Natty goal bodies

Only truly natty bodies can be posted.



Sandow, the greatest natty to ever exist


Is he natty?


how have you not killed yourself yet?
you are still on this board posting your disgusting pic
lmao @ ur lyfe


Who dis? looks to lean and big to be natty imo especially when no downlight of gods

Not batty sry bro

Man that dude really has shitty genetics
He looked the same when I started lifting 4 years ago and now im way bigger lmao
What a genetic deadend



>hes doesnt post body
haha u know whats up cuz

so many fucking newbies in this thread what has fit come to

and before any of you new retards say anything, this guy is natty. its just a pump, angle, lighting that makes his muscles pop

Fit has always been full of newbs, they don't understand that you can't get MUCH better than for example a body like this if you wanna be shredded

Yes ofcourse he is natty, he only uses natural hormones!

>all that delicious jelly
hnnng. more. give me more

I hate the way a lot of lifters go so homo over un-natty bodies. It's like they get off to see how huuuuge some sad sucker can get. Natty bbing means you also train for strength since size and strength is the same in nattys after neural adaptions.


You're lying if you don't agree with that this is the ideal poosay slaying physique and you can get it all natty*

*may require actual hard work

are you trying to sarcastic? that first pic was natty but that pic there is obvioisly not natty and it looks shopped


A little awkward posing, but most certainly natty




The one and only

based fronk. especially when he was bulkin. fucking massive

possibly the greatest

>being a bitter as fuck person
>making it
Choose, Inuyasha

>roid got him balding


Is Mike Thurston natty? Maybe the best chest on YouTube

But I don't want to be shredded, I want to be dense

not natty

fuck off already you cunt

step 1 : be manlet
step 2 : be the manlet that gains weight easily
step 3 : start lifting and recovering
step 4 : profit

looks natty to me

Why is the adonis belt so visible but the abs are hardly visible? My abs are more visible than this but I'm nowhere near to having a belt.

scott hall was a beast as Razor, no roids. 6'5 270lbs

here he is on roids, close to 300

can get to this natty in 6 months of lifting+good diet.

Looks like one of those foam muscle suits you wear for Halloween

with that physique, not in a million years. Plus he's admitted to cycling

What the fuck am I reading? Sandow went to an aquarium and fought a cyclops?

Well, it is a Photoshop, so

Miring those natty cocaine and bull testicle injections.

Stole some of the Cyclops' sheep too. Based af.

idk man. that's iffy. boulder shoulders and "shredded" are usually dead give a ways.

slayin niggers any day

like it or not, this is peak aesthetics for a guy. any bigger and you lose sexual appeal/athleticism

you should know that its random anons posting his pics now

>MMA fighter

Pick one.


wow he is so hard working and dedicated

Adonis belt is all genetics bro. Sorry

Only his calves are natty. And for sure they are 100% un-enhanced.


Frank is the king.

I just fapped to this and ate my cum for gains
no homo

Why did he get fat?

That's pretty close to what I wanna be, been lifting 2 weeks everyday. How much longer for that? Everything I eat I log it on myfitnesspal and make sure to hit high protein

Why would anyone take advice from someone who looks like absolute shit? Same with Blaha

true, but isuf looks 100x better than blaha

Isn't this girl a camwhore?

Pls provide name. Ill check it in the name of science

HayleyRyder or something like that.

Need roids to look like that


ah yes, Mike "Natty" O'Tren

i wouldn't mind getting fucked by him unironically

Is this achievable natty? What kind of food would he eat?

pizza and donuts you fucking retard


omar isuf isnt fucking natty. The guy can OHP his fucking bodyweight for reps

>ohping ur bodyweight
>not natty

wanna know how I know you're a fucking dyel?

lol. He's definitely natty. He has trained for strength purely, not hypertrophy.

He hates triceps

he's natty, look at his shit midsection, shit forearms and shit traps.

haha.. this fuckin guy.. what a dickhead


>no roids
>obvious roid traps

you trying to convince me he injected every drug on the planet, but not one of them performance enhancing?

The natty king

Dat face tho

What's his routine?

met Omar IRL and he's a lot shorter than i expected. He's also very small...his muscles look a lot smaller IRL than on youtube. Really made me think about how small all the other fitness vloggers are IRL.

>can't train face
rip in pieces

Girl on the far right is ruthless to her competition

Really joggles the noggles...

Kevin Bacon really went haywire after 2005

rocking that "most autistic" pose

she looks like that "train to look good naked" guy

My favourite life time natty


>those breasts
