How do you squat? What type/form?
How much weight do you squat?
How often do you squat?
For how long have you squatted?
Why do you not squat?
Squat thread
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I'll go first.
I first started with the rippetoe-squatmornings, came up to 180 lbs, then my knee started to hurt. I switched recently to Matt Wennings technique (wider stance, knees out, head up). and I did 170 lbs for 5x5 today, will try again.
I've squatted for 1 year, but I broke my back and have had rehab. I squat 3 times a week now.
low bar not super low
just got 3 plates for 5 last time
2 times a week, 1 heavy 1 light day
15 months
i can never get the bar to sit on my back properly for low bars; it feels like my elbows are going to explode, so i don't do them
alternate between high bar back squats just below parallel and front squats
for anyone who has trouble with buttwink on high bar back squat: try to identify where your mobility is lacking and fix it by stretching. for me it was my ankles, and after stretching them regularly for a while my back squat feels a lot more comfortable. alternatively, you can also try putting a plate under your heels or buying squatting shoes
When I lowbar my elbows hit my thighs at the bottom. Shit is infuriating.
I've been doing squats for like 6 months and I still feel shit awful at them. I can do working sets of 160ish but can never fully finish my sets. The problem seems to alternate between feeling sick (stomach sick, not really sure if it makes me feel like throwing up or taking a shit) which never actually occurs but the feeling of it interrupts my whole workout like 3 sets in or when I start whatever workout I'm doing immediately after squats. This happens whether or not I'm doing 160 or deloaded by 10-20+lbs (only 160lbs like come on).
The other problem I have more rarely is trouble finishing the last set but that's probably because I lost like 10lbs instead of gaining weight like I'm trying to do now.
I also feel like I can't get good form on low bar squats in terms of where the bar rests. It feels really really weird and I think I might be too used to doing some in-between of high and low bar.
squatting is for mallet plebs. leg press is the long legged patrician choice
I'm the opposite, can't seem to hold the bar properly on my traps while doing high bar, and it seems to hurt my shoulder when i go beyond 3 plate
anyone get squatter's shoulder from doing high bar?
my positioning and unracking is fucked. i've been doing some shoulder mobility work, but that doesn't seem to be a complete fix
Buttwinking is due to hip-weakness. Never buy heel-shoes. Always squat completely flat. Anklkes should stay immobile, shins straight up, no knee travel. This is how you blow out a knee. Lean back into a squat, knees out, lead with your butt. Have always your head upright. You will thank me in 10 years.
6'4, 220 with history of lumbar issues.
Front squat in lifting shoes.
3x280 is my best atg front squat.
I started back squating four years ago and replaced it with front squat. It took me about a year to go from a 155lb front squat to 3x280.
I don't back squat because my back seems to round no matter what I do. Deep hip sockets or something.
I don't miss back squats because front squats gave me a gorilla upper back.
Ripp says you should buy squat shoes. And if your shins are straight up, holy shit, your leverages are fucked up.
what about leg development, any major differences when switching from back to front squat?
literally a squat morning
5/10 bait for making me reply
I said keep you head up. Straight torso, legs and knees 75 degrees out lateral.
Go look and see here. This will save your knees.
Squat-mornings have loads of knee-travel, high ass, head down. Should be high head,ass down. The opposite the poster stated.
>Read comprehension much.
>mfw most of Veeky Forums hasn't even seen these series
squating on an incline is a method used to rehab bad knees.
Most people with "bad knees" have tracking issues or just poor joint stability exacerbated by excessive bilateral quad exercises, such as squat.
Stretch your quads you maroons. Do unilateral stuff.
My favorite exercise for stretch is sitting flat on your knees, butt on heels, then lean back as long as you can, weighted or just body weight.
>unilateral stuff
what's a good example?
Also, pic related might be useful for some
me too bb
lunges, bulgarian split squats, hill sprints, one legged bounding, sled drags, sled pushes, one leg leg press, farmers carriers. These all are effectively unilateral in the sense that only one leg is fully engaged at a time and the knee must be stabalized by the surrounding musculature to a very high degree.
