Anybody else here unironically lift for their waifu?

Anybody else here unironically lift for their waifu?
I want to be big and strong for her.


Yeah buddy.

Lmao ur a numale who's gonna die alone

Yo, I always ignore these threads. Partly because I don't want to believe its a real thing.

If you lift for a fucking anime character, or do anything for a fictional fucking anime character created by some fucking japanese guy then you need to do some serious sorting out to do. Please, stop letting these degenerate thoughts corrupt your mind, you're better than this.

>lifting for pixels because real women reject you
That's just sad dude

Characters in anime aren't even real. The realest they'll get is their voice actresses. But they don't want shit to do with you.

I lift for my future waifu
idk who that is yet
probably no one

Yes I lift for her.
I must go beyond plus ultra

>t. not gonna make it.

Women turn down actual men and fap to fantasy descriptions of men in word porn.

>lol bro if something inspires you in life you are shit because you aren't exactly like me
>lmao you are different than me? haha kys
>you find happiness that is not normal? bro u gotta get out more and become a normie

Never gonna make it bro. Why is it always the weird dyels that do stupid stuff like this?

For her.

Good taste

I dunno user, why don't you try looking further than just this superficial image you see on your computer screen.
I know most of Veeky Forums is of simple mind, but there is more to the concept of waifu then just a pretty face.
If you had been a good user and lurked for two years before posting your terrible opinions, you maybe would have learned why anons have waifus.
Instead you are a cancerous anti-anime user posting on an anime imageboard.

Did you drink from a lot of plastic water bottles growing up?

Where was your father? Was he in the picture?

Have you been diagnosed with autism?

Don't get offended, I'm just constructing a psych profile of people who rabidly defend cartoon love.

your waifu already ate my ass while i JeRked it

>no matter how hard you lift, you will never experience relaxing tea time with your old highschool friends
why even live

Oh shit I am now a #normiesocialite

I'd rather the playing in a band with my friends, but your scenario hurts pretty bad too.

>you maybe would have learned why anons have waifus.
Because they're losers that can't get girlfriends irl because they always get reject? Idk that's what I learned from r9k also Veeky Forums isn't an anime image((BOARD)) /a/ is


Anime motivation got me from 6 foot 280 pounds to 190 and 15 to go.
My waifu got me from not being able to do a single push up to benching 185 for reps.
When I reach that lmao2pl8 it will be for her.
You normals disgust me.


>haha so tell us why you decided to loose so much weight user!

But yes, i do unironically lift for my waifu. Normalfags will never understand

>implying I can't just say "I got tired of being fat"
There's a million boring response that can avoid dealing with normie bullshit. Plus I'm a scary autist that no one ever talks to, so jokes on you.

2D is so superior to 3D that a single thought of touching used up thot fills me with disgust. Anything over 12 years old is a used up goods. Maybe pedo is the only true redpill left for 3DPD.

>c'mon user, tell us the real reason! Was it because of that new girl in your class?

>lifting for anything other than yourself and your waifu

Fuck normalfags.

Having sex with Aoba must be amazing

Home and very supportive
Also, have had sex with 8 different girls and if you include blowjobs my total goes up to 14.
Waifufags like me aren't just social rejects.

Not him, but

Total bro and Veeky Forums as fuck at 80 years old.
I've had 9 irl gfs and fucked arouind 25. Even had a fiance for a while. That's how I know waifus are superior to 3DPD for a fact.

I lift so I can one day wear this and instead of getting stares for what a creepy weird loser I am, I get stares for what a sick cunt who doesn't give a shit about anyone else's opinions I am.

>Did you drink from a lot of plastic water bottles growing up?
>Where was your father? Was he in the picture?
He was at home and my mother and father were very supportive
>Have you been diagnosed with autism?
Dude I've had like 50 irl gfz and have fucked like 75 diffrent girls on multiple occasions so I totally know 2d is superior like totally xD

Where'd you get that? Redbubble? I want to find a cheaper alternative for anime tees.

Can I get a body pic. Not the same guy , but y'all sparked my curiosity. I thought waifus were for weak DYEL faggots.


yes, and I talk to him regularly


Of course

I'm currently on a bulk but if I cut I'd be a slightly buffer Paul Walker.

