Why do you eat carbs, fruits, and vegetables Veeky Forums...

Why do you eat carbs, fruits, and vegetables Veeky Forums? The fact we store fat so easily and only store limited amounts of carb (glycogen) indicates fat is our primary source of energy, and carbs only needed for emergency. Why not just eat only protein and fat via meat, which is more nutritious and easier to digest than carby plant foods that make you gassy and bloated? Why consistently eat carbs and have chronically heightened blood sugar and insulin, which directly opposes burning fat. You don't need insulin to grow muscle because when you work out hard enough, your muscles absorb nutrients even without insulin. Eat like a caveman and enjoy stable blood sugar and be a fat burning machine.

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Oh look it's the complete fatass that thinks he knows all about nutrition because he did keto for a couple weeks and lost a little weight.
Fuck off

Cavemen didn't live half of our lifespans. That's why.

Whoa it's like we have modern medicine available and don't have to hunt down our food to survive anymore :0

Due to environmental and predatory factors along with a lack of modern medicine that keeps diseased people alive. Why do think diabetes and heart disease are on the rise? Is it because people are eating meat or is it from the overwhelming volume of carbohydrates consumed?

I could give two shits either way, iifym if master race, but there is a side of medicine that blames excess meat intake for the rise of diabetes. Personally I would just chalk it up to extreme excess in general.

Yeah, they probably asked people if you have diabetes and how much meat you eat. Which doesn't prove shit. The majority of people who slam tons of meat probably eat tons of carbs in the meal. Not many people simply live off meat only.. It's just not trendy.

Diabetes is 100% related to insulin which fat and protein have no where near the effect on insulin as carbohydrates do.

Tbh I'd rather take energy out of a pool with a fire-hose rather than take it out of an ocean with a bucket .

glycogen is the main driver of muscle growth , recovery , and performance .

Not everyone's life is about weight loss
And not everyone is an insulin resistant fat fuck

Yeah man , keep telling yourself that .

People who eat low fat can manage tons of sugar without huge spike and don't crash because you need to USE a pathway correctly to make it more efficient , if you THICKEN your blood with lipoprotein & fuck up your muscle with tons of intramuscular lipids off course you'll be insulin resistant.

95% of ketard always says shit like " uh now when I eat carbs I get headache and I feel low energy " which is literally insulin resistance .

Amino acids are the driver of muscle growth, that's why we eat protein. Carbs just spike insulin which activate GLUT receptors in muscle and fat cells which allows them to absorb nutrients. However, after intense exercise, muscles activate GLUT receptors by themselves even in the absence of insulin, so insulin is not required for the muscles to absorb nutrients.

Yeah buddeh ,that's why every roidaroo literally Pin insulin by the bucketload

> The fact we store fat so easily and only store limited amounts of carb (glycogen) indicates fat is our primary source of energy, and carbs only needed for emergency.

That might make sense if you believe that humans are meant to have a thick layer of blubber like a walrus

Ah, so all we have to do to be healthy and insulin sensitive is to eat low fat and high sugar? That will make us more efficient since we utilize the pathway so often.

I dunno man, I would ask the diabetic population if they considered eating a lot of sugar to make their bodies work better.

Lmao high fat diet resulting in intramuscular lipids? You know marbling in steak meat is due to force feeding cows high amounts of carbohydrates via grains?

t. low carb low energy low test keto fatfuck

Keto works because fattie can't eat his favourite foodies anymore, you could call keto common sense if it was just eating healthy, but instead fattie needs to have his food choices restricted by being put into 'ketosis' mode.

Next stop is IF, fattie.

The only diet that has ever CURED diabetes is a very low fat high carb one .

