Old one is old
Primarily for the discussion of trying hard @ the most unathletic discipline
>What Are You Training Today?
>What Are You Eating Today?
>What Are You Feeling Today?
Old one is old
Primarily for the discussion of trying hard @ the most unathletic discipline
>What Are You Training Today?
>What Are You Eating Today?
>What Are You Feeling Today?
Other urls found in this thread:
First for trying harder.
Mmmm thicc
Texas method day 16
Beef ravioli carbs in general
A lot of my friends are going nowhere and I'm afraid when the time comes for making big decisions I'll be just like them...
looks like your on the sauce
I sleep 10-12 hours every single night without fail
I don't see a difference in recovery or gains
Sleep is a meme
I average 4 hours and my life is shit. Wanna switch?
Unironically trying hard over a long period of time is the solution for most strength problems
Unfortunately many of the GDEs here are incapable of understanding that they are not actually trying hard despite their perception that they think they're trying hard.
What's your bodyweight at these days?
My life's also shit that's why I prefer to be asleep
But uh I mean yeah sure let's switch
What's your continent breh?
The last two letters in "yuck" if you ignore the c
>TM day 16
You mean TM day 1?
>>What Are You Training Today?
Jeff Nipples bobydilding arm day, bit of strongman cardio stuff & flailing at the heavy bag like an MMAutist
>>What Are You Eating Today?
Making beef burgers later.
>>What Are You Feeling Today?
Happy. Finding this BB & cardio and just fucking around in the gym really enjoyable
>sleep 12 a night as a neet
>start uni
>4-7h / night
>literally no difference
Don't fall for the sleeping meme
What cardio are you doing?
I don't get it
There are only 3 days in the TM program and 16 mod 3 is 1.
you have to specify trying harder outside the gym
I tried hard in the gym after reading the memes here but that didn't fucking matter until I finally started eating and sleeping enough
>deadlifts, rack pulls, rows, shrugs
>more chicken than i care to admit
>feel ok, tired
I'd say go beyond that and start trying hard to not be a fuck-up in your life.
Stress hormones kill gains. Weak people are often neurotic.
Some light yoke atm. Gonna do like a 7 min density set on axle clean and press or something next. Then trip over my own feet at the heavy bag for a while
How does my diddly look PL family?
Slowly working them back in after hurting my left hip/glute.
A side view makes it easier to tell but it looked pretty good.
Fucking deadlift monkeys.
You don't look natural and your deadlift is seriously shit. Get your shoulders down toward your hips.
I'm more advanced than I am beginner so I'm running the program on a 6-day week. Duly noted though.
Nice. I want to incorporate yoke but my gym's is always packed up and I don't like assembling it. Farmer's walks instead.
Fucken hell how tall are you and what are you gonna bench next meet?
6'2 270~ atm. Hoping to bench 405+ next meet since I won't be competing til 2018 and bench is gaining nicely rn.
roidaroos NOT welcome
so sat on toilet and the Norman khan came rushing out... It's DIRREAHA but not the excessively bad kind like the nice kind where it just took one big khan in a few seconds and you're ready to go almost
Thought it would be stinkier since the fart I let out earlier was really stinky
>Claims a GDE would make
What does Isley love more, the IPF or his parents?
My point still stands. 16 mod 6 is 4. You're on TM day 4.
I just just let out a second burst of DIRREAHA Norman khan
This one was just pure fucking liquid that's pouring out and as I'm typing this even more liquid is pouring out
What on earth caused this? Really all I ate last night was some shitty chow mein noodles and 7 cookies and whisky of course
Name a better pewworkout
Protip: you can't
His moms a whore who unironically fucked other men and unironically and literally cucked his father
Isley is a cuckold by association
I forgot about this
Man poor isley, I heard he had a temper tantrum when he found out and smashed his mums hamster with the remote
oh no I am deeply humiliated you cringed at a picture of a mug and Hershey's bar
I think it was a sledgehammer not the remote
do you get lower back pump from diddlies?
I only get it from moving plates around
My sister's hamster because my mum thought it was a rat and I couldn't see it. There were rats around, like in the compost heap. We did live in the countryside.
And it was a tv remote, followed by the sledge to euthanise it .
Fuck you Dino
Has she ever whacked you in the head mistaking you for a weasel?
If we exchanged lives, I would honestly kill myself. Why haven't you? What do you live for? What gives you joy? How many friends do you have? You know in the next 40, 60 years you'll spend each and every one of them alone right? It never gets better, you will only ever feel worse.
Im tired of gym bag plus I will now have to carry a lot more stuff with me beacuse I will have no time to go home from uni and than gym
Some good big backpacks you know about guys?
pic semi related, I need something avaible in europe
What should I do for deadlifts today /plg/?
Max out
6rm with 270kg :)
Both of these are terrible suggestions.
