What mode is this?

What mode is this?


Only ever doing benchpresses mode

fuck thats an ugly physique, gotta go look at pics of jon skywalker to wash my eyes

you mean your never gonna wash your eyes again

I wonder what goes through his mind when he decides that this is a picture worthy to post on instagram

Insulin >9000 mode

Can someone tell me what causes this?

that guy looks like shit because his muscle definition is 90% caused by the 10 thousand sharpening filters he put on his picture. he gut sticks out because his bodyfat is much higher than that filtered picture would lead you to believe

he's not shredded, he's not big, and he's certainly not on roid jesus christ this board is fucking clueless


>roiding for this

Nah I highly doubt he roids, his muscles got a very natural look to me.

midlife crisis mode

kangaroo mode

It's not HGH, it's insulin. Insulin sends nutrients to muscles and fat cells. That's why it works to grow a "lagging muscle". It's also why you shouldn't do it. Most importantly, it's the reason why you shouldn't inject insulin constantly in the same spot if that muscle is not lagging.

I think he could fix that if he starts injecting his insulin anywhere else but his stomach.

So I could inject insulin into my GLUTES and end up with the perfect ass?

No you'd end up with a fat ass

I can also make my stomach look like that, it happens when you pull your upper abdominals in and just flex the rest normally, the guts go down

yeh most people here aren't 15%bf. They dont know what its like and relies that its just a bad flex

sticking out your fucking belly. Are you guys retarded ?

Bad posture mode

But WHY would he do something like that?

billy fatison

no lumbar support mode

why all the pearls, why all the hair, why anything?

some people are able to flex their upper abs while relaxing their lower abs - most people can't do this, it's like being able to raise one eyebrow or wiggle your ears, I don't know why some people can do it

when you do it you look really weird like the guy in OP



Ok guys, tell me honestly, I've never frauded, havent even escaped dyel mode, have still a tad of fat under my navel, and honestly, I can have a slightly smaller gut and same protuding adonis belt. Why? Genetics? I don't train my abs that much. As soon as i take the "porn BJ pose" it sticks out kinda like pic related. It's weird.
So just a pose?

Crap should have f5 before posting. So a little body trick? Thanks for the info.

Me mode

Looks like that /fat/ motivational image with the greek statue carving himself out of a fat person's lower torso



yes its a body trick. Look at the guy's grim.

Btw I can do that too, and I made several threads here before about my "problem" lol.

Roider mode