People who eat clean low fat & high carb don't get diabetes user , people with diabetes didn't get it from sugar they got it from IMPAIRED sugar absorption thanks to fat , a donut is HIGH FAT , a pizza is HIGH FAT , Most pasta dishes are HIGH FAT , potatoes are always eaten with tons of CREAM , cookie are High FAT , American bread if full of OIL , fried carbs are FRIED in OIL .
Athlete eat around 500g of carbs a day and it can go up to 1 kg + during event for multiple weeks in a row and yet they're the most insulin sensitive people in the world

We are designed to do that. Is it healthy in high amounts? Of course not, but the fact remains that we hold on to fat and up to indefinite amounts because of how important it is. I think glycogen would be more important if we stored more of it, but it's limited, and actual quite inefficient as it is heavy and not as flexible as lightweight and energy dense fat.

This may be the stupidest thing I've ever read.
Your post has honestly has made me re-evaluate the benefits of eugenics.

A) The reason why we store limited amounts of glycogen is because 1g of carbs contains less than half the chemical energy of 1g of fat.
This is obviously a problem as even normal weight people would be bloated and weight much more. Also subcutaneous fat isn't just an energy source,
it stores fat Soluble vitamins and works as an insulator.

Furthermore, common sense would tell us carbs are the body's preferred fuel source, as your body will always use your stored glycogen before dipping into fat stores.

2) Sugar is less responsible for causing diabetes as saturated fats are very efficient at killing the insulin producing beta cells in your pancreas.

3) Meat is much harder to digest and is more taxing on your GI tract (not to mention your entire fucking body) than fibrous foods. If you experience bloating after eating fruits or veggies it's because you're a retarded fatfuck and your body isn't used to getting even the minimum rda for fibre. There are so many benefits of eating fibrous foods I don't even know where to start. I challenge you to mane one benefit of eating meat and or dairy.

TL;DR: Please kill yourself, OP.
We don't need any of you in the gene pool

>The only diet that has ever CURED diabetes is a very low fat high carb one .
I'm genuinely curious.

...Except excess dietary fat causes insulin resistance, and this has been consistently demonstrable with MRI studies

You fucking moron he mentioned nothing of absorption of nutrients,
the more full your glycogen stores are the faster you recover. It does't play on nutrient absorption as it does on protein synthesis

But high glycogen store directly correlate with more work capacity & better recovery in active people , it's not the "emergency" fuel if it's the one you always use first when you have the choice .

>ketofags unironically think shitting once a week is healthy and normal

>not starving is important

Obviously, but what point are you/OP making? Why should we do something that you already admit is unhealthy?


Yes, we do store limited amounts of glycogen because it is structurally inefficienet in terms of the weight it possesses when stored in our tissue. I agree with you there. I also agree that subq fat stores vitamins and is an insulator, it is important we have some some fat in our body (this is why insulin sensitivity gets higher the leaner you get, so the body can store fat easier to avoid becoming 0% fat). Debatable if glycogen is the preferred source. Glycogen is primarily used in emergency situations. The stress hormone cortisol is released during fight-or-flight situations which signals to the liver to release glycogen for the quick burst of extra energy; it's an emergency system that should not be used 100% of the time.

Type 1 diabetes is the type where your pancrease doesn't produce sufficient insulin - Type 1 diabetes is genetic and not due to lifestyle/diet. Type 2 diabetes on the other hand is due to insulin resistance, which is very much so related to lifestyle/diet. Type 2 diabetes is when your cells are not as receptive to the signals insulin gives, which results in less glucose uptake, which results in blood sugar being high and remaining high for longer periods of time, which also results in high insulin for longer periods of time. Insulin resistance is due to having more than enough glycogen stored in your tissues already and also is caused from chronic high carbohydrate consumption which can downregulate the cell's ability to react to insulin's messages; since it happens so frequently. It is not due to dietary fat, which literally has 0 impact on insulin secretion.

