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>cows were invented by humans
>cows are machines science guy

Selective breeding is a kind of invention.

god i hate this stupid smug fuckhead. neil "12 lifetime publications" tyson needs to shut the fuck up already. he is a token black media personality.

Cows were sort of invented by humans.

The original aurochs were nothing like modern cattle.

all animals eat food and store that energy in their body. but it is not good for u to eat u will get sick

A fish is a biological machine invented by humans to turn fish food into fish.

This is the same guy who's paid to promote the climate change agenda wherever he goes, he has no interest in truth

No, retard. The difference is that cows as a species were created by humans by selective breeding on aurochses.

Science isn't about memorizing facts or understanding. Science is about smoking weed and looking at the stars.

It is like if he was not black no one would care.

If this guy was not cripple as fuck no one would care.

You have to have some type of deformity or abnormality to be a serious famous scientist

>selective breeding

Pick one

>person spends thousands of hours breeding bananas to be not shit
>lol guys he didn't invent bananas
Whatever you want to call it, if it were not for humans, it would not have existed. I think that reasonably is covered by inventions

Selective breeding IS kind of an invention, cows are however not

My morning shit also wouldn't exist without me, doesn't mean I invented it

>but it is not good for u to eat u will get sick


selective breeding = is the process by which humans use animal breeding and plant breeding to selectively develop particular phenotypic traits

inventing = create or design (something that has not existed before); be the originator of.

Modification =the action of modifying something.

Obviously it was more of a modification from selective breeding because it was not created from scratch.

But he is black so you have to agree with him or you would be racist.

hawking made revolutionary discoveries about black holes. tyson didn't fucking do anything.

Would you say that GMO crops are an invention?

>Slavery is a sociological machine invented by the white man to turn niggers into hard workers
Literally your fucking argument Neil.

at what point does human manipulation of resources in to a desired state become "invention"?


This is a loosely defined term. Lets just admit he just shit out a theory and no one wants to shit on a handicap to disprove him. Black Holes probably are not even real

So you wouldn't agree that a sword or a basket are inventions? They are just human manipulation of resources into desired states.

It would be if no other person has ever shit before, user

The invention of a smart phone is simply a modification of previous phones with newer parts
Hell, the invention of the modern personal computer is simply a slightly modified Turing machine

>smart phone

If I just buy a phone then shove it up my ass did I invent the phone anal vibrator? Lets take a poll

>Not even real
I fucking hope not

Ok in that case tell liberals to stop crying about Monsanto and their evil selectively bred corn

>I fucking hope not

Why because they are black like Neil?

Really makes you think if you were walking around in the woods would you eat that shit?

Or would you kill a rabbit or catch a fish?

Vegans btfo again?

No, because they destroy anything you let them touch

>they destroy anything you let them touch

Are you implying that is why they are black?

Y'all niggas are retarded. When you turn something into something different, it's an invention. Would you call a wiener dog a modified wolf? No nigger it's a wiener dog. When you turn something into something else it, becomes exactly that: something else.... something that didn't exist before you made it.... ie a fucking invention.

By yalls retarded logic humans aren't humans.... just modified fish that evolved to walk on water.

So do black people


You're not Carl Sagan, dude.

That looks evil

The last picture is just really old kale/whatever

What's the origins of the cow anyway.

Ain't no way cows niggas be naturalise in nature n sheet.

>invented by humans


every cuck in this thread

>neil de grass dealer

Piss poor analogy, VG.

The proper analogy would be something along the lines of "niggers were invented by the white man to make free labor."

Obviously not a true statement, but that's not the point.

Honestly it's clever and hilarious. A great post. At this point, it's literally what cows are. A complex chemical compound that you sprinkle over fields to make steak.

This so much. Neil rarely had any cleverness, and is in fact often wrong or exaggerates to seem profound. Carl was a fucking hero, a genius. Those shoes can't be filled, especially not by a retard like Neil.

Fucking seriously. These retards would be caught dead before allowing themselves to enjoy the experience of language.


It's a joke

People said similar things about einstien

I don't know who annoys me more, vegans or LOL BACON XD STEAK XDDDD fags.

yeah nah

And they were right.

So let's see your doctorate mate? Oh wait you don't have one? Then shut the fuck up. It was a joke.

>black holes aren't real
Jesus fuck are you really this fucking retarded or are you just trying to activate my almonds

So what does meme man think of transgenders

I think Meme_Man is actually dating a trap

you don't know shit about transgenics or GMO's, kindly send yourself to the moon

Depends on how you define invention, we certainly turned a regular animal into a retarded meat factory with selective breeding. So he is not wrong there.

You know what agriculture and domestication is right, meathead? Certainly wasn't written on stone tablets.

image search "broccoli/cabbage/turnips/kale/cauliflower/kohlrai gone to seed"