Has getting fit changed your political views

> get falsely accused of rape in college
> entire social group disappears overnight
> depression sets in
> seriously starts considering suicide
> starts lifting because nothing else to do in spare time
> searches up fitness forums
> ends up on misc and fit, branches out to pol
> starts blaming feminism for my rape accusation
> goes from left wing Nu-male to right wing Nazi
> not even white, I'm Asian

What the fuck do I do, guys? I wake up every day and the anger and bitterness is what makes me go gym, getting a gf didn't solve it, getting a nice job didn't solve it, nothing seems to solve it.

Other urls found in this thread:


obviously it's time to severally beat and rape that girl that falsely accused you. a good idea would be to also murder her, painfully.

True alpha male doesn't need friends. Lone wolf can pull pussy regardless. Most friends are nothing more than baggage that slow you down from the success.

I'm right behind you man, the world is falling apart at the seams. But if you just wake up in a full rage every single day, that sounds like a real problem. I genuinely think you should look into counseling. Best of luck, man.


>the anger and bitterness is what makes me go gym
Why would you even wrestle with that? That's a gift my dude. Come to terms with your anger, because life is suffering. The gym is a sacrifice of pain and appropriate seriousness, to keep the flood at bay. Also, fuck post-modernism, intersectionalism and feminism. You're perfectly sane to be recoiling in horror at those most pernicious of intellectual constructs.

get mental health help before you shoot up a sorority

Go fight. Learn a martial art. Take BJJ or muay thai.
Anger is a gift , harness its power and you will be a machine of destruction.....its what you are meant to be.

Fascism is back and the left can't handle it. It's the answer not only for whites, but for asians too. good luck opie


Yeah, I was a /v/ neet before I started lifting so all the diversity and SJW shit being crammed into everything already had me pretty jaded, then I turned Veeky Forumsizen after my ex qt azn gf cheated on me, which also led me to /pol/. Now all I do is eat, listen to fashwave and workout.


Usually have this on repeat while lifting.

If you're in your teens- early twenties it doesn't matter, you will eventually figure out how shit each extreme political view is and change your views

>Take BJJ or muay thai
Take both and you are become patrician, mangler of broken limbs

Yes. Since becoming Veeky Forums I now have a lot more women in my life and it's made me a lot more liberal. I've put away many of the prejudices I held onto when I was a friendless virgin who just hated everyone else.

Stay strong, honorary aryan.

That is normal, I was also accused but ironically her own family said that she is a lying whore. Now I'm a nazi, too. I work hard and get myself a company in my home nation. Afterwards I will become a brown Hitler/Duerte and kill the kikes in my governement. I also helped Trump become President and train young europeans to free their own nations. And I do a cut to see my abs again.

I was a by-default-liberal until i started reading conservative periodicals at work out of boredom (boss was subscriber) and it was like a lightbulb switched on. Unfortunately, none of my friends shared my epiphany and all becoming educated on the issues did was frustrate me. I became a very angry and negative person. My advice to you is stop worrying about things beyond your control, live a simple, honest life, and stop playing WoW

Posted by a dangerously angry person.

After becoming Veeky Forums, I became a National Socialist although I'm Indian.

Lmao nah my gf is in one. I just vote Republican.

Play the long game. I hope we kill Obamacare and trigger the lefties

In the bible one of his future followers said something like an antique Dyel joke. We can asume that Jesus was more like a tall ottermode or the other guy was Eddie Hall's ancestor.

>conservatives are virgins hurr durr
neck yourself

Who the fuck would buy into this?

>was a lolberg
>national conservative after a couple years lifting natty
>now some sort of transhumanist natsoc after another couple years lifting but with gear, I think reading about PEDs has sparked an interest in engineered human evolution

OP is obviously lying. Why is everyone taking him seriously?

This is a small or fat man who doesn't lift and lives in a fantasy world in his head

White victim #7,537
This is the result of mainlining propaganda that places blame on others.
Grow up and get over it, you literal cuck.


>Life sucks
>Why does my life suck!
>Reads conservative periodicals
>Oh wow. It's someone else's fault? This is brilliant.
>Stupid blacks and poor people!
>Why am I still angry and negative?