Meat is much harder to digest and is more taxing on the body? Boi you can't even fucking digest corn kernels. That's why it shows up in your poop. People get bloated from all of this undigested food because the bacteria in their colon can digest it and they release gas. Protein and fats are easily digested and we have all the enzymes to do so. It turns into liquid and easily passes. What are the benefits of fiber anyway? They give you bigger poops? Who gives a fuck. All studies say is that carbs with fiber are healthier than refined carbs without fiber. That doesn't mean fiber or carbs are healthy; it just means theyre healthier than refined carbs (everything else is better than refined carbs).

>Insulin resistance is due to having more than enough glycogen stored in your tissues already and also is caused from chronic high carbohydrate consumption which can downregulate the cell's ability to react to insulin's messages; since it happens so frequently. It is not due to dietary fat, which literally has 0 impact on insulin secretion.

SO much typing to just blow it at the end.

Sorry, I admit that last sentence is wrong. It does have an impact in that it can slow the rate at which glucose enters the bloodstream, which effectively decreases the spike in blood sugar and insulin.

>indicates fat is our primary source of energy

No, it just indicates we're better at storing fat.

But the question is WHY are we so good at storing fat and why do we have the ability to store so much of it? To me that indicates higher importance as our body treats it as if it is valuable and efficient.

mfw it's literally spelled out right here

I have a bowel movement everyday. If any keto or zero carber experiences constipation it is due to hydration, which is of higher importance on such nutritional strategies.

Because it's structurally similar to our body fat so it has a shorter and more efficient metabolic pathway for storage. EVERY article, study and piece of empirical evidence shows your body runs better on glycogen.

"To examine the mechanism by which lipids cause insulin resistance in humans,... nine healthy subjects ...Therefore in contrast to the originally postulated mechanism in which free fatty acids were thought to inhibit insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in muscle through initial inhibition of pyruvate dehydrogenase these results demonstrate that free fatty acids induce insulin resistance in humans by initial inhibition of glucose transport/phosphorylation which is then followed by an approximately 50% reduction in both the rate of muscle glycogen synthesis and glucose oxidation." (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC507380/)

"...In healthy adolescents, an acute elevation in plasma FFA with IL infusion is accompanied by significant increases in IMCL and reductions in insulin sensitivity with no race differential." (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23122836)

"Recent muscle biopsy studies have shown a relation between intramuscular lipid content and insulin resistance. The aim of this study was to test this relation in humans by using a novel proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy technique, which enables non-invasive and rapid (approximately 45 min) determination of intramyocellular lipid (IMCL) content...These results show that intramyocellular lipid concentration, as assessed non invasively by localized 1H NMR spectroscopy, is a good indicator of whole body insulin sensitivity in non-diabetic, non-obese humans."(ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10027589)

"The initial effects of free fatty acids (FFAs) on glucose transport/phosphorylation were studied in seven healthy men in the presence of elevated (1.44 +/- 0.16 mmol/l), basal (0.35 +/- 0.06 mmol/l), and low ( 37E%)."(ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11317662)

>(this is why insulin sensitivity gets higher the leaner you get, so the body can store fat easier to avoid becoming 0% fat)

Insulin sensitive people have less insulin circulating

Runs "better"? How so? Longer endurance, sprint speeds, 1rm's? I do realize that carbs provide that extra energy needed for high performance (it is used for the emergency fight or flight response) but for overall health can it be said that utilizing carbs the majority of the time is better? Fitness is more than being able to dip into carbs for a 5% strength increase or a boost in agility for your sprints.

why did my blood sugar went down and I lost weight eating below TDEE but mostly FAT?

>for overall health can it be said that utilizing carbs the majority of the time is better?

Considering the vast majority of healthy foods are high in carbohydrate, yes. OP tried to get away with asserting that all carbs "heighten blood sugar and insulin" as if there's no difference between jelly beans and pinto beans.

The average guy has 2000kcals worth of carbs stored in the liver and muscles. Its the main source of energy, unless that storage is very low. And you burn fat and carbs all the time. Stop thinking so black and white. You shouldnt discard a macro because you lack the mental capacity to figure out a normal diet.

