A thread for this man

A thread for this man.

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"This man" states that on the bulk gaining some fat is not a big deal and can be easily fixed later. So what's his method of "easy" fat loss, is it written somewhere in the book? I've read just a bit of it.

>yfw people unironically do SS

>when a skelly does SS without GOMAD


The most recent "Ask Rip" was really good

Rippetoe's golden boy looks like fucking shit and he literally did the gomad diet and trained uner rippetoe at his gym, he squats 5 plates, presses 2 plates, but looks like shit and has terrible form and is obese.

>student asks perfectly reasonable question
>rippletits autism makes him purposefully misinterpret and twist every question just so he can act as condescending as possible
>everyone laughs awkwardly

He gave me gains when no one else would.
But for reals my only regret about doing Starting Strength is not beginning it sooner. Forever wishing I'd read SS a few years earlier.

People that listen to this roidfag worshipping cunt are doing a disservice to themselves.
He has never trained anyone who looks good and strong, in fact I don't think he ever trained anyone that looks good, there's a guy that trains at his gym that is ripped and strong but he doesn't follow the gomad diet or riptoad's programming at all, and is probably on steroids.



>all this DYEL
SS has a purpose, and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy isn't that purpose. If you expect a strength training program to be a good bodybuilding program, you'll be disappointed - like if you attempted to use a banana to drive a screw into wood. Jesus what a fucking shit show this board has become.

>If you expect a strength training program to be a good bodybuilding program
Building muscle mass is a huge component in getting stronger. Strength and hypertrophy are intertwined, you can't train exclusively for either of them. SS isn't that good precisely because it has to low volume to build muscle mass, that's why many people stall very early on it.

Guys I'm worried when I start SS I'm gonna make myself look like an ass.

I'm using it to lose weight and get strong.

>to low volume to build muscle mass
SS is designed for complete beginners, they barely need any volume to build muscle mass.
3x5 multiple times a week for the compound movements is plenty to build both muscle and strength in an untrained individual.

it's demonstrably not enough volume for many, if you look at how many people come off starting strength with a great squat and abysmal everything else

9 working sets of squat a week = a-ok, you will make gains
1.5 (average) working sets of deadlift = suboptimal but squat drives it up so it's ok i guess, might not be ok if you're a deadlet
4.5 (average) working sets of bench = what the fuck are we doing

OHP only adds front delt volume and some tricep volume with lighter loading, doesn't do anything to address lack of chest volume unless you want to pretend the slight clavicular head involvement counts as chest work

these are all fairly easy problems to fix, as well

unfortunately SS will make your butt so big you really will just look like a big ass


The problem with analysing the anecdotal evidence of people coming off SS is that you're dealing with complete beginners who have very little gym experience, half of which didn't actually read the book and aren't doing the actual program.
From personal experience I put a fairly even amount of weight on all of my lifts (proportional to their relative weights).
I do really struggle to see how as a beginner you'd fail to increase your bench on SS volume. It was only after I'd already added 20kg onto my bench that I started stalling on 3x5

I'm not saying people fail to increase their bench, I'm saying they could have taken it a lot further on a linear progression model if they just added a little volume strategically - I think a good start would be to bench 2x a week and OHP 1x a week every week and hit direct chest and tricep work on the last day of the week (before 2 days off)

I ran SS by the book and came away with a 365 squat, 500 deadlift, and sub 225 bench even with multiple resets (more than I should have taken) and microloading and all of that, as soon as I added upper body volume afterwards my bench jumped up and I clearly had linear gains left in the tank and was not doing enough to make them occur

Eat less

>added a little volume strategically
>I think a good start would be to bench 2x a week and OHP 1x a week every week

>OHP 1x a week every week


Starting Strength has OHP at 1.5 times a week and your "add volume" solution is to drop it to 1 time a week?!?

>bench hits some front delts, triceps heavily, chest heavily
>ohp hits primarily front delts, triceps (much less loading than bench), chest negligibly

see where i'm going with this? you lose anterior delt volume (which would be adequate with 1x OHP) but you gain chest and tricep volume which is sorely lacking

Same. It sucks to be just getting to it now at 29.

>SS is shit for growing muscle
>don't do SS or your legs will get too big!

both of you stop bastardizing SS and pick a different program

>shitposts on Veeky Forums say SS doesn't work, so SS doesn't work just look at all the shitposts!

Why would you want muscle on the legs in the first place? To save money on belts?

Because the whole fucking point was to put weight on the bar. Not look good. SS is for strength not for anything else.

because they look 10x better than untrained legs

why would I pick a different program? I did starting strength in 2011 and got good results out of it for everything but bench

Exactly. If a skeleman who can barely squat 85 for 5 starts SS + GOMAD and by the end of it can squat a plate for 5 with good form, it was a success. He has gone from a novice to a beginner in the realm of strength.


