>hang out with girl yesterday night
>we spend the night together and have a great time
>alone missing her feeling depressed and drinking to much
how do I stop being such a desperate beta bitch?
Hang out with girl yesterday night
You grow up
>tfw 25 and not grown up
Just think man she was deffo getting raw bare backed, while you were on suicide watch.
Grow a pair
Someone is just a late bloomer, I was around 26 when I realized how i fucked up my life and then tried to change it. Also, missing a girl is not a bad thing, just do something productive when she is not with you, work out, study, read a book..
I fucked her raw yesterday and cummed buckets in her it was great
im trying to fix shit but my brain always has to kick my ass
You fucked up
you know you can text her when she isn't with you, right?
>tfw about to graduate from uni so I can't look for a longterm relationship with anyone other than seniors since it's likely I'll be moving away.
This really sucks
I can't at 2am since she's sleeping ;_;
Man the fuck up! Also stop drinking by yourself you pathetic loser
Stop posting r9k shit on fit.
Fit isn't your special board. This kind of shit has a place, and it isn't here.
then go the fuck to bed and stop worrying about it dude
Do you have photos of her? What I usually do is jack off to pictures of the girl I'm with and go to bed.
>virgins knowing what it's like to be with a girl then missing her
I do but I'm trying to do nofap
I guess that's true, nobody on r9k would know that feel.
Still, though. This is some non fit bullshit.
you should definitely get drunk and start texting her OP
you didn't Veeky Forums is just rife with insecure /r9k/ and nigger posters who think that sexual contact is bad unless chad or tyrone is doing it
/mental health/ boom Veeky Forums thread.
im not falling for your tricks user you sneaky bastard
Find some hobbies and stuff to do.
You can make it senpai, as long as you do things for yourself, as long as you don't make her your priority in this very moment
Go read a book or play a game or do something, relationships take time, don't ruin it
>relationships take time, don't ruin it
I just want a gf to have fun with,love me and have juniors with. I wish I didn't fall in love so easily
She will love you, but first love yourself
I know that feel op. In the beginning she is all interested and later the beta in me kicks in and i will act all clingy and needy and she becomes distant and i get dumped again
i dont understand woman user they want someone loyal and to be their best friend but if you always want to be with them they distance themselves.
that's hard when you have 0 self esteem
>they "say" they want someone loyal and to be their best friend
Don't listen to what women say about what they want. They don't tell the truth.
Learn to enjoy your own company you man child
you got so addicted to the rush of feelgood chems thats all user
dont be a clingy fuck or youll dry her up