"Asian dudes are like nerdy betas so who'd ever want to have sex with one?"



>implying I said all conservatives are virgins
>posting a picture of a child just standing around on an carribean hentai image board

A little defensive today, huh pede? Mummy not paying you much attention huh? Daddy out the picture? It's okay. It's not your fault.

You're still politically polarized and thus equally wrong compared to your "old" liberal self. You're probably also "fiscally liberal but socially conservative" ie a self hating liberal that identifies as a nazi like some form of political transsexualism.

Maybe because they've had similar experiences?


If trannies can get hormones to fix their body dysmorphia and switch genders why can't I get hormones to fix my body dysmorphia and become a human tank?

Oh stop your backpedaling you fucking ninny. You know what you were implying.

Nigger do you think that every non white wants a nignogcalypse or planet of the obamas? Fuck, the president of my own nation Erdogan wants to flood kebab land with nogs and gypsies. His TV channels try to normalize "afro" turks, especially with sport cuckolding.

nazism is a leftist ideology, its based on socialism, basically a german version of leninist communism, except national and not international. dont be a retard and get your facts straight.

Nowhere in my post did i say i was unhappy before i became politically aware and literally nobody blames poor people or blacks for their unhappiness unless perhaps they're your neighbors. You're either projecting hard or have zero reading comprehension. Either way, get fucked.

Because "toxic masculinity" or some shit
If you has a pussy that'd be fine though
Post-modernism isn't concerned with contradiction whatsoever

You're still polarized. Like a liberal that says throw open the borders and rape my wife, because he saw a "refugee" cry on CNN.

You have no true conviction.

Nazi socialism is not the same socialism as Marxist socialism. Look up the night of the long knives.

Who gives a fuck if its left or right? Hitlers Germany had freedom of speach (except for subversive kikes). If I say something wrong here or in my home nation I'm in prison.

>Nazi socialism is not the same socialism as Marxist socialism
It's all too much state power for my tastes
>inb4 lolbertarian
>inb4 "dude weed"
>inb4 lauren southern

Why do people seem to skew right on every fitness board?

Because being fit, taking care of yourself and overall being responsible of your own success tends to see how lazy and stupid the average people are, always complaining instead of changing and completly dependant of every jewish trick : sugar, alcohol, mainstream medias, popculture, etc.

Building yourself makes your better than the average peon who's comfty with his mediocre lifestyle.

Weak men are liberal
Physical fitness increases testosterone
Strong men are conservative.


They don't really. Politically moderate people tend to keep their opinions to themselves more than extremists. Similarly, extremists tend to think that only their opponents exists since only other, opposing extremists make their views know publicly. Also I wish I had a dime for every time I was engaging with a far left/right person, made a straight up the middle moderate argument, and was then accused of being a communist (far right) or fascist (far left.) They just DON'T see the middle ground. In before middle ground fallacy which is never posited correctly anyhow.

Source on that dyel joke?

t. Puppet

Define "right." I'm liberal but I still want closed borders and I never ever want my race to become a minority. Also I of course think woman's suffrage was a mistake and people shouldn't be allowed to reproduce without passing tests. Still besides all that I'm super left leaning with social safety nets and legal prostitution/drugs.

Haha yeah TRUMP!!

>Define "right." I'm liberal but
Yeah try to tell that to fellow liberals, they'll go batshit crazy and tell you you're a fascist.

Source : me.

The edgelords are just the most vocal, the internet is the only forum they have.

>I never ever want my race to become a minority
Unless you are asian, you are already a minority.

Mods really need to do their job

>I hope we kill Obamacare and trigger the lefties
kek ikr lefties get so triggered that sick people die without healthcare. What a bunch of cucks.

>12 r9k-tier soc threads
this is fine
>an asian feels conservative

They both should be deleted
I know we try to have some fun in order to avoid being boring like r/fitness but 7 political threads a day is annoying


>Before lifting

>After lifting
Classical liberal individualist post-left green anarchist.

