/fat/ Addicted to Powerbars Edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For /fat/fucks who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication

>This is not QTDDTOT, ask questions about fat loss but use that thread for general questions

>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)
>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)
>Plan your weight loss week by week
>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones
last thread

Other urls found in this thread:




Father, my soul is thristing for a large pizza. Grant me your blessing to fight off my sinful desire.

I'm actually doing good. 1600 calories for the past 3 days. I'm gonna make it.

What's a better thing that you can eat instead of disgusting pizza?

Good feels?
>tfw sleeping after a big meal and tough workout
i can feel the gainz

>haven't eaten any fruit or vegetables in 3 days
>ate a big ass plate of fettucini alfredo last night

I'm slippin but I'm gettin back on the horse

A steak.

Make it a small steak with vegetables.

Thank you, Father.

Fat fucks.

Slipped up a bit today. As long as I keep to the straight and narrow I don't really have any issues with the cutting and I can handle feeling humgry just fine.
As soon as I allow myself just a tiny biscuit, even one I plan for in my calorie allowance, I lose control.

I don't even particularly like the stuff. I would never go out and buy ice cream or candy or crisps or whatever, didn't become fat from that stuff either.
Got to stop visiting my parents so much.

Going vegetarian was the best decision I've made for weight loss tbqh. Meat is just too calorie dense. I still have around 700 calories left in my budget before going to bed on most nights and a big plate of fruits is hardly even half of that.


I've lost 8 pounds in two days but my diet has consisted of very little food and lots of alcohol.

Before this I was usually eating 1500 kcal per day but now it's more like 700 plus however much I get from drinking.

Careful about not drinking too much with too little food. You don't want Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome.

Daily reminder that if you're fapping during the morning or afternoon, you're never going to make it

Masturbating saps you of your primal energy and will make your mind more vulnerable to lazy/bad decisions

I've not gone to the gym this week. Amazon have been lazy in delivering some shoes I ordered, so I've been using that as an excuse. Pray for me, fatboys.

Unless they're prosthetic feet there's no reason to slack. Go to the gym.

Guys I need your help, how does a fat fuck like myself go about losing weight when I can't afford a Gym membership and always have to eat cheap meals?

I need help with meal options. So far I gave:

6 hard boiled eggs

Chicken breast/broccoli/rice

oatmeal + dried fruit

Drinks are water, coffee, and milk.

What else can I add?

I'm 320 lbs and do cardio 5x/wk and am beginning free weight exercises as well

Had 30g of cheese cake, went 60-70kcal above my limit for today. It was an honest mistake, a miscalculation.

Sorry mate, it's impossible with your circumstances. Din't even bother.

fuck bros I have a deep yearning for wings, how do i stop this urge

You don't lose weight in the gym.
Download myfitnesspal or similar and keep a strict regime of 500-1000 calories under your TDEE. Not having money is not an excuse.
You should also walk a lot.

Just eat less of whatever you're eating and workout at home. Buy a jump rope or if you suck at jumping rope, don't have room for one or can't afford one, find two cylindrical objects with a low weight (up to 200g) and pretend to jump rope. This way you can jump as fast as you want without having to worry about tripping. 20 minutes of intense jumping (150+ jumps a minute) burns a bunch of calories. You can also run.

As for reistance training, do bodyweight exercises (push ups, squats, l sits, pull ups if you have something to hang off of). Save up some money for a used pair of 40+lbs dumbbells and do curls, lateral raises, shoulder presses etc.

Protein can be a problem if you're very poor. You'll need 200-300g of chicken breast a day if you want to hit your proteins.

I try to ride my old shitty bike as much as possible, and I've been cutting down on my food intake, but I'm not really feeling like I'm getting anywhere.

Eat something spicy. I recommend scrambled eggs with Chipotle powder for a nice smoky and spicy flavor.

Anything you want as long as you're hitting your protein and calories for the day. Be careful not to binge, though.