Try eating lots of carbs and see how that work out for you big boys , good job you're now carb impaired

Define healthy foods? Is it the vitamin and mineral content? Is it the low fat content?

Meat contains the vitamins and minerals we need in the diet. Dietary fat intake is not inherently bad.

All carbohydrates (except fiber) metabolize into glucose. Does not matter the source. The rate at which the glucose enters the blood stream is different however. Both raise glucose and insulin, just at different rates.

Foods that help to prevent chronic and degenerative diseases. Vitamins and minerals aren't all that's involved in health.

> The rate at which the glucose enters the blood stream is different however. Both raise glucose and insulin, just at different rates.

That's true of any food. That's what food does. Your blood is supposed to have sugar in it. Insulin regulates your blood sugar. Healthy carbs help maintain both healthy blood sugar and insulin levels.

Could it be that glucose uptake and utilization are impacted in a state of ketosis as the body is using ketones instead of glucose for energy? I'm not sure exactly what this study implies in the grand scheme of things.

I just have a hard time believing that people with type 2 diabetes got their disease from a low carbohydrate diet high fat diet. They mist likely got it from the standard American diet high in refined carbs and fats.

>The fact we store fat so easily and only store limited amounts of carb (glycogen) indicates fat is our primary source of energy, and carbs only needed for emergency.
Pants on head retarded logic. You'll fit right in!

The majority of studies done on phytochemicals are in vitro (test tubes) and with dosages much higher than what we could ever get through our diet. We are unlikely to to benefit from them because they are poorly absorbed and transformed in our small intestine, liver, and colon into completely different substances.

Insulin regulates blood sugar via removal of glucose when it is too high. Cortisol regulates blood sugar via signaling to the liver to excrete glucose into the blood stream when blood sugar is too low. Externally provided carbohydrates are not necessary for blood sugar control. The only thing dietary carbs can do is increase blood sugar.

>Click here
I really kekd to this one

Individual phytochemicals aren't singularly responsible for health effects. It's the synergestic effects of food that give health benefits.

Take green tea as an example. All it is, is tea leaves steeped in hot water for a few seconds. The broth this makes is still just water with a few water-soluble compounds in it, mainly caffeine with some polyphenols and catechins. Just drinking some of the phytochemicals that came out of the tea leaves improves vascular function.


> Regular consumption of fruit and vegetables is associated with reduced risks of cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, Alzheimer disease, cataracts, and some of the functional declines associated with aging.

Is ASSOCIATED with reduced risks of disease. They can't say that it is the CAUSE of reduced risk. I know this may sound ridiculous but these studied are not claiming that fruits and vegetables cause better health.

Show me a study where the compare a high volume of people who live the same lives and eat the same thing except the other group includes vegetables. That would produce more actionable results.

Most people who eat a lot of fruits and vegetables also tend to be more health conscious and are less likely to participate in unhealthy behaviors and thus have less risk of disease. However this does not prove that vegetables are the cause of good health. I'm not saying they're bad but can we be so 100% sure they are necessary for optimal health?

uhhhh novo lipogenesis is extremely rare you fucking retarded faggot

Noice b8 m8 I r8 8/8

a cursory look at the human jaw, teeth, and digestive tract is enough to conclude that we evolved to eat lots of plants and seeds
modern humans also evolved to eat meat, but our bodies are still adapted for thriving on diets consisting mostly of plant foodstuffs

>The majority of studies done on phytochemicals are in vitro (test tubes) and with dosages much higher than what we could ever get through our diet
this is because research is done on individual phytochemicals in isolation, all epidemiological studies have associated consumption of plants (rich in compounds like polyphenols) with positive health outcomes very consistently

more recently it's become apparent that the effects of phytochemicals can only be understood as a collection of interacting chemicals and not any one chemical specifically

excellent comeback, meatcuck