I was also falsely accused of rape but it was after I graduated and by a girl I had never even met
Never went public with the whole thing luckily but the fear of my name being associated with a crime like rape thrust me into a "red pill" attitude

there is literally no reason to compromise on the big issues of society

so if we were talking about having daughters raped, you would be for just a little rape as opposed to mandatory rape or no rape?

moderates are a meme and just people who havent made up their mind yet because they are too scared of being wrong and cant think for themselves

political problems can very much have a right and a wrong solution. a compromise just means that nobody got what they wanted and nothing was solved

Actually working on things hard and consistently is going to change your personality and it will ground you in reality more. Of course this will change your political views. A lot of political extremism comes from people having unresolved personal issues and trying to just replace their mind with an ideology, because thats easier than properly tackling your problems. In your case its easier to just start hating on the group that abandoned and betrayed you than simply get over it and get your life together.

I love Princess Highground, I want to fuck her. My secondary waifu after Asuka.

Getting fit made me realized how little effort is required to just not be fat so now I oppose public healthcare spending

>its ok when i do it

also its objective fact moderates are constantly changing their views. a single new story of a crying refugee or suicide attack is enough to shift their entire world view in an instant. its why politicians target them for votes, because they are the easiest to manipulate

Tends to happen in a hobby all about personal accountability and dicipline, constantly being faced with the objective limits of your body, and having to make and inact rational plans to achieve your goals.

>nothing seems to solve it

Time to start studying the good doctor's work, user.

this. so many underage b& in this thread

Can't wait until I'm 30 so I can become a radical centrist

lolbertarian dude weed lauren southern

Because strong men reject equality. They don't want to be equal as they are better then the rest. They see the world as a competitive place where the strong succeed and the weak fail, so you can't convince them to fix that because they they say this is how it should be. Equality would just drag them down so it is against their interest.

I think I agree with you. I'm radically right wing myself. Fuck compromise, fuck reaching across the aisle. My political opponents can suck my dick, it's my way or the fucking high way.

I'm just saying Princess Highground is a cute and he false innocence and holier than thou attitude makes me want to have sex with her.

You raped a white girl didn't you, chang?

>special snowflake leftism
>not about being better than everyone else

just listen to how the left talks about whites, the rights, or poor people

>only children have not yet surrendered their souls to the collectivist mammon


>get falsely accused of rape in college
This send way more influential than your lifting.

>literally billions of them. Almost 2 billion in china by end of the decade alone
Literally kill yourself

>be european
>believe in liberal socialism all my life
>be engineering university drop out
>just getting by with social handouts, benefits
>blame all my problems on society
>constantly fighting with parents and siblings,
>be skinny fat and depressed

>find some mark rippetoe stuff on youtube
>do SS for 6 months (as close to the book as possible)
>realise that the only one responsible for improving things is you
>realise that almost everyone is ultimately responsible for their own quality of life
>apply things I've learned in SS (discipline, sticking to a plan no matter what, overcoming uncomfortable things) to life

>fast forward 5 years
>still strength training twice a week
>started consulting company
>be in top 5% of earners in my country
>realise socialism is really just enabling people to avoid living up to their potential
>realise that half my income goes to lazy slobs and immigrants
>cannot believe I ever voted socialist all my life

lifting literally changed my life.

only pseudo intellectual spergs care about politics. at least the majority of /pol/ have some self-awareness but you're just anothing virgin walking faggot who probably can't even buy a beer legally and would die without mommy's and daddy's money but talk about strong men and independence. if youre so strong why dont you show a picture of your body and list what youve achieved in life so far?

OP is already wise, you are the retard here with shit political views. National Socialism is not extremism in any way, it's NORMALITY. It's how people would normally think if we weren't fucking brainwashed since birth.

>self-admitted brainlet
No one cares what you say or do

Wow you're unintelligent. Nationalists have never in history placed blame on others. You do realize some people are actually guilty of doing bad things? And we have the balls to name those people, unlike you. It's not "blaming" anyone because they are actually guilty of the crimes accused.
Grow up, you literal cuck.

you sound like a brainlet. not that guy but im middle aged married with kids

>a compromise just means that nobody got what they wanted and nothing was solved
While I agree that on certain issues there should be no compromise, have you considered that a compromise also can result in all parties involved being sufficiently happy to let the issue rest? As opposed to one or more of those involved feeling poorly treated, leaving them behind angry and dismayed, bent on rectifying the perceived wrongings?

