Daily reminder whether or not you should squat and deadlift is determined by GENETICS

Daily reminder whether or not you should squat and deadlift is determined by GENETICS.

> Bret: [...]you know that you can build up the body to be very strong. The muscles and as long as you hold good position and your training parameters are proper, your frequency, volumes, postures, load, all these things, you can build your body up to withstand that.

>Stu McGill: Some people can’t.

>Bret: Well that’s what I would like to talk about. Okay, I’m gonna veer off. You mentioned genetics as it pertains to the spine. Talk for a second about ovoid and the limacon disc shapes.

>Stu McGill: [...]we can have a variety of disc shapes. We inherit that from our parents. If you take a slice through your low back, you will look down and bird’s eye view and see the shape of your disc. Some are oval. If you twist an oval disc (an oval disc likes to twist). The great golfers, not all, tend to have ovoid shaped discs simply because of survival of the fittest. If you can’t swing a club very well and you can’t twist, then you’re going to choose another sport besides golf. People with these slender, oval discs tend to become golfers. Those types of spines can twist. Now, if you take the typical middle linebacker from NFL, they don’t have oval discs. By definition to survive in that sport, they have to take a lot of compression and they have much bigger, thicker, much bigger radius discs. But they’re shaped like a lima bean when you look down on them. they are big and indent at the back where the spinal canal is. When you get a thin branch and bend it, it will bend. There’s not much stress. But if you take a thick branch and bend it, it breaks. That’s what happens with very thick discs that tend to be limacon shaped. The hydraulic stresses that come from bending in big heavy spines get focused to the back of the curve of the limacon and these kinds of people end up with posterolateral disc bulges if they bend too much.

>there are people who act like squats and deads are tough when it's actually just a genetic variation they're born with that allows their spine to easily adapt to loads
>squats and dead are actually two of the simplest and easiest moves to perform but they must perpetuate their false meme and con noobs into thinking they're a pussy with bad form
>he actually thinks either of these lifts are challenging in any way
lol lmao ahahahahahaha

Don't fall for the heavy compounds meme. There's a strong chance you're not built for it. Training should fit your goals. Why do you want to train for maximal strength when it's useless for almost everything? Effective strength and huge muscles can be easily built without doing a single heavy compound lift. Studies show muscle and strength are both built effectively without strength rep training. Don't fall for the wannabe tryhard fatshit powerlifter meme routine unless of course that's your goal.

get a load this fucking retard

get a load this fucking retard getting a load of another fucking retard

just keep drinking milk guys your spine will eventually adapt if you're obese enough

This image was literally made by a butthurt user who was annoyed because he couldn't find any actual proof that barbell deadlifting is dangerous to the spine. He just googled some vaguely similar studies and added them as "source"

Stop reposting it pls. its literally fake news.

i only drink keffir !!!!!!!!!!!

but paki dude gave me this recipe

This is fucking stupid

Not an argument.

This dude is a fucking idiot. Our bodies adapt to stress. Of course a person who's been golfing since they were a child will have smaller bones than one playing contact sports and weight training.

>tfw there is literally ZERO video evidence of a barbell deadlift causing a SPINAL injury.

Thats Not Kefir retard

There is litetally video evidence of this along with a published research paper, not that either is needed because we already know shear forces on the spine that cause injury

If that was true then anyone who ever broke form when deadlifting would have these injuries. But that is far from the case.

At this point you're just copy pasting responses as this reply doesn't counter the argument. Spinal iniuries occur over time as McGill has demonstrated through countless testing of spine under load it takes time for the discs to "delaminate" and time for the hernia to bulge and push on a nerve. Some top lifters go years before seeking treatment to a spinal injury.

you are fucking stupid

cool keep bumping my thread so others can know how stupid the status quo is.


small forever

But the image literally says that the injury will happen as a DIRECT RESULT of the force applied to the spine. It claims as fact that the necessary force "results in injury". So is it correct or not? Do they happen over time or due to a certain force being put upon the spine?

I'm 6'2 200 so not so worried about that
notice how it specifically states this was a unique case that had never been filmed before and it can be both but a buckling injury like this is much more rare I presume

nigga like lift with your hips nigga like who lifts with their back. nigga listen to your body

a good form deadlift with lol3plate produces ~10k n compression on the spine. some spines will not be tolerant of this load.

that's right folks. you don't have to squat or deadlift and now you have a scientifically verifiable reason not to.

cant be too small to deadlift 5 plates if you dont deadlift

>squats and deadlifts will snap yo shit up
>mfw they were right

Post body retard. I did brosplits with almost no compounds 2 years and had minimal gains. Solved my back problems (APT) and started Squating and DLifting (Snatch gripo specially) made me get tremendous upper back and trap gains. Also rows and OHP.