It's not enough to just "cut down". I did that for ages too and it doesn't help.
You need to know exactly how much you can eat (links are in the OP) and then you have to find out exactly how many calories are in the stuff you eat. Places like mfp can help you do that easily.

Once you take that first step, losing weight is a piece of cake. You can drop 2lbs per week with a pretty small effort.

How big of a risk is it that I can fuck up my posture when doing dumbbell excercises on my own, I asked my doc and he seemed to fearmonger more than anything

>tfw starving
i had 2 scoops and 2 yhcl+caff stacks
fuck im hungry

do what I'm doing
first go low carb
then cut out breakfast
then cut out dinner
one meal a day low carb
saves you money on food and you loose weight

make your own

>get wings at store
>skin them, trim the fat
>toss in a spice blend or a low-cal hot sauce
finito, you're welcome

>How big of a risk
There's always a risk if you have absolutely no idea what you're doing. Watch youtube videos/tutorials, I recommend athlean-x videos about bicep curls, lateral raises and bench press, the guy knows everything about injuries and how to avoid them. If you have even somewhat decent form, you'll most likely never injure yourself. Don't go crazy with the weights and intensity at first. Listen to your body.

If you near obese or obese, go easy with workouts in general. Lose some weight first before running or jumping rope.

dumbass bill nye the fitard guy fapping burns calories
>Not wanting that extra 45 min of cardio
>Not fapping to replace cravings for potato chips and other shit
>Not fapping to your waifu to motivate yourself

>went to the gym for the first time yesterday
>told myself I would go again today
>body is sore and used it as an excuse
fuck it at least i have some dumbbells at home I'll just try something tomorrow and then go back to the gym and set a schedule for M/W/F.

If you know how to do pushups, planks, bicep curls and a few other very simple exercises, you're good to go. Literally just go to youtube and search "how to do x properly".

I'm 6'2 and about 240 pounds can I go running without fucking my knees or should I just keep on biking?

>le broscience nofap meme

honestly fa/s/twalking is better for you anyways if you're doing it often. Just keep a brisk pace and keep good posture.

Jerked off again, can't go past two days of nofap.
Fasting is still going well however.

>tfw being skinny and reading these degenerate comments

I'd keep biking. Diet is key for now. Lose 15-20lbs and you can start running or jumping.

go every other day and lift through soreness.

If you don't lift through DOMs you'll always get DOMs

>go every other day and lift through soreness.
Well I guess it was ok for me to not go today, but I have friends that go to the gym every day and it made me feel shitty.

Bike and walk as much as you want. It's good for you. It won't let make you lose significant amounts of weight, that's all in cutting calories.

Wait a couple dozen pounds before you start running.

If you are doing a brosplit you can go every day and be fine, but you should just find an actual 3 day program and stick to it.

>I have friends that go to the gym every day
Probably doing splits. I take it you're doing full body every other day?

Cheated today with some arab takeout. Carb levels are probably leaps and bounds higher than what my diet has been.

Saved, thanks. Why a .gif though?
I just realized that they do split their workouts everyday, like leg day, chest day, arm day, etc. I'm assuming that's a brosplit?

I'm a fucking idiot so on my first day I just tried a bit of everything to get a feel of things. I don't have a concrete idea or plan yet but I have until Monday to decide ;_;

I'm pretty sure they added thiamine to alcohol once they figured that out. At least that's what I learned in first year psychology.

Calories in calories out. 500 a day under what you use = 1 pound a week, 1000 a day = 2 pound a week. Walk for at least an hour as your exercise. There's a 7 minute workout app too. Not sure if it's Veeky Forums approved or not, but there seems to be something behind it.

senpai boogie lost 93 pounds in 6 weeks. I'm lucky if I can lose 6 pounds in 6 weeks. God I hate this fucking shit.

Pretty sure he had some type of surgery no?

760 kb is p good for an image that size.

Read the sticky and read all of this:

spend as long as you need getting form right, and gradually increase weight. Strength programs are harsh while cutting, but you can make noob gains while losing weight pretty easily.

The fatter you are the faster you can lose weight. Plus weight loss surgery.

