourselves in ways that peek female interests we will improve our chances to the highest point possible in changing destiny itself.
But what if this incredible amount of effort is not enough? Well if i may say so many victims of circumstance had to put every part of their souls on this very idea of hope in many moments in history.
What makes us better than these people? In my humble opinion absolutely nothing. As pain in whatever form it arrives it is still pain. Only the methods of salvation from this pain differ in method.
As to sum my story of existence i would like to state that the hope of love is the reason i lift.
because men are expected to be physically capable, our modern society is eroding what it means to be a man by saying 'it's okay to sit around playing vidya drinking soda and growing mantits'.
i need to outperform normies and i'd like to be fit into old age so i can play with my grandchildren
you'll make it user
Same desu.
I wanted big guns and big pecs. And the reason why I keep lifting right now is because I like the feeling of having a pump, regardless of which muscle the pump is in.
I want to be strong like in my animes. Later on I realised it's impossible/useless, but I persist.
I saw Eminem's concert in NYC in 2005 on youtube and thought he looked huge and I wanted to be like him.
for bella...for love
I've been very insecure about my body since I was a teenager. I have an asymmetric chest, am relatively hairy and had gyno. I have a decent face and have always been athletic so people assumed I was some sort of Chad. People automatically sort you with a certain group of people without even knowing you, so it's hard to break out of their preconceptions. Nobody could see that I was completely broken up inside. Needless to say I had a hard time making friends. I always wore long, loose fitting shirts and pants to hide my gyno and bodyhair. (in the noughties there was a period in which this was effay so I could actually hide myself and still be effay).
I got the gyno removed two years ago and started working out to fill out my chest. I have since become way less insecure and in about a year or so I might even have a somewhat normal looking chest. So yeah, that's why I lift. For myself.
For the white race
every fucking day
>tfw forgot why i lift and only do it out of habit
>used to life for "her" then i started lifting for myself, then Goku
>now i don't know why i lift, i feel like I'm at war with the weights
Urban Dredd is best Dredd.
Sequel when?
this. you can wear autistic clothing and pull it off when ripped. shit that usually makes you look weird when you're skinny.
That's like 50% of the board
>posting that disgusting kike tranny
Self image issues. Fell for he SS meme, got fat and now have even bigger self image issues.
>he thinks he's fighting for his country
Good goy, go fight and die for your zionist overlords
Because I'm simultaneously the most vain and self conscious person I know. Also I feel better and more masculine when I work out
I wanna curl my little sisters.
because 10x10 near-max deadlifts every day is the only thing preventing me from killing myself
My chad best friend dragged me out of my fat fuck self-destruction cycle, talked with me and called me to go with him to the gym. He taught me how to lift and all.
I will never be grateful enough.
yep, can confirm
To prepare for the inevitable racewar.
So that my ass looks Glorious when I get plowed on Grindr dates
Wh-where is the ass?
So you're saying SS doesn't work?
To stop my crippling alcoholism and depression
It hasn't worked, but I look great
>first off i wanted to get bigger so i can get tats
>then it was a girl
>then i got dumped
>now it's only a resentment and anger filled war with the weights
i'm enjoying it though
Sensible chuckle . gif
Got dumped. Been over that for a long time, now I just lift to keep myself occupied with something relatively constructive.
I was a fat autistic neckbeard and decided to improve myself, now I'm a dyel introverted neckbeard
I was fat, bro.
I started running, turned auswitchz mode, realized I needed to gain some mucsle.
I dont know why ether, started doing to impress girl, lost motivation
Now I do it, because even if I'm depressed I'm still jacked af braaah
This man speaks the truth.
Syncs surprisingly well
Because I need my outsides to match my HHUUGGEE ego on the inside.
the military will be the one shooting them
I have the most beautiful gf and want to look good for her
>I just want to wear weird looking clothes and pose like an autistic fashion model while being ripped so I even if I act really retarded, people will still think I look good
to be a siqq kunt
crippling self-hate
>At war with the weights
Iktf bro
For the white rice*
I want to get badass abs like CamCam. I do planks with a 60 pound weight vest and pull ups with it. Those two really make my tummy sore.
I lift because its the only way I can feel good about myself and make my intellectually superior siblings jelly.
Was getting bullied. Threats of violence. Pickpocketing. Threats of violence from the whites and pickpocketing from the beaner.
I wanted to be in shape so I don't look like a loser when I say my only hobbies are videogame and anime ( and now lifting )
now I'm in pretty good shape but I learned that its not good enough of a cope and it doesn't make up for the fact that videogames, anime and lifting aren't good enough hobbies to be impressive to people so I just look like a muscular manchild who can't form relationships still and now my hairline is starting to recede and I've never even had a girlfriend I wasted a lot of time
because i want to reach the potential that i know i can reach, because i want to be a great historical fencer, because i want mires
>mfw today a girl told me that i'm a 10
I used to be a shit during high school, and on graduation day, I remember walking out to receive my diploma and no one clapped. I felt so terrible and undeserving of anything, I decided that I needed to change my life around. I started lifting and trying to be a cooler guy all around. Three years down the road I've gained 30 pounds, still lean af, and I'm much more social. I think I was genuinely autistic, and I think that lifting helped it go away
> v a l i d a t i o n
> I started because some user once wrote to me 'do you even lift faggot?'
> I wrote back no but I will start.
> Fast forward a couple years lifting and realise lifitng it a meme if you dont have ideal insertions, arent over 6'0'' and dont have an good looking face.
who is this?
> on my graduation the whole cohort clapped for everyone except for me and a few other autists
Because I have low self esteem and also need something to get my mind off my collapsing life.
>on graduation day, I remember walking out to receive my diploma and no one clapped
I know these feels user. shit fucking sucks
To crush my enemies, to see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentations of their women!
Because and the fact that I fear I need to be Veeky Forums in case the world becomes post apocalyptic or something
You would never understand a thing like that.
for myself.
For God
sound fucking gay but you're once on this earth and I just want to feel confident in the time I live
Why did you go in the first place? If you're not popular it should've been pretty clear you'd look like a low energy cuck in front of a massive audience.
Gotta be strong enough to fight off the demons my boi
Good job
That sure looks like a recruitment video to me.