VEGAN GENERAL - Vegan Master Race Edition

A place for discussing all things vegan health & ethics

- Processed meattrash lowers test

- Estrogen in milk lowers test and stops you developing into a real man

- Casomorphine in milk keeps you addicted

- Milk gives you acne

- Heme iron in red meat gives you esophageal and stomach cancer

- Meat gives you colorectal cancer


Land of Hope and Glory (2017) -

Lucent (2014) -

Earthlings (2005) -

Since we know meatcucks will defend this

>inb4 naturalistic fallacy
>inb4 might makes right fallacy
>inb4 amoral autists who think not caring and standing for nothing is a virtue
>inb4 faggots larping as hunters
>inb4 faggots larping as farmers
>inb4 amerifats who think shooting something at 200m is testosteronous
>inb4 telling someone to behave ethically is inherently unethical
>inb4 free market is inherently moral
>inb4 meatcucks triggered by science

Other urls found in this thread:

>inb4 meatcucks who don't understand physiology


>inb4 meatcucks who don't understand logic

Daily reminder that nobody will ever care about your faggy threads, you kike.

user, I love you, and I'm sure your heart is in the right place, and I'm vegan too.
That said, please stop acting like a complete cunt. You're making us look unhinged. Anons won't want to try beans instead of beef, or pea protein instead of whey protein, if they are going to be associated with obsessed holier-than-thou narcissists.
Alright, take care! Going to buy tortillas, spinach, hummus and beans because I ran out of food.

No one would take notice of some 'pls go vegan' post. People will accept the truth eventually. No successful movement is ever 'nice'

I ate 3 porkchops today and in a few days I'm headed out to the country to shoot furry rabbits.

Your silly little diet is fine by me, but I'd rather get strong. I didn't look at any of your links but thanks anyways. If you try bacon sometime you might like it.

lel you must be tough

No, but you can lead by example. Craft a nice body, post in a CBT, and when people are mirin hard enough to ask for routine and diet, then you spill the proverbial beans.
Or when anons ask for meal recommendations, simply recommend lentils and peanut butter instead of milk and steak. Don't go full vegan autist. No successful movement ever is autistic.

don't you believe people are capable of reading studies and recognising their diet is unhealthy

Tougher than a vegan

Mate, no
1) Nobody cares enough to read them, or very few do. People here answer mostly based on emotion, not information. See: Keto.
2) The main argument for veganism is the ethical and environmental one, with health as an added bonus. There is literally nothing unhealthy about consuming 200 g of small, low food chain fish and a cup or two of fermented dairy like aryan or kefir.

Logic is easy, especially on the primitive level like in your pic
The problem is applying logic and defining premises
P2 should not be taken as an axiom
Its just wordplay right now

>estrogen induced low test
>meat induced cancer
lel tough

>P2 should not be taken as an axiom
Name the trait then

>be vegetarian
>have to take b12 supplement which technically is a meat product
>if you don't take b12 your memory functions stop working after 3-4 years of non-meat diet
>you either aren't actually a vegan or you won't remember if you are one or not

apparently vegans cant grow neck muscles lmfao

>>have to take b12 supplement
No, but it's not a bad idea
>>b12 technically is a meat product

lol, your meat is injected with synthetic B12 along with a load of antibiotics and hormones

It comes from animal insides lmao
>it's not a bad idea
have fun with your malfunctioning brain then dumbass. humans evolved eating mostly meat and it's why we came as far as we did (hint: it supports growth of brain cognition)

if you don't want to eat meat or use animal products for b12, you can also eat dirty vegetables or animal feces.. your choice I guess

>being such a low test beta a glass of milk turns you into a tranny

shiggy diggy doo this is something you should not do

>B12 comes from animal insides lmao

>vegan's brain can't function properly to refute claims and instead spams spurdo memes

That was not the point
Why do You use this expression instead of any other?
For example: P2 There are traits in animals that if present in humans would deem ourselves valueless
P2 There are traits in animals that are absent in humans
Both of them are true and if put into equation instead of Your P2 would lead to opposite result

You just take the premise that is most suitable for Your purpose

Its not that easy bruv

'It is good practice to provide all animals entering a feedlot with a B12 supplement as part of their induction programme. In cases of even marginal deficiency, the B12 will enhance the animals’ appetite, getting them onto feed quicker and providing better feed efficiency and improved weight gains'

Plantcuck pls go.

Everyone else stop feeding this faggotry

morals are a spook. kill yourself and figure out what god is in charge then report back, until then fuck off.

lel sickening argument big boi

Enjoy your natty vegan shit-tier gains

>Estrogen in milk lowers test and stops you developing into a real man
This is how you know vegans are biased morons.

