Can do 2/3.5/4/5

>can do 2/3.5/4/5
>got into numerous exciting and interesting hobbies
>became well read
>learned how to socialize well
>STILL no fucking bf/gf

searching for this shit is like searching for the fountain of youth ffs

Lower your standards

I will lower you... into the ground!

Do you socialize?
Also post pic of you, face included

Use the internet more. Find vidya game groups. Aim to make friends, not a bf/gf. A bf/gf should be a good friend imo.

I found a pornstar fwb totally by accident just cause we're both in the same gaming clan

>pornstar fwb
Pornstar or camwhore?

Pornstar. Have to actually pay to view.

As well as his hot bf


>use the internet more
I don't think that will help

1) do you initiate asking people out?
2) do you use dating apps?

will someone please explain to me wtf 1/2/3/4
2/3/4/5 means?


the GF isn't given to you, you must TAKE the gf
be bold, she is your birthright

so you guys can do these workouts?


The number is how many plates (per side)
OP can overhead press 2 plate (225), bench 3.5 plate, squat 4 plate (405) and deadlift 5 plate (495). The real question is why OPs deadlift is so weak compared to his bench and OHP and squat

got it, thank you.

I'm too skinny for all that noise

Are you new at this? Those numbers are way too high. Two plate is 180, three is 270, and four is 360.

>learned to socialize well
apparently not

what about the bar?

Ah yes its important you dont count the bar because if you curled a barbell youd be curling thin air

What about the bar?

Are you dumb?
How many girls are you friends with

It counts

Only logical explanation is that youre fat, especially with those lifts. Get cutt'n fucko