Goblet squat masterrace reporting in. Currently doing an 80 pound DB.
I've been enjoying farmers carries lately. Might look at incorporating lunges as well + hill sprints every week or so
>low bar, just below parallel. but I do pause and box squats as well. want to start front squats, as my short torso and long femurs make my squat hamstring and lower back dominant, so my quads are weak
>max is 529 lb, want to go 551 by the end of the year
>usual is 2 times a week, but 3 times in the competition cycle
>about 2 years now
Agree. I swapped squats for unilateral stuff abouts year ago and it has actually been great for my overall performance.
What were you squatting before swapping?
I want to do this eventually, but idk when the best time is, strength-wise
I'll be honest, I don't think that squat technique is good at all. And I'm not saying this as a SS fanboy, just out of simple observation.
Among the many things wrong with his advice, this guy advocates you keeping your head up and essentially poking your ass out, bending your lower spine like you have lordosis. This puts pretty uneven pressure on the spine.
That's fucking dangerous for obvious reasons. You have a lot of weight unevenly distributed on the disks of your spine. But it will however, probably mask your buttwink problem since your ass will get tugged back in because of hip tightness.
Just because somebody is strong doesn't mean you should take their advice. A lot of people got strong doing really stupid, dangerous shit. Some people will lift with shit form for years and skirt around snap city. Some people can smoke until they're 90 and not get lung cancer. You won't necessarily be that person
Front Squats have been a revelation. I just cant get the hang of a low bar squat so i highbar once a week and started front squatting twice a week. Fuck its some good shit. So much quad engagement, can go all the way ATG, and i can keep it tight all the way through the movement. Get on that shit anons.
I squat high bar, but not ridiculously so. I tried low bar, but it never felt comfortable and I tended to have spinal flexion at the bottom, so I went back to high bar.
My last heavy set was 471x3
1x heavy, 1-2x lighter days.
A little under 3 yrs, but I did leg press for several years before that.
>high bar master-race
>best was 365lbs, much less now cuz injury.
>since the year started, rarely
>about 5 years I guess
>riding bike is better for quad development.
800+lbs squat... 25 years of training. Injuered never once. Rippletits had mudtiple surgeries.
How is that any different from "hip-drahve"?
I don't get you ripp-fanboys.
The straighter back the better, uneven balance what?
Straight spine. No bendy bendy, strong upper back. No bend over. He was taken o fail in the video and he still bended over, if he did ripplesquatmornigs he would bend over faster. HE increased his squat 40 lbs in 25 min.
His way feel better, even if it is more unnatural. It is like a broad stance hump into thin air. But with weights on.
Meanwhile Lanye Norton has his 7th surgery because he leans too far forward and squats "up".
can't do lowbar or front for some reason
like I can't get my hands that far under my shoulders for lowbar and the bar position for front confuses me
I too squat the Matt webbing way. Over time I've made it a hybrid tho. I alternate head up down. Whether I want hip drive or quad involvement. Or both! Best squat technique Ive ever tried.less room for mistakes as it locks you in paces that can be loose what squating normally.
>high bar master-race
>much less now cuz injured
and at the low cost of only 365 lbs.
Great. The head isnt really that important, it just keeps the bar from rolling forward, but if you have a comparably low bar-placement it really is no biggie, unless you try to squat over 6-700 lbs.
>How do you squat? What type/form?
High bar typically ATG unless im pushing it a bit then just parallel.
>How much weight do you squat?
Last time I squated I did 3pl8 3x5
>How often do you squat?
Once a week sometimes every other week. My legs are far stronger that my torso should be thanks to football (soccer for ameritards)
>For how long have you squatted?
Coming up to a year of going to the gym
Stop watching geared powerlifting you fat faggot. Literally no succesful raw powerlifter squats like that. Plus all the geared powerlifters that did squat like that are having their hips replaced.
5kg, pistol squat, one day ill join a gym i guess.
anyone else struggle with shoulder flexibility to even hold the bar?
also it seems to sit high, nearly on my neck, I think this is also due to shoulder immobility.