If you were actually interested in science and in the truth, you'd watch the video and learn something, but you won't because you're only interested in staying in your own vegan fantasy.


That's not how logic works senpai. Theory is based off of assumptions them derived deductively. Essentially a theory is a mapping "if my presumptions hold true then my conclusion does as well". If you think P2 is bullshit then like OP said come up with a single counterexample and the conclusion doesn't hold water.

why is it wrong to kill an animal for its meat
what religion forbids it? some say not to eat a certain animal, not for ethical reasons.

if there is some other god religion doesn't mention he doesn't seem to care.

if there's no god, morality is relative and ethics don't actually exist.

Bite size vegan has the strongest jaw on /fit

Clumsily shooped photo, faggot.

>if there's no god, morality is relative and ethics don't actually exist.
lelelel you shouldn't object to anything then

>uses meat-derived brotons to get swole
>Go vegan
>make sure everyone knows, even if they don't ask
>get loads of popularity on vegan forums
>be popular on internet
>look like God to legions of sickly, weakened, easily influenced vegans

>Why do You use this expression instead of any other?
It's the same
>P2 There are traits in animals that if present in humans would deem ourselves valueless
Name one
>P2 There are traits in animals that are absent in humans
Name one (that justifies eating animals)
>I can't even google where vegan B12 supplements are sourced from

> aggression towards people who don't have the same diet as you.
> tough

Right... enjoy being a tiny little fuckboi your whole degenerate life


or what?

well you get prion diseases from eating human meat

Reminder that there are regular stories about plantcuck parents killing their babies by trying to make them plantcucks as well

This is a red herring user, you're distracting from the ethical character of the question.

If you didn't get prion's from human meat and it was perfectly healthy, nutritious and delicious, would it be ethical to eat then?

>low test dairyfag
>not at a fuckboi


There's like 3 stories repeated over and over again. And it's not like absolutely no omni parent ever had their kid die of malnutrition. But that doesn't make for a clickbait headline now does it?

Why I have to counteract Your example and You dont have to counteract mine? Mine examples are as good as Yours
I can justify fucking children using logic if I just use the right premises and ignore others, as you do

Not my fault you didn't reply

just wait a fucking second faggot, this not a chatroom and nobody fucking owes you instant replies


Vegans btfo


>It's the same
no its not
the amount of traits in humans is not the same as the amount of traits in animals nor do they overlap
>Name one
stop being a faggot
oh wait, its Veeky Forums, its ok then
i dont know about murica, but in glorious europe we hold people who are violent, dumb, weak willed etc less valuable
>Name one (that justifies eating animals)
where this shit in the brackets came from? and why didnt you include it in the original argument? i am not going to waste time on a an opponent that will add rules on the go
please bother to make final and well defined logical equation before accusing anyone of not understaning logic

no i am just being rude to and you are reacting by pretending that it was intended, like any low test college boi would do

Lel the shit in the brackets came from the original argument meatard. look at the pic

>go vegan, guys! growing big and muscular is a sign of toxic masculinity, and that's not okay!

Or you would be logically inconsistent obviously, are you retarded?


fgt has been drinking too much estrogen packed cow milk

And there are a thousand stories about omnicucks killing their children with malnutrition for each story of a vegan couple kiling their own child with malnutrition.

Is that all you have to say?
I bet you do calisthenics. Stay weak fag. I kill and eat animals regularly and sleep like a baby. Nobody cares about your shitty life.

meatcucks don't understand logical consistency

If you don't realize the difference in complexity between disproving a forall statement vs a there exists one, then I don't see why your comments warrant anymore effort. But if you go back and manage to read my comment with an adult's level understanding, then you'd realize I never said the conclusion would be true. All I said is that it's super simple to disprove it if you can. But go ahead, rant about fucking kids. Show me your "equivalent reasoning" and I'll happily come up with a counterexample.

lel you sound mad, go kill a rabbit big boi

>Stay weak fag. I kill and eat animals regularly and sleep like a baby. Nobody cares about your shitty life.
Legit seems like I'm reading a post from a 14y old going on an online powertrip trying to look cool on

>I bet you do calisthenics
Lmao what the fuck does this have to do with anything? What if he does calisthenics? What could it possibly mean?

I did, and there is nothing about traits being valid based on justification of eating animals
It is also nice how you ignored the rest of the post btw

Doesn't really matter when we're talking per capita

not a single pec amongst them

>le spook man of psychopath
Are you going to turn yourself in to the asylum soon?

