Whats Veeky Forums's opinion on Straight Edge?
Whats Veeky Forums's opinion on Straight Edge?
A degeneracy free lifestyle
Gay as fuck
Life without fun is no life at all
>Straight Edge
Gayer than any drug subculture.
I'm straight edge
I don't run around gloating about it or anything.
I just love hardcore, hardcore shows, and the culture around straight edge hardcore.
>getting shitfaced every weekend, doing hard drugs and risk getting infected with STDs is fun
I don't do drugs because they make me lazy and I don't bang whores because I'm not retarded. It's like MGTOW in that a bunch of identity obsessed special snowflakes needed group memos and t-shirts for a bunch of mundane shit that normal people do.
Good in practice, horrible in culture
Wearing it like a badge of honor is pretty fucking gay
all those things are super fun HAHAHHA whats the drawback?
>what do you think about people that live by absolutes
Defining yourself by what ypu don't do is fucking stupid. We don't have a word for people who don't watch movies or don't drink lemonade, who gives a fuck
straight edge saves a ton of money
they spend it all on tattoos
Alcoholism is a destructive cultural norm. Deciding to not have it as a crutch for day to day life is a good thing. Opioids and Stimulant addictions are even more deadly.
That said, LSD, Psilocybin, THC and other psychoactive compounds can be very beneficial in the right dosage and environment in providing perspective for personal growth. I don't think all drugs are bad, but "party" drugs will never bring you satisfaction, only provide escape.
*shitty tattoos
I agree. I don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs either and I don't need to label myself with a title for not doing said things.
what the point of not doing drugs and alcohol if you can't brag about it everywhere and rub your superiority in everyone's faces.
Joe pls
It's a retarded subculture. No one gives a fuck about what you don't do. Plenty of people don't drink or do drugs without having to attach themselves to a dumb lifestyle and get shitty tattoos and listen to shitty music.