Because, incidentially, the latter is where fun stuff like murder, violence, war, genocide and whatsnot come from. Which leads to more of the same. We generally call this history, and it tends to repeat itself. Bit of a circle there.

>Actually working on things hard and consistently is going to change your personality and it will ground you in reality more.
He is already doing that by educating himself and becoming a National Socialist.
>A lot of political extremism comes from people having unresolved personal issues and trying to just replace their mind with an ideology, because thats easier than properly tackling your problems.
Sounds like leftism. What does this have to do with OP who is actually able to recognize the problems of the world and is joining the only cause that has any chance of fixing them?

I've always kind of been redpilled on race and always somewhat racist and always thought of myself as white and then like senior year of highschool realized I was a quadroon or some mutt and now everything is really really confusing and I kinda of hate myself, looking in the mirror provokes deep seated resentment and I have a resentment towards my parents despite the fact that they love me dearly and all that jazz. I can't not support white nationalism but I'm probably going to end up ostracized by the idea that I support. I just want the world to blow up already

>caring enough to reply

Nah, that bitterness will always be there, but as you get older, you'll develop other feelings that you can rely on for strength in addition.

And there's nothing wrong with having a steady gf or even a wife and being bitter against women. In fact, this is the way it should be. You should never go long term with someone else for the sole reason she's a woman, and thus if you're going long term with someone it must mean you recognize and approval of her values, skills, habits, and physical appearance. Being bitter against the typical basic cunt bitch who will no doubt start trying to usurp your good wife is not only good for your wife, it's also good for you in the long term as it prevents you from wasting your time and resources on a shallow worthless cunt who has no value outside of being a cock sleeve.

As long as you're not the sort of dumbass who reads about some statistic that says most women are self biased cheating whores, then figure because your wife is a woman therefore she must be a mostly a cheating whores, there's nothing wrong with hating women and encouraging general public violence against them (non rape because sex is empowering for females as it gives them market value)

I'm still DYEL at least by Veeky Forums standards so I'm not going to post a pic but I will tell you I'm working on research into novel transgenic therapy for cancer. And yeah, I'm just a grad student so I don't make much but I am financially independent.

But let's be real here, you immediately reach for ad hom bullshit because you know that in terms of the actual question at hand you have no leg to stand on

>I'm still DYEL

stopped reading there

Nazism is not left nor right wing, its third position. Its a centrist view actually, unlike the braindead cucks who today call themselves centrists. Those fake centrists like lolbertardians are actually just more leftists.

welcome to being a dude, enjoy your stay.

No seriously. You're a fucking man, guy. Your interest in life is to be prolific. Be strong, be successful, never be complacent, never allow indolence into your life.

We got this m8

>no one has ever compromised in human history

you seem like an up your ass pseudo intellectual. but yes i specifically pointed out it was for major issues of society

Being fit makes you realize people aren't equal. Everyones worth is determined by lots of variables such as genes and how much hard work you put in to improve yourself.

Nazis are moderate. Leftism, Libertarianism and Cuckservatism are extremists.

No wonder 80% of this board is nogf threads when your posts scream autism.

try using tinder without a group photo of you and your friends

>OP gets put in a terrible position of suffering even though he did nothing wrong
>starts to look for someone to blame
>finds an echo chamber that feeds on his emotional turmoil

nothing will solve your bitterness easily, but now you are just making it worse.

funnily enough you are too intelligent to fall for /pol/, yet too emotionally needy (no offense) to resist.

real men don't go looking around for easy solutions, they don't need scapegoats, that's embarrassing.

truth is we're all kinda fucked and just trying to make the best out of it. you certainly will never be happy on either side: nu-male SJW or self described NatSoc, both are ultimately pathetic subhumans.

start reading actual history (no, irving is not a historian), philosophy, inform yourself about current geopolitics and always try to be as critical as possible, that is how you develop an adult worldview

posting on Veeky Forums is fun for me, sometimes its informative. however you should never make the mistake of taking ANYTHING on /pol/ too seriously. the antisemitism used to just be memes, now it's more real than ever

Stop sweating it so much. There were straight up black nazis. All people want is for their demographics not to be undermined.