I do 5x5 front squats @ 185 two or three times a week is that worth a shit or should I do lowbar too
Are you denser then a compressed Osmium wall?
He has the fucking world record for unequipped (raw) as well.
>How do you squat? What type/form?
Did pistols for five years, joints gym 2 months ago and are lowbar ATG-paralelling and fromtsquats every three gymsession.
>How much weight do you squat?
3pl8 pr yesterday
How often do you squat?
>Three times a week
So yesterday i worked in with the gymmaster and his minions on their squats. So i had spotters and was gona do 2,5pl8 for three sets. But then i did 120kgx5,120kgx6,130kgx5 and 140kgx3 durring worksets. They dont follow any program but the master has a 7,5pl8 diddly and is 2meters etc.
180kg/405lbs 68kg/150lbs bw
Low bar
3 times a week
PL style for a year
Squat is approximately 11kg of my countries national record for age & weight class
>used to squat highbar but switched to lowbar recently due to the better carryover to DL. moderate stance but my hips shoot up with heavy weights
>haven't maxed out yet but did 125kgx7 yesterday so about 155kg projected
>2x a week due to c6w
>squatting since December 2016
>i do
Took a 2 week break from squats since I was worried I went to snap city doing 505 diddy. After those 2 weeks I came in and worked up to 455x1x3 and then 405x5x3. I did that monday. It's thursday and I still can barely walk. My max is 505. I', never taking a squat break again. My quads are killing me, I can still barely fucking walk. After only a two week break, wtf
the more complex and artificial the movement (yes, squatting below parallel with a load across your shoulders is artificial and not something that occurs in nature - cue dumbfucks posting pictures of third worlders doing unweighted squats) the quicker you detrain
i can take 2 weeks off deadlifting and get right back into it like nothing ever happened, if i take 2 weeks off squatting i'll need to bump my training max down at least 5%
>80kg, low bar, 6x6 atm.
>Occasional front squat sets at 65kg.
>Every second day (with bench or dead lifts done on the same day).
>6 weeks
>I'm a grill though- hence the low weight compared to lads.
>i never squatted before because i wasnt an overweight heffa.
>Lowbar kinda, where Sheiko recommends
>My last 1RM was 120kg, but I haven't tried in a while.
>Twice a week.
>Dunno forgot
A double on 155 is the heaviest I've done
2 times a week
Since I started lifting when I was 16, I'm 18 now
Question, dyel mode here
I was squatting two plates tonight, first weight increase in a few weeks, my form appears to be like OP's pic and i had some powerlifter watch me do a set and give me pointers, while i was coming up i had a sharp pain in my left knee, not enough to make me stop but concerned me none of the less.
Is this something to worry about or do you bros get this too sometimes?
i never see grils doing front squats so good job.
Running the Russian Squat Program now and squatting 3 times a week. I like it. Would like to try smovlov next summer.
Have been squatting for almost 1.5 years, had awful form in the beginning tho so technically 1 year.
I do high-bar since it feels more natural for me and i have the mechanics for it.
Do you have a video?
If you dont make one later and post it in /plg/
oh and it's definetly your form
High bar ass to the grass, tight stand like Tom Platz
Currently at 152.5kg
3 times a week
2 years
b-but, i do
147.5kg @ 65kg, low bar
Squat 3 times a week on current programme,low bar, box squats, pause reps, front squats.
Been squatting for a bit under 2 years.
I really like squatting, and it's definitely carried over into general athleticism
Low bar, hip hinge and knee break simultaneously and shoulder width apart stance, feet pointed 30 degrees. Take deep breath in, place tongue to roof of mouth, brace core as hard as possible, descend. Squeeze glutes and posterior chain on the way up, always keeping a tight core, repeat. 6"4 long femurs
Also to add about feet position. Make sure they point the same way as your knees. This will prevent knee pain for most people. Squats should never cause low back pain and knee pain if you do it correctly and don't ego lift. Your body is designed for this shit
>He can't do a basic movement, unless it's in a highly controlled machine and everything is stabilized for him