Would being my size be your nightmare?

Would being a 22 year old male 5ft8" and weighing about 295lbs

Yeah I'd fucking hate being 5'8

how do you stop yourself from ending your life?


not really. it would just be very sad. if thats you I feel sorry for you lad

Not hard and why would I kill my self ?It is me and don't feel sorry I'm fine haha

Do a water fast. I'd probably kill myself if I was that fat.

You are still young. If you work hard, you will have a good body when you are in your 30s. My only concern would be loose skin tho.

As I see it now, you have 2 choices. Work hard and change your body, or try to not pay too much attention to it, and suffer the consequences (health problems, no girls etc)

>I'm fine haha

if you were fine you wouldnt feel the need to post about it. again; sorry about your situation lad

is this the new "humiliate me, mache alles" shitpost? i keep seeing this fat fuck

No, because I'd have the self-discipline to fix it. You have all your limbs, you're probably ambulatory, you're young enough to be able to reverse most of the damage you've done to your body. If I woke up looking like that, I'd be bummed, but I'd get right to fixing it.

I feel so fucking sorry for you OP, but i believe that you can still live a happy and fit life even if you're 5'8

Oh and yeah you should lose some weight i guess.

Yeah, being 5'8 would be a nightmare

I mean itd be pretty unpleasant to be you. So many fuckers killing me to get to the lordvessel


>I'm fine haha

don't kys just do roids or smth at this point

>Class 1 (low-risk) obesity: BMI 30.0 to 34.9
>Class 2 (moderate-risk) obesity: BMI 35.0 to 39.9
>Class 3 (high-risk) obesity: BMI 40.0+
Since your BMI is 44.8, I suggest you lose weight before you die in a kingsize bed that can't contain you, caked in faeces and struggling to scratch your festering beetus stumps.

It would be bad but not a nightmare by any means

You could get in shape in a year so in terms of a handicap it's no worse than a broken leg

It will heal in time if you take care of your shit

Being "content" with being your size, sure. But a year or so of hard work will get someone your size looking acceptable.

Imagine your families joy when they have to pay to have a window removed from your house to get your fat festering Riga mortise corpse out because you're too fat to get through the door

No like I'm fine with the way I am I just want to see what other people think
Bmi charts are a load of a crap
Yeah hopefully at 295lbs hahahaha

Yeah I used to weigh 290 at 6'1. Jesus that sucked. Fucking sweat pools forming between all the fat folds in a hot car. That was the last fucking straw. Down to 185 now. Lose weight friendo. Were all gonna make it.

I miss old b

Like, im 21 years old, 5'9 and 300 pounds - BUT i got some national powerlifting records, so im happy - picture related, thats me.

>8 years

Lol. He could get in shape in less than 2 years if he really wanted to.

Being passively fine, and being happy are two different things my friend. its never to late is all I will say.

you're ugly as fuck, my dude, but you know, that also makes you look scary and intimidating. keep doing you, man. you look like you should be a bouncer or a bounty hunter or something.

hi lars

>one inch shorter than me
>weights twice as much as me
this is fucking with me

I was you, took years and the girl I was chasing making constant "My 600lbs Life" references every 10 minutes, to turn it around. Dropped down to 160, building back with some muscle now. You can't fix the 5'8" though. We should both kill ourselves.

I was 5'7" 240 for a while but I'm down to 194. Going to probably cut until I'm ~140-150.

Losing weight is the easiest fucking thing I've ever done, the less you do (eat) the more you accomplish.

kek'd and check'd


5'5" dwarflet her, Start improving yourself mate! Was 160 lb at my fattest, got it down to about 140, now trying to build muscle
At least you are not as dwarf-tier as me, so:

Start right now, eat clean, eat with a caloric deficit and you WILL drop down in weight. It wont be a short journey, but you only have this one life to make the best of yourself!

Yes, I would be able to lose the weight cuz I'm disciplined and not a fat fuck

But I would hate the loose skin after

>BMI is a load of crap
Good show, kek'd heartily.

>Bmi charts are a load of a crap
BMI is only inaccurate because it can't account for muscle, which means people like The Rock are marked as Tier 1 obese despite being a slab of muscle. Since it assumes your mass is primarily fat and you look like you'd struggle to close fat calipers on one of your rolls, it's perfectly accurate for you, fatty.

I felt like an obese fuck at 6'0 220.


that would suck, but i would fix it


holy shit

>when you are 5'5"
>where do i apply for ending myself?

Man up, pussy. Suicide is for cowards and deserters.

looking strong

Damn dude, it wouldn't be a nightmare but just sad. Dude, you can get better, it is so worth it, believe me.

I'm bigger then that but at least I'm 6ft3, working now to get the weight off. Fuck being fat anymore but i'd probly just shoot myself if i was fat and a manlet.

Stop drinking soda, stop eating carbs, eat less. LIFT. Start running when around 250, thats what I did.

Yeah that muscle though bro not fat. Everyone would love to be 300 lbs of muscle. How long did it take to get there man?

me too
t. 5'9

Lucky 7 trips don't lie mate

yes start walking a lot and eating less

>please select all bridges

fitting you should fine one too

strong boi

>Getting a gentle nipple massage while doing squats.
I wish I was you


tfw no thicc bf

stop posting this faggot you post this every few months and everyone keeps commenting

