How to reverse this trend?

How to reverse this trend?

How to be in the 2%?

Most useless graph ive ever seen. "Placed THEMSELVES", this is not any sort of a study or trend. If you want to be masculine, be masculine. That graph just shows that most teeny boopers in UK are twink fags.

I don't understand this graph at all. What about the men/women who voted over/under 3?

Think about it some bro

This. It's just a representation of how the media has influenced peoples minds on how to perceive themselves. Now if you cook, you're suddenly not as masculine or if you know how to change a tire you're not as feminine. Previous generations didn't think about these trivial definitions and just knew, yeah I'm a woman so I'm fully feminine, yeah I'm a man, so I'm fully masculine.

You can see in the 18-24 bracket approximately 12% of men voted themselves in the 3 category. Presumably no women voted themselves as mostly masculine.

It's not hard m8.

It's looking at people's self perception of their masculinity. I'd imagine the men that identify as mostly feminine are probably fags.

I think the media has done a good job of warping people's perceptions of what it means to be really masculine so that most younger people probably wouldn't identify as masculine unless they were some alpha chad. Whereas older guys just see being masculine as being a regular guy.

Our society also more pussyish now though, that's obviously contributed

The white areas must be "don't know" or "no gender"

Loool fucking britons fags ._.

I cant believe those fags own the falklands



u wot m8?

>young men have a more negative impression of masculinity than young women

Why don't the percentages add up to 100?

that explains everything you retard

There were "Don't know" and "Neither" categories as shown in the tables of the image in

The result of saying it's their fault for everything wrong in the world.

>britons were asked to place themselves on a scale of masculinity /femininity
jesus that has to be one of the most unscientific ways to collect data I've heard of. people are notoriously bad at rating themselves accurate at anything really, we have strong self biases and asking you to rate yourself gives nothing more than your own personal perception, not reality. also what do they describe as masculine or feminine? they didn't say. did they just say masculine and feminine without giving a definition to go by? people have WIDELY VARYING perceptions about whats feminine or masculine, just asking without clearly defining the term in the sense that you mean is asking for miscommunications.
basically you need to learn to be a better information consumer OP, ask about sources, critically think about what went wrong; and you'll start to see that there's actually a lot of misinformation out there or people just being plain lazy and looking to create clickbait

The point is that the way people see themselves change radically. The purpose is almost to quantify "self-bias"

> also what do they describe as masculine or feminine?

deliberately left up to the person answering. purpose of poll is to find attitudes to the word masculinity. The concept of it has changed.

> basically you need to learn to be a better information consumer OP,

I have a masters in STEM from top 5 world uni

> people just being plain lazy and looking to create clickbait

its not even from an article and the website has no ads. They are a polling organisation.


Lmao I bet most of these masculine people are Muslims too.

Fucking Europoors btfo!


Muslims o latinos are manlier than eurofags

How to be masculine.
Do what you want, don't let other people stop you from pursuing YOUR OWN GOALS.

How to be feminine.
Shift your goals to suit the desires of other people.

Also labelling something arbitrary like a muscular physique or a beard as "manly" in an approval seeking manner is a feminine behavior.

The feminization of men is not a hormonal thing. It's a societal thing. People are influenced and pressured into wanting the "goals" that our society deems as success (latest technology, fastest car, trendiest clothes etc)

I'm not trying to be some tinfoil hat "society is controlling us maaan", just saying simply that if the more goals you have that are based on approval from other people, the more feminine you are.


so the 18-24 generation of males is a bunch of pussies? sounds like good news to me desu, more young pussy on the market for older dudes.

so? maybe men are starting to wake up to the historically toxic nature of masculinity

They equate the homosex, corporate, and military backed retardation that is modern media's idea of masculinity with what actual normal healthy men are like.

yep this is a terrible chart made by a literal retard.
nope it is a stupid chart. I should not have to think or make assumptions when looking at a fucking chart. Why the fuck did you make a chart if its going to be fucking shit. Keep your nigger room temperature IQ bull shitto yourself faggot.
>le brainlet
fuck off fag

If the person who made this weren't retarded, he would have set up each bar at fixed length and made each color segment represent its correct portion of the population.

This just suggests that around 50 most men are more successful and experienced probably making them feel more masculine, women will have had kids and shit so feel more feminine. When I was a teen I was a lot more feminine for some reason, now I look back and regret being such a faggot

1 is the sweet spot anyway

Women don't want creepy 40 year olds hitting on them old man

We have gone too far, too fast.

This is .. completely wrong .. and the exact opposite of how it works.

I mean seriously ..