Post embarrassing moments at gym

> Cutting at 1700-1800 calories and doing cardio
> seeing results and body fat going down
> lifts and strength going up slowly - which is odd
> do incline bench with no spotter
> on second set do 155
> go for 6-7 rep
> on the 7th rep I give up completely
> for 15 seconds im holding the bar to my chest. I can't get it up
> alpha old guy who reps 300 lbs on bench for days helps me out
> probably known as that weak pussy kid who cant rep out 155
> fuck my life

If it makes you feel any better. I can't rep 135 flat

eat more
you will get there eventually

More embarrassing would have been that you didn't try.

You tried, but it will be next time son.

No way brah, what he saw was probably his younger self in you.
Would've been bro-tier if he was like
>"hey if you need a spotter, lemme know"

Both of you Google russian weightlifting Jesus now

>Hurduur I failed a rep so embarassing
If you can't deal with the shame of failing a rep, why are you doing barbell? Just go dumbbell and throw them to the sides when you fail a rep. Also dumbbells are better for hypertrophy too so they would likely be better

>dumbbells are better for hypertrophy

you think that's embarrassing? I shit myself in the gym


My only question is why are you cutting when you can only bench 155 pounds

It's pathetic really. You're trying to get lean when you have no muscle mass.

>b-but i have muscle mass

I've never seen anyone whose big enough to cut that fails on in the 8+ rep range of a 155 pound bench press, decline for all that matter.

Stop fucking cutting - you're wasting your time.

Found the fat "powerlifter"

Dude.. less bodyfat - significantly more test and health. When he is down to 10% he can start bulking back up to 15-18% with way more stamina and better overall health.

because people fall for Veeky Forums memes and terms

if you are a beginner just forget about terms like "cutting" and "bulking", you are not a bodybuilder. just eat right and train right ffs

So what if I'm fat at the start?
What exactly does "eat right" mean?

Man I got to 1/2/3/4 and I still do "embarrassing" shit every damn week.
I either have to roll of shame, or fuck up disassembling weights and shit flies and crashes so hard everybody stares, or I fart loudly, or I grunt too loud or whatever.
All of that is BULLSHIT, just byproducts of TRAINING HARD.
Cut out processed sugards and flour as much as possible, Just that will make a huge difference.
Lift big.

Relax. Happens with everybody, and pretty sure it happened with him as well.
It's like when I do dumbbell bench after barbell bench and raised leg bench. I probably look like a weak fuck. Who cares.

Listening to my anime OP/ED music.
People giving me odd looks.
After about 10 minutes a dyel comes up to me and asks if I mind turning it down.
>headphones not plugged in properly, sound leaking from phone
I can't decide whether to change gym or simply embrace the status and go to my gym wearing my waifu shirts.

100lbs here

Sometimes I just want to guiliotine myself during my bench, but then I remember there isn't enough weight on the bar to do that and I would merely choke to death very slowly.

I consider it more embarrassing to never push yourself and actually face a challenge.
Failing once in a while is better than being the guy who benches the same weight year in, year out.

I once completely lost control of the bar and dropped it while doing ohps. My crush had just signed up at the gym and she was a few meters away from me witnessing the whole ordeal. That happened after we chatted up a bit and she told me "you're so strong!" after witnessing some of my previous lifts. Every time she's around, not just in the gym, I will do something embarassing even though I'm generally acting normal when around women. I want to stop being in love with her.

You probably got respect for pushing yourself past the point of failure. Stop being a self depreciating faggot. It kills your gains.

first time i went to the gym I was facing the wrong way in the squat rack

imagine being 300lbs and someone tells you to eat more than your TDEE

you stupid fucking cunt kys

100kg feels good man. but the old guy doesn't have a kid's mentality, he probably forgot about you. anyways no one at the gym cares what you rep if it isn't 130kg

I'm not telling him to fucking bulk and get fat.

I'm telling him to stop trying to cut and just eat at least at maintenance or a very minor surplus so he can actually build up a consistent work effort over 1-2 years and build up muscle on his frame instead of just being a 70kg skinnyfat weak DYEL runt trying to cut down to 60kg or whatever the fuck.

The fact that he's cutting at 1700-1800 and doing cardio+lifting means that he's already overweight. Him gaining strength is a result of his overall health improving. Him cutting is probably the biggest source of his gains right now.
I seriously doubt that he's a power lifter, competing bodybuilder, rodier or professional fighter that can benefit from a bulk/cut cycle you stupid fucking faggot. Stop giving shit advice.

>I want to stop being in love with her.
How does one do that?

Are you dyel? If not you can do it

Saw a dude incline benching recently, he flubbed the last rep and scrambled to get it back into the rack so I wound up diagonal on the pins. Went to help him, but he slipped out from under before I could get over to him. He seemed super embarrassed, but he was probs lifting more than I could. Felt bad for him lol

you're a fucking idiot that has clearly never been fat or you'd understand that to a fat guy, the most important thing is to get slim - if you're a fat guy with muscles from eating at maintenance or slowly bulking and lifting a lot, you're still a fucking fat guy