Martial Arts General

Just a discussion about martial arts in general

>When did you start
>How does it affect your lifts/muscle mass
>Are you happy with it?
>Is it possible to become decent when just doing it a few times a week?

I would post this on /asp/ but they literally just talk about wrestling.



Nah, I read it all. You posted this on the wrong board, though.


Try reading it again

started a month ago.(did a cpl months hqlf a year ago)
3 bjj classes a week
added 3 Muay Thai classes to that last week.
klve the sport but hate being unexoerienced
from what i hear, yes, but i feel like im racing time

I read it all again. You still posted this on the wrong board, dumbass.


So you work on martial arts 6 times a week? Does that leave any room for lifting at all?

Try reading again, you might find the part that adresses your claim.
Take your time, I understand that it's not easy for everyone

i lift on bjj days. 5/3/1 bbb with joker sets

fuck up faggit some people want martial arts threads here

>posts something on the wrong board
>thinks putting "i woulda posted on teh right board but im gay!!!" means you didn't post on the wrong board
you're retarded. i shouldn't have to tell you this a fourth time, but apparently you don't have a functioning brain

Did you just start lifting as well or did you already lift before you picked up martial arts?
Also: Isn't it pretty expensive to pay for both MT and bjj classes?

You seem to have made a mistake there, you quoted me on "i woulda posted on teh right board but im gay!!!" which I, however, never wrote.
Try reading the post again, maye you manage to figure out what I actually wrote. I believe in you.

been lifn for years. seriously for 4

Have you been working on strength or mainly aesthetics?
What's the impact of having picked up martial arts so far?

both with a recent emphasis (1 yr) on strength
i look like I lift but my lower body strength is lacking from my brosplit days
im at around 1.25/2.25/2.5/3.5 for reps
the impact is I cant lift 5 days a week anymore obviously.
to answer your previous post its pretty damn expensive but there both at 1 gym and id rather spend my hard earned money on self improvement than my degeneracy. trying to better myself

Thanks for your input lad and good luck with your MA journey

Who /buttscoot/ here?

Thank you brother. I really want this badly.

So if i started Kendo and Muay Thai, in addition to swimming and lifting, i'm assuming i'd be Veeky Forums as fuck in a few years?
It's just trying to balance everything and knowing how much i'd have to eat which is holding me back

Started lifting to supplement my judo, also want to prevent/mitigate any injuries that might arise.
Simple SS with extra pullups

>on and off since I was like 8?
>I'd practice it on rest days. It probably has a little impact on my lifts, but I'm doing it for fun so that's a price I'm willing to pay
>I enjoy doing it, but dont train it to beat people up, theres probably more effective martial arts for that. Might switch to Jiu Jitsu eventually.
>I've always been practicing 1-2 hours a week, but to get really good (think competition level) you'd need to put in much more time.

Recently started BJJ and just got my gi in the mail.
I'm gonna git gud.

>learning anything but boxing
lel, fucking memesters

I did tae kwon do when I was a kid

It didn't change my muscle mass a bit
It was fun, gave me something to do after school
Didn't really learn anything of note. Nothing in it was any good in a fight, past some basics of momentum transfer like punching with your hips.

The best part of it was basically burning calories to keep fit, and stretching.

Wouldn't recommend it to others. Take up judo instead.

Been doing kyokushin consistently for over 10 years. I started when I was 12. It doesn't really affect my gains as far as I know, just keep eating right and you'll recover.

Yeah doing it a few times a week is fine, you'll have to be patient. I practice 4 times a week, but you can practice 1 or 2 times if you prefer. This is not a sport you want to do competitions in if you care about injuries and lifting though. We don't use any protective gear, so during competitions, it's not uncommon for fighters to break or bruise noses, toes, feet, ribs or jaws. I personally quit competitions because of that very reason. Now I just train for fun.

Id like to start some art or combat sport. I don' t know if i should start with mma training or pick something else and add grappling later. It sounds okay to be good at all 3 (punch, takedowns, grapple) but isn't beeing better in one area better? There are beginner traing for both.

judo and boxing cover everything you need

given the choice between the two, go with judo

It's more important to do something well, so pick actually competent gyms/dojo first

You're only ever going to be good at what you train for, so pick one that looks fun to you first. You have plenty of time to change your mind later, unless you want to compete in MMA ASAP then just pick MMA and train for it.
If you just want to do martial art, pick the one you prefer

i opted for muay thai twice a week and gonna add bjj after 2 or 3 years

for what I know, it takes 2 years or move to get good at MT. boxing might take less time.

anyway, thats because I don't have the time to do 2 or 3 arts a week and still lift and work

Liking getting kicked or choked

thanks for opinions

>Chassé you in the head
Nothing personel... l'ami

>>When did you start
A year ago come October

>>How does it affect your lifts/muscle mass
Not so much since when you do a lot of Ju Jitsu techniques you're not supposed to be putting effort or strength into it.

>>Are you happy with it?
Yes best decision I have made since I was inactive and a weakling before who couldn't fight.

>>Is it possible to become decent when just doing it a few times a week?
Definitely if you practice multiple times in the week, I only get one session a week though but try to practice as much as I can at home. It's just slower progress.

what martial art would you guys recommend to someone who is 6 feet but skinny? I'm leaning towards tae kwon do.

Don't choose a martial art based on your physique... That shit changes rapidly. Choose a martial art based upon your goals.

>who couldn't fight.
you still cant

this. sorry faggot, but we only tolerate lookism and manlet threads on Veeky Forums. actual discussions about fitness aren't allowed.

>see punch coming
>turn your back in reflex
>get hit in the kidney
>cry out for the referee
>fall over
>there's no referee
>get your head stomped in
h-heh, I still won by points though

t. MMGay fan. Your "sport" got absolutely exposed. Take your loss.

>Your "sport" got absolutely exposed.
How? Be specific please.

>Heh, nothin personell, McGregor...

The best striker in the UFC (KO'd one of your GOAT in 13 sec) got absolutely demolished by a boxer.

>learning anything but bare-knuckled boxing

if you're used to blocking with big poofy pillows on your hands, you're no good in a streetfight

Who /hema/ here? Shit can get intense

holy fucking cringe

Ummmm no sweetie ;)

>Blends calisthenics, lifting, and dexterity
>Focus on core and structure
>Matches that allow disarming and throws
>Teaches technique applicable to everyday life
>Trains to face any martial art

>When did you start
at 16
>How does it affect your lifts/muscle mass
will not give you mass.
>Are you happy with it?
>Is it possible to become decent when just doing it a few times a week?
Yes, but it will take longer
Do conditioning, work on your mobility, not only your flexibility.
Learn to breath to recover faster