Going to have my Asian friend do SS
Let's see if he still stays lean like Asian lifters do

>you can't train exclusively for either of them
60% of 1RM for 12 - 15 reps won't make you much stronger unless you're a total beginner

Read a book nigga

yes they will, the guy you responded to is absolutely correct

many competitive powerlifters do dedicated hypertrophy blocks where exclusively higher rep ranges are used, because muscle cross sectional area is the main factor in how much force it can produce during contraction


I feel you, I turned 30 in March and I'm starting it this week.

Would I fuck up the program if I added lateral raises or upright rows? I have baby shoulders and I want them to grow.

to walk stronk

I'd recommend adding lateral raises, really helped my OHP progression

There's a personal trainer at my university gym who literally all he does is spout Rippetoe to his clients. On one hand I kinda admire him for specifically teaching older people barbell movements, on the other hand I wish he had some idea of his own instead of sucking Rip's dick and having 70 year olds do low bar shit squats. He's also fat as fuck and can only squat like 315x3.

That's good to know, thanks m8.


My girlfriend loves legs and ass muscles, she grabs my juicy ass whenever she has a chance. I don't look like a t rex though


plz be my gym gf

Can confirm. My wife compliments my ass the most of any body part. Also not T-Rex mode. Arms get the second most compliments. 3 months into SS.

whoa, manlet detected. MANLET DETECTED

Losing fat mass once you have muscle is seriously one of the easiest things to do with your own body.

Honestly, doing a split is like, 10x as hard.

I stalled at 1pl8 bench and 86lbs The Press on SS. Even 1lb increments with microplates put me at 4 reps failing a 5th. Increasing calories increased fat gain and nothing else. Adding volume let me resume slow progress w/ microplates. But I think I have pretty shit genetics especially for upper body. 6" wrists, not very wide shoulders, borderline prescribable low T.

maybe tell your guru to stop parroting that strength = size :')

Read the book. If you don't have the energy for that: youtu.be/JSPdoHMNskc

This is the problem. SS was and is recommended even for beginners who want to make "aesthetics gains". Most people don't train for strength, and recommending SS for them is simply absurd.
Then you have the guys that say you should sacrifice at least 6 months doing SS so you can gain a "strength base" and then do a hypertrophy oriented routine, this is false too, you don't need that. You can just start a hypertrophy routine from the beginning, and it's best for you if that's your objective.




I bet everyone in that room can't bench 4pl8

>muh sarcoplasmic vs myofibrilar meme

You probably believe in the ecto, meso, endomorph memes too lmao

Unironically my goal body

Don't forget the complete lack of upper back/rear delt work.

sorry, but no. I started an hypertrophy routine from the beginning and i had to go back to strength because all my lifts stalled real quick and i was making zero progress. Then i did SS for about 3 months switched to 5x5 and after hitting 1/2/3/4 i stopped caring about strength.

For someone that never lifted the ideal might be 1-3 month for strength then focus on whatever you want later, it will be easier.

Why should I take workout and diet advice from a complete fatfuck like him?

>60% of 1RM for 12 - 15 reps won't make you much stronger unless you're a total beginner

One of the best deadlifters on the planet regularly used sets of 20-30 and states that you can build strength/size with sets of up to 100.

One of the best squat programs is a 20 rep squat program.

Once you aren't dealing with bitch weight, constantly using 80%+ just puts you are a greater risk of snapping your shit.

Just because you know the bare bones basics of lifting doesn't mean that's all there is.

Which hypertrophy routine?

Q1: I never rest fewer than 4 minutes. And I was failing rep 5 on the first set, not the last.
Q2: I was using microplates, not adding 5lbs.
Q3: I was getting tons of fat. I got a DEXA and realized I had a whopping 120lbs lean mass at 5'9" and a bodyweight of 170lbs. It was harder to see because it turns out I have weird fat composition for a male with relatively low trunk fat.

So fuck off. SS is not one size fits all.

This isnt a SS thread only, so can we discuss texas method too? Im nearing the end of my noob gains, and im considering tm

Also pic related bc he's god teir

how does he still have all his hair after lifting for years?

the usual meme brosplits instructors will give you at commercial gyms (3 day split 3-4 sets 10-15 reps)

wtf does lifting have to do with hair?

No idea how this guy got such a cult following. He's a failed powerlifter turned "strength guru" who's never trained or coached any legitimately strong or athletic individual. His sole claim to fame is figuring out that a beginner who eats a shit ton of calories over maintenance and does low volume high intensity training 3x a week can gain a lot of strength in the squat and deadlift and some in the bench very quickly. I swear most of his shills are just fatasses who only follow him for the affirmation that anyone under 15% bodyfat is a "ladyboy."

>So fuck off. SS is not one size fits all.
It is, if you read the book and do it right.


If you're young, male, able to eat 4k calories a day and sleep 10 hours a day, then go for it
Otherwise it's just too hard.

excellent argument

As a beginner I really hate threads like these because SS is all I have. Everyone here bashes it but NEVER OFFERS AN ALTERNATIVE. So if not SS them what should one do instead?