>no pics
Fuck off fatass

why don't you post a pic then
.... oh, right.

Um maybe because I wasn't asked to? Anyways you just baisically proved that other dude's point that "waifus are for weak DYEL faggots"

>i can judge an entire person's existence by whether or not they give enough of a shit to post a selfie on an image board


Wow so hard

Is she fucking a kindergartner in this? I know she looks like a loli but isnt she 19?

>implying "i was sick of being unhealthy at almost 300 fucking pounds" is an answer people won't believe
you have a shit family bruh

Wew lad.
You just projected your robot insecurities to another board.
How do you have the nerve to call /a/utists losers when you are the second biggest piece of filth on this board?
Second only to ponyfags, of course.

>Veeky Forums isn't an anime image((BOARD)) /a/ is
You can make correlations between the two.
They are not mutually exclusive, idiot.

Are you just retarded or is this bait?

This kind of threads made me look at the really buff dudes in my gym and ask myself 'so who of those is a lift-for-my-waifu-fag'.

Conclusion: Probably all of them.

Maybe reading isn't your strong suit.

gonna need sauce on this

That's pretty ironic coming from you out of all people

All right I'll make it simple, try to follow.
Anons have waifus for many different reasons.
You're a giant faggot.
Anything else I should clarify?

Everyday for her

just search "aoba" on, there arent a lot of New Game doujins so it should be easy to find. Id get it for you but I am /nofap/ and dont want to tempt myself

>You're a giant faggot.
And yet again, thats pretty ironic coming from you



Excellent argument.
Wow, you sure convinced me with those hot opinions.
Oh wait.

normies will never understand the reason for waifus or what they represent, give it up youll never get through to him

I lift to be more like my hypothetical future gf's husbando

I find you utterly fucking disgusting. You are the kind of people who make me throw up. Please die, disgusting weeb.

>Excellent argument.
>Wow, you sure convinced me with those hot opinions.
>Oh wait.
And for the third time, that's pretty ironic coming from you

You don't belong on Veeky Forums. Please go back to plebbit.

You don't belong in life, please kys weeb trash

Veeky Forums is an anime imageboard, I think it is you that needs to leave, normalfag.

it was love at first sight
I want to be the hunky man of her dreams

Can Muslims hurry the fuck up and destroy western cultures once and for all ?

She doesn't care. She will never accept you.

Yeah I'll stop just let me throw one more piece of bait out.

Here's something that's ironic.
We get that you are an anti-anime casual.
Out of all the threads that you could post on that don't involve the anime-boogeyman, you choose to actively shit up this one.
Isn't that ironic?
I don't care if you deflect to a non-argument again.

>I lift because I want to make my ex feel bad
absolutely pathetic. You will last less than a year.
>I lift for a woman in my life
lmao. Only a matter before she leaves you and you start crying in feels threads. You'll last 2 years.
>I lift because I want a gf
Lifting doesn't cure autism. It may take you a while to realize this. Give it 4 years.
>I lift to bang sloots
You could have done this without lifting, chad.
>I lift to improve myself
acceptable. 5-6 years.
>I lift to look like a greek god
based. 10 years
>I lift for waifu
You are chasing after an unreachable ideal. Your fire will burn forever. Truly the highest tier of Veeky Forums motivation.


He convinced me.

>Isn't that ironic?
Kinda is lol
>le go back to lleddit xDDD defense
Why dont you faggots come up with something new instead of spewing the same shit over and over again?

I lift so if I ever meet a girl just like her, I can attract her and make her mine.

It's the perfect defense because that's where you came from you newfag piece of shit. Veeky Forums has always been an anime imageboard first and foremost. Go fuck yourself scum.


[spoiler]Made me kek[/spoiler]

>people who think we lift for pictures
>completely missing the point of what the picture represents
Anime waifus are unobtainable ideals, they don't exist, a 3D equivalent does not exist. They embody ideas and concepts that could not exist in real life. They are perfect beings, the flaws they have are simply part of what makes them perfect. If they were to actually exist in the realm of 3D this would no longer be true, once something is flesh it rots, it decays, it has flaws, it becomes corrupted by its surroundings, by time. The waifu is eternally perfect.