If you dont claim the conclusion to be true, then what is the point for me to disprove it? This is not a debate club, I wont argue for the sake for argument
I dont feel the need to stroke my ego by showing random people on the internet that i read a book

as if you have stats on per capita. meatcucks are killing themselves and their children all the time

>doing so bad you come in xth place
>being proud of it
1st or nothing. 2nd is respectable, but pitiable. Anything else is worthless. So be a vegan if you want to be worthless

And that itself is irrelevant when you realize the fact that the number of kids born vegan dying from malnutrition on a vegan diet are a tiny tiny tiny minority.
One million americans are vegan, 2 babies died in america on a vegan diet.

What does this mean? That obviously vegan diets don't kill toddlers or babies, it's just malnutrition that does.
Insinuating anything else besides this is being dishonest.

There have been more couples killing their kids with gluten free diets than there have been vegan couples killing their kids with vegan diets.

I'm a meat eater. I went vegan just to see how it was as an experience. Not gonna lie, I lost most of my muscle mass, was cold all of the time and couldn't think straight. I'm not here to shit on being vegan or standing up for people that eat meat like I do, because thats a sad and shallow thing to do. I will say though, that the pros of trying veganism is that I learned all of the different plant based protein sources are tasty as hell. Peas, peppers, legumes, soy(if you're a chick or a ftm hopeful), and spinach are amazing foods that mixed with a lean protein diet can help skyrocket gains.
Tldr; tried veganism, shit sucks but some of the food can be dank in addition to lean meat.


>my malnutrition though

I literally tracked micronutrient intake from people I've been friends with, and all but one of them were meat eaters.

Pretty much every single one of them had a deficiency in one vitamin or mineral or fatty acid.
People are just delusional thinking they are somehow not deficient in any vitamin for eating a wide range of foods.
It's not the range of foods that matters, it's the quality of the nutrition in your whole diet that matters.

Vitamin D, iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, essential fatty acid deficiency is rampant in today's society, anyone who tells you it's just one small group that's deficient in any of these is lying to you.

Went to high school and middle school with the guy in the pic of OP.

Weird as fuck to see how much attention he is getting these days.

Deluded meatcucks just deny the reality that a vegan diet can provide perfect nutrition as a way of rationalising their unethical, weak minded, behaviour

What did people say about him never eating meat

It means he doesn't lift

Honestly not shit, he has been vegan his entire life. I am sure some people thought it was weird, but can't remember anyone saying anything. We lived in Miss too, so he was even more out of place than normal (if you go by stereotypes)

Why are all the vegans I know so tiny though?

Participation bias

lol how the fuck did that happen, wouldn't expect to see any vegans in Mississippi even now

You realize being able to choose a vegan diet is a privilege you seem to be taking entirely for granted.

You can do calisthenics and lift.

Like attracts like.

Kek, idk
He was not big back then, but not really scrawny either. I think he was a soccerfag. Talked to a girl in his friend group and all those slores were vegan. It was weird for sure, but he had always been that way so I just think that no one noticed.

Vegans in Miss are weird tho, I'll give you that. The state beverage is milk for gods sake.

What asinine irrelevant bullshit.
Guess what else is a privilege, having a roof over your head, internet, heating, treated urban water, grocery store around the corner, perfectly packaged cuts of meat or fish, refrigeration, etc.

Meat is expensive. How is eliminating it from your diet a privilege

Name a trait absent in plants which if absent in humans would make them valueless (or, in the context of this argument - would make it ok to eat them).

Lol we vegans must be taking over. Everyone get yourself on the right side of history


Can't do it brah.

Have to have at least 30% of my diet meat, I tried it for a while...just was not my thing. Felt great, but had cravings.

Can't give up deer meat and crawfish. Props to you tho.

Absense of emotion like sorrow, fear, pain, dread, empathy, happiness and compassion.
Absense of a mammalian brain.
Absence of a brain.
Absence of a nervous system.
Absence of actual nerves that can process pain signals to a central nervous system.

The fact that maybe plants can't run away or move and therefore it would have 0 praticality for plants to be able to feel pain or suffering.
The fact that we like all non carnivores need certain nutrients from plants in order to survive, like vitamin C.
The fact that it is more eficient to feed a human population with plants than it is with animals.
Plants are distinct from humans genetically, unlike animals are to us, specially mammalian animals like cows and pigs.

I could go on.

You're not wanted here, vegan attention whore.

lol the only reason I know about the one on the left is because she made a video about having autism. Which means nothing if you're a girl.

I've never understood the cravings. I hate feeling full and immobile.

lol umad this is the most popular topic on board

Deer meat is pretty lean, I don't feel immobile after eating it. Maybe my body just processes it better than most, idk. Also, I limit my meat consumption for that specific purpose. I follow a diet people call flexitarian, which is based of 70-80% "vegan" meaning heavy vegetables, legumes etc. Then the rest meat. I don't eat meat every day.