>when that nofap test boost kicks in
When that nofap test boost kicks in
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my testicles are big and swollen and I contemplate sexual assault daily
are these side effects or the results?
Who gives a shit if it stops people from being beta cucks
not a bug, feature
The test boost wears off after a year but you should keep it up just to be clean anyhow.
no you just have the brain and genes of a rapist
*tips fedora*
haven't had sex in 2 years and that was with a drunk ex
went on nofap for 2 weeks and fucked a girl from tinder first day we met
it works
Kind of liking the feeling desu
That works on almost everyone that does nofap
When that broscience kicks in
Except placebo works.
Every fucking scientist will agree.
Placebo or not it werks
Just wanted to let the thread know that I busted a big fat wad all over my chest
Science proves that more than a week at a time of no ejaculation decreases test
>started no fap and no porn
>4 days in
>morning wood returned
>faster harder erections
>had my first wet dream ever
Studies show that it takes months to "reset" your brain from the effects of porn, so we;ll see how it goes.
>Science proves that more than a week at a time of no ejaculation decreases test
I'm on day 1 fucking failed last night. I just got bored bros. should've lifted instead FUCK.
I somewhat agree with you, personally, but not scientifically.
I stay super horny for about a week and then after that I feel emasculated, if anything. I have a gf tho so it's cool but we don't get to make sexuals often
Get back on that horse