/plg/ Panzer Lifting General

Powerlifting is gay

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Lol nobody will ever post in a panzer thread

ach so

We can talk to each other in this thread and nobody else will have to know

so uh

hows it goin bud

Terrible. My body is fatigued but my mind wants me to lift

I'll post in a panzer thread

Asking again because the other one just finished.

The bench in my gym has fixed pins like pic related, the problem is that the lower one is like a deep pin press and the high one makes me lose tightness due to shoulder forwarding when racking/unracking. I'm doomed no matter what but which should I stick with? I hit 225 x 6 recently and made it all this way with the high pin, but I'm scared that the forward rotation in the beginning can fuck up my shoulders in the long run. I get decent tightness once the weight is unracked though.

No power rack in my gym


no this is just me and panzer go away

Don't forget to sage every post so the normies don't see

this is the real thread

So have I posted, so it must be




This week has been so easy :)

However, tomorrow I have three amraps at 87% in all lifts :(

Funny enough Its 22:43 and I'm reheating my pasta dish so yeah

My pecs are super tight and sore so I'm worried about tomorrows bench
I might have to do... Ohp

The country is called the United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland). But Great Britain is the island we live on, excluding the other bit of the UK called Ireland (all of it, it's part of the UK it just forgot)

What is there even to do in the GB other than drink and drive to MacDonald's

There must be more to life

Play video games, work and watch tv

such is my life

Is the bench fixed to the rack? I used to put two fat bumpers under the ends of the bench when I trained at a gym that had those shitty racks.

Will trying to learn oly without a coach ruin my chances of going to the olympics

Asked last time, asking again now.

Why aren't the first 2 weeks of a Renaissance meso a waste of time since the weights are so low? If you pick a weight for 3x8 which you'll be doing weeks later at 6x8, how can that cause any stimulus or even be in the 65-80% hypertrophy range they recommend?

you were one of my favourite trips
until today

Why do you have to make sense.

What is there to talk about when you have lifting down and now all you gotta do is give it time?

Deal with it Paddy, you're nothing but subjects of the Crown to me

What is there to do anywhere

Isley lost all authority the day I joined plG


Join my discord server

no racism
no bigotry
no homophobia
no islamophobia
LGBQTP+ friendly
no swearing


Lol you're irrelevant

You know, sean, I despise you and resent your being here all the time

You can grow without maxing the fuck out all of the time. Focus on the contraction and getting a lot of blood into the muscle, etc.

Kek sewan. You cant influence anyone here. You're not a trend setter, or a meme maker or a community member. You're just pathetic :)

I can make anyone happier just by telling them about you and reminding them that they aren't you.

How to make my chest less tight and sore please my gf wants to know I have a gf

Quite a lot of projections here.. You've already submitted to me long before cuck

Need I remind you of the bets you've lost to me? How sparrow wanted to fuck me but disgusted by you? I could go on bu you're just a fat,weak, weasel

Oh and a cuckold

You're merely a side character in my play now boy

stretch it you stupid faggot

how many IQ points has alcohol killedt? you must be at around 90 right now you fucking retard


>these are your lifts on cheque drops

Sparrow was literally in love with me btw


frog is getting pretty big....


I like Kermit...

friendly reminder to wash your penis

cut americucks may ignore this message

his shoulders have that PED look to them

I dreamt I was at a party and everyone was on this long stretch of sofa watching TV and I sat on the floor with my back to the sofa and this girl kept pushing her feet to my face and rubbing her feet on my face.

I grabbed her feet, looked up behind me and she was absolutely beautiful, I heard a voice saying we should back into another room and fuck.

I got up and started to leave when this really ugly girl sitting beside the beautiful one stood up and followed me out the room.

Why did I dream this


anyone have pics or names of qt weightlifters? preferably of the feminine variety?


>finish deads at 87% with 2 minute rests ezpz
>yesterday almost fail every squat rep at 85% and need pre, 10 minute rests, aggressive music, and people yelling at me to be able to get through it
Fuck squats in the ass

You're always lifting every day and it's making me fucking jelly

I lift 4x a week?

don't need to brag

Yes, it is one big piece fixed.

>4 == 7
Okay then

So when do I test my actual 1RM after doing an open set at the end of a strength phase?



That roid acne
>roiding for this

haven't wanked in weeks desu

should I?

nonono I did it and regretted it instantly

Beta orbiters btfo

Does anyone have that one meme of the powelifter with no honor and the Olympic weight lifter with honor?


rebeka is the only acceptable oly waifu

You couldn't be more wrong, even if you claimed that Sean was a perfectly normal human being

gotta love jon north, always slamming bars. he had a heart attack not that long ago but back to lifting.

I want to breed with her

Why do you hate wiminz

no hate bts

hes gay

Recommend me something that isn't wake me up when September ends to run to

I need something that feels like it goes by really quick but is also quite long

Whoops meant 4

I don't hate them

I prefer women to men desu

Just admit you like traps and not actual men :/

Would be a lie if I claimed such a thing

>you will never experience love like this

What stops you from killing yourself everyday plg?

Not traps, high test womans.

oh my gosh I am SPEWING tons of really STINKY SMELLY SWEATY Norman khan into the toilet right now

Like sink factor 6.9/10 and man this khan is SPEWING out

Still in log formations or at Least solid but wew wew werw this Norman khan was just ITCHING to be disposed Of back into the pajeet waters / toilet

Also I'm still disposing of more Khan as I type this btw

I live for (you)s

I need at least 50 (you)s a day or I'll kill myself

If he liked just traps and women he would not be gay

Traps / transsexuals are literally the worst thing on this planet right now

I'd rather see black men steal from a small family business than see transsexual children


What happened to your dad

did you love sparrow or trappy more


As soon as I wake up
Every night
Every day

I know that's you I need
To take the blues away

It must be Sean

Nothing more
Nothing less
Sean is the best

Hey guys I'm not a powerlifter but I need help on gaining strength as a beginner

I did 1.5 months of stronglifts and 3 weeks into PPL

>225 lb deadlift
>210 squat
>110 bench

My squats are consistently rising but I can't deadlift much more because my grip keeps slipping. My bench progression is also extremely slow af. What do.

More -(((((((((((-----volume-----))))))))))-

the fact that I enjoy lifting

cant deadlift when dead

thank you

>grip keeps slipping

you're not using double overhand right

Double overhand is nice and all but it's mechanically weak as shit compared to all other options that usually dont leave grip as the limiting factor

Double overhand with straps
Mixed grip
Hook grip

Mixed is easier, but hook grip seems like the one people who can actually use it seem to prefer

Make a deadlift pact with me brother. When either of us die the other must deadlift the other persons corps that way they'll ascend to heaven.

sounds good famadin

Good, meet me tomorrow

>just finished workout
>all showered and bundled up
>just found out about the new Godspeed album

tonight's gonna be A1 cozy

wow.. you sound like a fucking loser lol.. im probably gonna drink some alcohol like a real man (actually I alrready am drinking LOL) then fuck a bitch or something, have fun listenign to your virgin tunes

I hope your evening is as wonderful as you want it to be :)

yeah i fuck yo momma bitch

A week until my lot 40 arrives :)

I was drinking some whisky the other night and for some reason it made me feel instantly sick, even though I've only ever thrown up from vodka?

I hope that doesn't ruin it for me next week

why is it taking a month to ship?

Perhaps I wasn't clear, I'm ordering for my birthday, not before.

well what if it doesnt come in time then, maybe just order it ahead of time, then open it on your birthday

Yeah, I hope you didn't PH3 me lol