I just realized that natty is short for natural
I just realized that natty is short for natural
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congratulation my fellow dyel
Its actually short for the name Nathan
>just realized that "lifting" is short for "lifting weights"
why did nobody tell me??
I just realized DYEL means "do you even lift?" yet, as anacronym, it somehow works as an adjective.
I just fucking realized 1/2/3/4 WASN'T people just practicing their counting
Makes sense, after all this time people asking me if I was "natty" were really just asking if I was Nathan.
Delet now
>Just tealised that mirin' is short for admiring.
Mind blown.
>"gainz" refers to increments in muscle mass
How do you pronounce this?
I always read it as D-Y-EL. Anyone else?
My friend just told me "grills" are actually supposed to be "girls" but misspelled on purpose. It makes no sense though, how do I prove him wrong?
tell hiim to grill his dick and see if it gets wet.
grills are not girls
>being so ignorant that you don't realize that sentient grills frequent Veeky Forums
user, your friend may be retarded.
I just realized "mirin" is actually asking if your name is Myron
With a small "y" flexion in the middle.
>just realized that eating 5.56 x 10^-22 grams of iron isn't enough to fulfill my daily protein requirements
This is getting serious though. It seems like he truly believes this delusion. He even said something about flexing a 'cep, which as I now realize might mean bicep, tricep or even quadricep. I confronted him about which one was it supposed to be, but he didnt give me a proper answer. What did he mean by that?
>5.56 x 10^-22 grams of iron
those are heavy bullets.
He meant he would flex one of his muscles that ends with the sound " 'cep" because they're all trained properly and aesthetic.
wtf does it mean then lol
manlet is short for man
>just realized SS doesnt stand for Schutzstaffel, but for starting strength
Welp, back to /pol/
keksinus maximus
Wait... manlets are short men, but man is shorter than manlet, and manlet could be short for man, while manlets are short, for men
that post must have been quite some time ago you absolute fucking mondogloid
Motherfucker, came to post this
just the letters for me
>Just realized gf means gone forever
Dye El
What was it before that?
>pl8 is short for plate
wtf are you people eating?
Die El is the only correct answer you dyels.
>just realised that GOMAD means you literally become mentally unstable
Die el
>pleight is short for plate
At least try, brainlet
>wtf are you people eating?
Definitely not plates or "pleights", whatever that means
>thought you had to drink milk from mad cows to get swole
>SS+GOMAD actually means becoming a Schutzstaffel soldier and just going bat shit crazy
only person to get it right, fucking uneducated monkeys
>wasting trips on this
Legit took me a year and a half to realize "diddlys" and "diddlylifting" was just deadlifting. I thought it was some kind of deadlift variant.
>just realised that diddly = deadlift
>just realised that biddly = bench press
>just realised that squiddly = squat
Shit, I should probably start going to the gym
i just realized the almonds i've been eating are inactivated
Lel Kek is horde for lel
OP you're a homo
that's that short for homosexual
>Remember the phrase "diddly squat"
>Think diddly refers to squat
>Wonder why everyone calls my diddly so weak
My sides mate
1 plate deadlift, 2 plate squat, 3 plate bench, 4 plate OHP
delet this
ive just automatically read it in my head as do you even lift