It is not dissimilar from lifting because one is inspired by the Greek gods.

Capped. Very well said

Let me guess you're "le oldfag xDDD" that has been here for like 1 million years? You're a joke m8


Let me guess, you're an r/thedonald refugee or came here during the fappening. You're an underage garbage human and will never make it.

>Why dont you faggots come up with something new instead of spewing the same shit over and over again?
>Why dont you faggots

fine you know what ill fucking tell you why. You dont belong here, youve already made it clear enough that you yourself dont consider yourself to be part of Veeky Forums/a Veeky Forums poster since you keep saying "you guys" as opposed to "us" or "we". Youre the one that hass categorized yourself differently, not us.

On top of that, Veeky Forums was made as an anime image board. There were only 2 boards, /a/-anime and /b/-random when this place started, so the intent of this place was originally for discussing anime and anime related things. We're clearly doing that and we were all having a fun time with it.

But then for some reason, YOU, the person who himself recognizes that he is not native to this website, YOU, the person that hates anime, YOU, the person who holds views opposed to the ones being that this thread was explicitly made for, decide to come to THIS website, to THIS board, to THIS thread, and tell everybody here that they should change their views.

Theres no reason for it other than to start petty arguments and act like a jack ass, everything was great until you came and started shitting up the thread. Why the fuck would you seek out a place where you know you wont like the people or shit you read there and then bitch when people express those opinions?

the solution would be for you to just go back wherever the fuck you came from, you wouldnt interact with us and we wouldnt interact with you and there would be no need for this pointless exchange. Thats all we fucking want, to be left alone without faggots like you sticking their nose into everything and fucking it up. Why the fuck you even want to stay here is beyond me, then you bitch and whine when people dont want to talk to you and pretend to not know why people tell you to leave. its fucking stupid

So now that you understand, I'll say it one more time

Go back to R eddit

I've probably been here for the same amount of time you have. You're not special
Holy shit I'm not about to read your essay on why you're offended you fucking faggot

Kinda this, people can harp on about how physique doesn't matter and it is about the inside all day long, doesn't change the fact that if I had put on my anime related shirt 4 years ago I would have been persona non grata everywhere, the creepy weird dude who is clearly obsessed with his weird hobby. Now that these shirts are skin tight on me and I am swole the dynamic is completely different. I still get people grinning or smiling at my asuka shirt, but no looks of disgust or avoidance, more a case of "what a nutjob" to "cool that he doesn't care" (also jelly Rei fags of course).

>also jelly Rei fags of course
absolutely patrician, reifags btfo

>I've probably been here for the same amount of time you have.

Well you're either full of shit or too stupid to take lurk moar to understand the culture of this site. Guaranteed plebbitor piece of shit. Fuck off you ignorant nigger.

Why are they trying to pass it off like that spic would be able to have children like that? I knew these two kids who had a 6'4'' blonde Estonian father, and he married a Mexican woman who looked pretty white to be fair . The daughter came out looking like a fucking north African and the son is a squat and skinny beaner with a whispy mustache. Their father absolutely fucked their shit up.

>doesn't enjoy anime
>enters an anime image board
>enters an anime thread on an anime image board
>enters a discussion with anime fans in an anime thread on an anime imageboard
>acts like tsundere anime character (b-baka, it isn't like I enjoy discussing things with you guys!) after entering a discussion with anime fans in an anime thread on an anime image board

Do you see where this is getting silly?

All for her

Every day for Yang

The fact that your jaw looks square and you're hairy and don't look like a weeb idiot is wonderful combined with that tat.

Now that is pretty fucking rad.

How long have you been here then faggot? I've been occasionally browsing here for 5 years
If I wanted to go on an anime image((board)) I would go on /a/ anyways what the fuck is a "tsundere" or whatever the fuck it's called?

i do it for her

That body reminds me of jason genova

One day...

>asks for an explanation
>gets an explanation
>ignores and keeps whining

good god youre the worst kind of person


You take that back.

Maybe one day youll get real taste!