Better to do it the honest way. Before I started seriously trying to lose weight I thought "Oh it's great Boogie is having the surgery". Now I think it's stupid to mutilate your body and spend a shitload of cash (or get the taxpayer to do so) when anyone can lose weight once they set their minds to it.

who here /fat piece of shit/?
>uncle just died
>actually looking forward to funeral reception
>going to Hoover down as much food as possible at the funeral
>they don't have a clue

I'm not /fat/ but it's Friday and I feel like getting a cheat snack and I want to try something new. This thread seems like the best place to ask for ideas. Haven't eaten much today so anything around 800-1000 cals will do.

Good luck with the weight loss, you disgusting fat slobs. We're all gonna make it.

t. dyel

I've been eating an 1,000 calorie meal every other day, drinking a lot of water, and biking.

thinking about going the dnp route just so I don't have to fuck around forever with lmaonostrengthgainz

anyone have experience with it

So how much weight do i need to lose before I get a complementary gf?

get a pint of halo you skinny little shit

>get a complementary gf
Not going to happen.

>45 minutes

Do you fap like 3 times in a row?

You're also probably not anywhere near as big as he is. I lost 39 lbs in my first six or seven weeks because I was almost 400 lbs and have to work for the loss now that I'm close to 200.

i think once you're down to 12% bodyfat theres no number

I'm on a 72hr water fast to jump start my weight loss again. I dropped 120lbs with just IF and clean eating but I got a GF and being happy took away my self hate that I used to drive me. Haven't gained or lost any weight in two months so at least I can maintain but I also don't do my weight lifting/cardio like I used too so I'm sure I lost muscle tone. Gotta try and use self love as a motivator now, told GF what was up and she can't believe I used to be as fat as I was, I showed her a pic of myself when I was 320, I maxed out at 350. Don't wanna show her that shit yet. She does a lot of cardio to keep herself in shape and we are gonna start jogging together to keep me motivaited.

Wish me luck /fat/

I wish it wasn't $4 a pint, if I could get them for a couple bucks I'd eat so many.

>saturday is cheat meal day
>excited all week for my cheat meal
>promise myself I'll enjoy it and not feel like shit because I did good all week
>order myself some pizza
>don't really enjoy it like I used to
>can't finish the order
>feel fat and sick and regretful
I think I'm just gonna cut pizza from my diet too

>mozzarella cheese has 160kcal for just 50g
Damn, 450kcal for a cheese sandwich and a glass of chocolate milk was harsh. The good part is that I still had 800kcal for the day so it wasn't even cheating

Lads, I binged hard last night and don't feel like eating today because I physically feel like shit. Is it retarded to just fast in water today or will it not be too bad because it'll just eat again tomorrow?

just induce yourself to vomit

finally joined the gym but i dont know what to do, people say the weight machines are a meme while others say it isn't?

i dont know any posture and postioning for free weight exercise, im a complete autist to this expect for curling lol


>just ate a slice of wheat toast with honey and a cup of yogurt
i'm not gonna make it, is it almost over now?

would a strict diet of 1500 calorie 6 day/wk + 1 day fasting be enough to lose at least 5 pounds over the next 4 weeks?
cardio and lifting included

thanks user

Depends on your height/weight/activity level, but probably. See the OP to calculate your TDEE, every 3500 calories you don't eat is a pound lost.


Hello /fat/

I just bought a bicycle today. Pic related. I'm huge on tech stuff, movies, E-books. Everything that keeps me indoors. Today I was at my local Electronics store looking at buying a new tablet to replace my current one WHICH FUCKING WORKS PERFECT AND I'M BUYING A NEW ONE TO FILL A VOID. The tablet was just under $500. As I was looking around for a worker to get me that tablet, I randomly started getting REALLY anxious. Like almost in tears I don't fucking know why. I left and there's a Dicks Sporting Goods on the way home. I stopped in and bought a bike. Was the same price as the tablet I was going to get for no reason.

