Does lifting weights help with losing belly fat/gaining abs?

Does lifting weights help with losing belly fat/gaining abs?


Didn't help

Read it again

I don't understand any of it

>I don't understand any of it
Well shit nigga, work on your reading comprehension then

Doesnt help with getting abs but it helps with losing fat since youre burning calories you dumb nigger

What helps with abs?

>Invest energy equal to mass*gravity*vertical distance of lift into each lift
>Somehow fail to burn any calories doing so

If you can do this, scientists would pay millions to analyze your source of infinite energy.

Not that guy but;

Then you're a fucking retard, so read this slowly ok? I'll use little words.

You cannot target specific areas to burn fat.

Where a body stores fat depends from person to person, usually the belly is the first place a body stores fat.

Therefore the belly is also usually the last place to lose most of it's fat.

Ab exercises will make you gain abs, bicep curls and bench pressing won't.

HOWEVER, these abs will never show unless you have a low %body fat,

Lifting weights will help burn fat in general.

TL;DR Lifting weights burns fat, you have to burn fat to show any type of muscle.
Ab exercises give you abs.

Just how fucking stupid are you, AB EXERCISES GIVE YOU ABS.

But what counts as an ab exercise?

curls in the squat rack

Not true. Ab exercises won't give you abs. The only way to get abs is to drop to a sufficient bf%.

Exercises for the abs.

Such as?

If you shove your food directly into your colon you absorb all the nutrients and shit it out almost instantly, so you don't take any fat.

Abs exercises

Ab exercises.

Why are you guys being so mean to me?

Because you're either willfully ignorant or dumb as a sack of bricks.

You must be over 18 to browse this board

Because some-fucking-how you fail to understand these two very simple phrases which are repeated throughout the sticky:
>eat less, move more to lose weight
>abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym

Mostly for fun and because our own lives are unhappy ones.

Ab exercises

"abs are made in the kitchen" is a bit of a misnomer because it really only holds true if you already have at least somewhat developed abs.

Bicep curls

Abs are made in the kitchen, you can't outrun a bad diet.

You can do all the an exercises you want OP, but you'll never see them past your beer gut.

Sit ups are good. Also that exercise where you lie down on your back and lift your legs up.
But it's like the other fellas here have said, even if you get amazing strength in your core you won't get those sweet visible abs unless you lose that annoying fat layer on your belly.

Copious amounts of butt sex

This is true.

Ok OP. I'm going to pretend you;re not a troll for a moment and give you a serious answer.

You should be doing compund exercises like pushups and tightening your core when you do them. You don't *need* to work the abs alone. If you want to, I'd recommend planks and bicycle kicks. But mostly you'll need a really low level of bodyfat which is a pain if you're building muscle in general. Better to build muscle (you WILL get fatter doing this) and THEN lose the fat.

No, the only way to get abs to show is through a low BF%, how the fuck are you going to magically grow ab muscles by losing weight dumb fuck.


T. someone who didnt cut hard enough and thinks their residual doughiness is evidence of absence of abs

Hit them with a hammer repeatedly till they get all hard and you pass out from the pain. Then come back from hospital and repeat.

Tada. Abs.

Because you lack the basic intelligence or comprehension to go and get the information yourself let alone actually implement said information.

So therefore it comes from a feeling of general apathy coupled with the fact that you're wasting our time.

Oh and we're cunts. But so is everybody so don't worry too much about it.

You're not going to make it OP.


You're obviously new here, or have only lurked for less than a week.
Lurk more, once you understand this board after perhaps 3 months then think about posting. This is a community that requires atleast a baseline familiarity of fitness (i.e. reading the sticky) before you take part in it.
Also re-read the sticky until you understand it. Read it slowly.
Now fuck off.

Just look at pictures of skeleton mode dudes. Do they have abs? Not usually.

The average ab-less person is not a skeletal king of lanklets. 95% of people without abs range from skinnyfat to obese, both of which can be remedied by losing fat.

If a skinny fat or fat person loses weight through diet alone while remaining sedentary they still won't have abs. I'm not saying you have to isolate abs just to have visible ones, but you do have to work them at least some, even if it's only simply activation in compound lifts