How is the Texas Method too hard? It has one day that seems intense where you break all your PRs at once, yes that sounds tough. The rest seems generally manageable, one day where you lift quite a bit under your 5RM albeit in considerable volume, and a day where you're pretty much just going to the gym to recover by doing low intensity lifts. I mean, I'm geniunely curious -- I was planning on running Texas Method after I'm finished with my current program.

you have to understand people in this board are stupid.

see, SS is a program with 1 (one) objective goal (regardless of anything), and a good program at that, which is to get strong. With that in mind, if you strictly follow SS, you will attain that goal, however, if you want to also reach SUBJECTIVE goals, which will depend form person to person, you'll need to modify it a bit (aka add few isolated movements, however, do if you will add some, add 1 to for each muscle group, not more than that).

do not worry much though, those subjective goals can be reached once you are done with SS, and trust me, it will be a lot easier then.

Thanks, senpai. I just want to shed these last 50lbs to hit goal weight. I want to be strong but I don't care about being retard strong.

I just want huge lats, shoulders and quads.

nice. as I said, SS is very 'generic', after that, you'll have to choose a more specific program that will help you with those goals.

>huge lats
we will make it man

SS is a great program and i just wished I'd stuck to it when i started lifting instead of fucking around with other programs like greyskull and whatever. if i'd just eaten 4500cals a day and added weight every session i could have gotten to a 3pl8 squat within like 5-6 months instead of it taking me a year.

but also in hindsight i wish i'd just started olympic lifting when i started because starting strength kind of gives your body the wrong structure for olympic lifting

he's balding pretty bad on top desu. just too manly to give a fuck

the science behind the texas method is solid and seems to work for just about any compound lift. i'm talking about the volume/recovery/intensity phases. i'm actually using it now to get my front squat up for weightlifting and it's working pretty well. the volume day is a fucking grind and basically just gets harder every time but then the rest of the week is fun, like you get to fuck around a bit on recovery day and maybe do some weird assistance exercises and then you get to go for a new max on the intensity day, and if you're doing the program right you'll always get it.

this is bullshit, in fact on the starting strength forums rip advises that people who can't do the SS novice program because they have sleep/recovery/eating/etc issues, like people who are in the military for example, actually do TM instead because it allows for slower, yet steadier progress

greyskull is okay but you'll plateau quicker. same with strong lifts. idk, just do a brosplit if you don't care about strength, but honestly if you just do SS for 6 months then cut for a few months you'll look great

Never fails to make me smile

doing SS right now. I too wish I started lurking /fit before started lifting, because I wasted months with stupid gym program.

also, its the 3rd time on SS, I had to quit gym 1 time and the other I got demotivated. best I reached was 120kg squat, not currently on 90kg squat, 110kg diddy, pretty easy so far, not struggling to do any of the lifts.

I enjoy doing them too, I train at the gym but do oly lifts at home, I have a bar and very few weight plates (60kg total), and they are not bumper plates, they are iron plates, so I just do oly lifts for fun, with very low weight to be safe not to fail (and if I happen to fail, I can hold it instead of slamming into the ground), kind of a cardio I do on weekends, pretty comfy to do it at home.

*before I started doing at home, I did 2 months of oly lifts with a pretty good lifter in a gym to get the movements correctly, but it was pretty expensive, only 1x per week and far away, so going seriously for weightlifting was never an option

What's yours?

Intensity day isn't too bad, and the recovery day is fun. It's the Volume day thats absolutely killer.

this, oh my god. read the god damn book. it's for highschool coaches that need to pack weight on their student's asses to play footbawl and basebawl and basketbawl.

does it work for normies and dyels? yes. do you want to be able to push back a highschooler on the scrimage line? no? then drop it after 6 months. Those core lifts should always be around in your routine if your goals are strength (bench, ohp, dl, and squat).

basically it will accomplish a goal. when you're learning something, you don't know what a good goal is, you don't know what you're doing. it's like learning an instrument or a sport. you have to have someone more experienced give you goal, SS in this case.

your personal goal is shit, and until you get a good goal, you do the nearly idiot proof "move heavy shit" routine and low volume.

one day when you finish some horrendous squat session, you'll realize what you want (endurance, strength, aesthetics) then you move on to that and fuck SS for ever

also the book and videos are good for form.

>I'm doing everything perfectly, my body just turns food into fat and I can't add 0.5 lbs to my shitty bench no matter what!

Yeah, fuck off, dude.

>implying literally any decent strength and conditioning program uses SS

Get your horn angle up rippletits

>OHP hits chest negligibly
Wanna know how I know you don't OHP? My upper pec has developed well from OHPing consistently. Try doing a 3x12 with ~70% of your ORM and feel your tits tire out

>I repeat things I read on Veeky Forums: the post

why would you want woman legs?

get the fuck out of here, nikki is mai waifu

>"starting strength"
>"starting" but people expect it to give you gains for years
"strength" but people expect it to develop aesthetics

It's like all you Veeky Forums fags are actually illiterate. Maybe the stereotype about stupid meatheads in the gym are true.


who is she?

>she will never pause squat on my face for reps