I got the bike home, rode it around the block clumsily like the fat fuck I am. I can't remember the last time I rode a bicycle. I intend to ride this bike everyday around my large neighborhood and eventually tackle the huge fucking hill by me. Then start riding the bike to the gym, lift, and ride home. I don't know why but I feel much less lethargic and depressed today.

that's a girls bike user

Biking's great. Once you get a little in shape and comfortable riding you can see if there are trails nearby for you to ride, so much fun.

BTW your ass will probably hurt the first time you ride it for longer than like 45 minutes, but that only really happens once unless you ride for way longer than you have before again, so don't give up on biking because of it.

That's not a girls bike, girls bikes are pink.

nah. Almost every single bike on the rack looks like that these days except for bikes meant specifically for roads. And girl bikes have the frame dip even lower than that.

And if it is, I don't care. I'm a laughing stock as it is. What's some more shame?

>tfw born into fat family with horrible eating habits
>tfw you've fought for 5 long years and you've finally broken your binge eating habits and people consider you attractive
>tfw you still only look at yourself as fat because of your broken mentality
it never gets any better guys, just learn to be happy with yourself now and life will be better

haven't eaten since monday night. i think my fasting throughout the week has been pretty good, not as focused as i would like to be but that will change with time.

thing is today my stomach has been aching a bit. like sometimes my stomach will grumble when it's 'meal time' but it's easy to put it to one side. however these stomach aches are actually kind of annoying. anyway i've been taking a multivitamin and magnesium supplement, i sometimes have a cup of broth with lo-salt to get my sodium and potassium up. i hope these stomach pangs aren't a problem.

I planned out my calories for ONE IBC root beer tomorrow while I go swimming with the nieces I'm sorry

>Buy a 20 pack of Costco protein bars
>They're all gone 2 days later.

Why does it seem like cutting 15 pounds after a bulk is much harder than when I cut and lost 160 pounds the last few years? I fucking had this losing weight shit down, why can't I do it again?

Don't do it, I've fasted a couple of times over the last few weeks and realised I'm losing muscle by doing so.

>get protein Powerbars TM
>peanut butter and chocolate
>they were 3.75 for 16 bars!
>they're so yummy and at only 210 calories i can fit them into my limit

anyone here forget how to ride a bike?

27+ bikes are fun, but they're wasted on the city. Take it out in the country, that's where the fun is.

It's Friday fat boi live a little

I probably have since I haven't been on one since I was 12 and some asshole stole it.

>not edging
Not gonna make it, ive jerked it for 3 hours straight nigga get on my level

I'm so hungry I just rode my bike up a mile hill no breaks and my legs are killing me but I've already eaten 1050 calories of my goal 1500 and if I have a piece of toast which I'm really craving I'll not be able to meet my proteins

tldr what's worse, 100 calories over limit or missing 25g of protein (assuming 1g/lbs of body weight)?

went to bed hungry last night, ate about 600 cals.

this morning @ about 6 am I had 1998 calories for breakfast, (200 grams protien, 150 carb, 67 fat)

didn't eat anything at school cause wasn't hungry. didn't eat anything since I got home cause I'm still not hungry.

Might just take my creatine and go to bed hungry tonight. Already had 2k calories today anyway.

idk if this is messing up my metabolism, but I'll stick to the calorie tracking.

Nah dude, never accept who you are till you have reached your goal. Always try to be a better or else the motivation and discipline will start to waver. We don't want to hear your stories about how you tried, but it was so hard.
It is hard, but people here are looking forward to the day they are happy with how they look. The moment you start to see a difference in the mirror and you are not winded when you climb one set of stairs is better feeling that what the user is feeling after edging for 3 hours.
A moment where some of us a looking forward to because we have been unhappy about ourselves all our life. That moment where you will finally believe that with some more time you can actually achieve the goals you set one year ago. That you will finally wake up with with more energy because you don't have to hide who you are. A moment where happyness is a possibility in life without binging food.
user don't give up, come lift some weights with us.

had a little binge eat, three shrimp dumplings. still under my allowed calories though. god bless.

why are hamburgers crucified as the spokes model for unhealthy food?