>n-nice projection
kek sean btfo
how do deadlifts work your lower back? besides isometrically. I only really feel it in my hamstrings and glutes and lats
behind the back snatch grip defecit deadlifts
I feel it in my lower back a lot
You need to round your back more
20x1 speed deadlifts at 60%
3x3 @ 90%
i can't tell if you're memeing
the only time i felt it in my lower back is when i was a beginner and catbacked it
I feel deadlift from blocks in my lower back a lot more because I can go heavier. Usually from mid shin or just below the knee.
Lol this projection my sides are klllin me rn
Hey here's an idea poorfag: honour your bets you lying disgusting rodent fuck
>not taking a gym bag to uni
How will girls know that you want to be referred to as 'Chad'?
which bet? what was it?
Holy keke lurk more newfag
im tired of having it constantly over one shoulder I want to look neet
do you miss her
Just woke up, have to go lift in an hour. What should i have for brekkie?
Guys I have to say something
i never deadlifted with my legs, yes I did setup but I never pressed with my legs, I always think about picking weight up with my back
I think that might be the reason why im fridge with huge lower back
Banded and reverse banded deadlifts with the same tension on both bands.
peanut butter sandwich with honey
wash that down with milk
I got a Targus EcoSpruce off Amazon (UK). Fits clothes, Ramaleos and lever belt in main bit, sleeves, wrist wraps, DL shoes (basically plimsolls, not substantial shoes), shaker bottle and other misc stuff in laptop compartment.
a helium tank
>Targus EcoSpruce
Actually cheap, but looks also like real neet backpack
I was joking with this going 100% neet
if it works why spazz about it
just keep working on your upperbody pulls youll fix the fridgeness by getting bigger arms and lats, delts also help
No I meant
I should use legs, gibs way more power
I was just overpowering gym guys with my lower back so I tought that was the way for the deadlift
were you doing SLDL as your DL form lmao
I did bent at the legs before setup, but they shoot up and I pulled with my back
mfw out sldling my whole gym
what did he mean by this
Ye it was SLDL. Most ppl assumed its DL beacuse my arms are so short, but turns out it was SLDL.
I guess its time to see how good is my dl after 2 years of sldling
>be shut in neet
>only thing I have to look forward to is lifting
>gym is shut for 5 days
Back to bed I go
>that growl
Wrist and bicep curls. Maybe some french presses and rows.
Just some bread and crackers so far, lel. I'm considering some kind of chicken taco. Using Greek yogurt and cottage cheese instead of sour cream and regular cheese. Might feel less like a fat fuck.
Hungry. Otherwise fine.
>be shut in NEET
>have home gym
It's the best.
Let me come lift in your home gym pls
>80% for 2 on snatch and clean and jerk were hard
What the fuck is this fatigue
I'm afraid of cooties.
Mispellee my trip
You are weak
>mfw a twink lifting sub 100kg thinks he's a athlete.
Oh my keks someone get my sides you should find them in the lagrange 4 point in the earth moon system
>unNEETed myself
>have to leave home gym behind
the worst
You know in doing gvt right?
>What Are You Training Today?
Rest day, going cycling for a couple hours in a bit.
>What Are You Eating Today?
As much as fucking possible. Making salmon sashimi for lunch and triple beef pho for dinner.
>What Are You Feeling Today?
Tired but good. Legs are spent so cycling might suck.
Momentum "deload" 6x10
Lmao trolled
Gvt is for twinkshits and gear heads and you don't look like a roidaroo so that kind of narrows it down a bit.
>have to leave home gym behind
Not even kidding, this is one of my biggest fears right now. My home gym is the only reason I haven't given completely up on life yet, and I have no idea what might happen if I have to let it go.
Trying to fix imbalances in my leg due to years of squatting and deadlifting. Adductors are strong and abductors are weak. What exercises can I do to strengthen my abductors?
Hey, boys.
I'm trying to get stronger in squats so I've been looking around for some help. I checked out Chris Duffin's video on bracing in the squat and I have a few questions.
1. When I brace without a bar I feel super tight. But as soon as I get a bar on my back it does not feel the same or as tight. Is that normal?
2. Pulling my ribcage down makes it harder to inflate. Am I supposed to have ridgid abs before inflating?
3. I feel like I have no transfer of power from hips to bar coming out of the hole. How do I fix this?
4. I have oly shoes and I lowbar squat. I can get a couple inches below parallel with them but without I can only hit parallel before back starts to round. Is this ok?
Thanks in advance
Im going to miss it, but Im also looking forward to impressing normies with my babylifts at my unis gym
some band shit
Buying a bike lads
vroom vroom
Front squats hurt my delts
> Trenning
Front Squat x1@8, 4x6
Touch & Go Bench x1@8, 7x4
Wide Grip Bench 6x9
>home gym
>400 wilks
why can't I check any of these off yet