Admit it Veeky Forums, this is you

Admit it Veeky Forums, this is you

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I don't get the humour here

because its literally you


>starts his career making fun of fatsos
>is fat now
made so many jokes, his life has become one.

This guy is living the dream




>saying GOMAD in a nationally syndicated show
Culture is getting weird, man.

>Bully's a jew
>Gets away with it

because you're what he's making fun of

lol at this fuckn jews ego is through the fuckn roof
>thats actually assault
these fuckn long nosed clowns trynna law suit fuckn everything

I fkn wish that was me cunt. Alpha


not really.
maybe you feel represented this but this guy isn't funny at all.

>keeps saying BIG GUY

I like Sam Hyde because he is the archetypal Veeky Forums autist who finally branched out of his comfort zone and just spergs as hard as he can in public for confidence gains

>see really famous guy and he reaches out to you trying to be kind
>"WHAT'S UP FAGGOT!?" *Shoulder checks*

He's really not that funny of a guy, but given the context of his outrageous behavior and how he always gets away with it just because of his size and confidence is great


No whey, I am a lot T H I C C er

I wish

it wasn't actually sam he was talking about here you retard

I watched this shit 3 times yesterday and laughed my ass off every time fuck yourself autist

Autists who can't grasp social nuances will not find Sam Hyde funny. You have no concept of awkward or acting strange in public because you don't even have a clue what normal is (or how to perpetuate that you are normal).

It's so easy to spot a Veeky Forumsizen in the gym

>Acting like a retard is funny
It is pretty epic my dude

>implying i can lift an atlas stone

he is indeed /ourguy/

Shouldn't he lost some weight before roiding?

imagine the effect on your brain sitting in a room of people who do nothing but agree with you has
also pretty sure h3 admitted he stole some material from sam

>he hasn't read into bloatmax theory

argument /pol/fags use to defend sam "living my car" hyde

didn't know that chubby manlet Tim Heidecker shills on Veeky Forums too, hi Tim! How's your wifes son?

It wasn't actually Sam Hyde. His fans like to pin stuff on him like school shootings and stuff.

Sam Hyde has like $500k in Bitcoin. I doubt he lives in his car.

Sam hyde is legitimately one of the funniest people alive. you should watch his TED talk or his show

>shoulder bump
dumb jews always oversell it.

If spitting on someone is legally assault, it's not far fetch for shoulder bumping to be.

sam hyde is really hit or miss for me, the skits are either very entertaining or not at all
Also his OHP sucks

Thats not me
This is me
>pic related

>haha he's so RANDOM!!
I don't see how people think this guy is funny. Some of his friends are but Sam himself, nah

Get out of here Sam


Sam Hyde is absurdist humor, aka the patricians humor. Only brainlets don't get it.

I go through my day pretty normal like. I’m a normal guy. I’m a swell guy. I’m a nice enough guy. I’m a cool kind of guy. I’m a pretty groovy guy. But then I get a little sugar in me and I start to go coocoo.

Doesn’t have to be much, this time around it was 2 of 501 brownies only 90 calories each. But they do the job do you know what I’m saying? They get me going and they get me riled up a little coocoo, a little wacky.

Start getting me a little kooky, a little you know would be whoopy wo-oooo! Hey somebody put this kid in a padded cell give him a straight jacket, he’s go little wacky. Go little kooky. He’s off the walls, bananas loco.

Racists gtfo of my board

Sam Hyde is funny but don't act like he's doing anything original, he's a rip off of a rip off at best


How are these kikes even popular? Their videos aren't even the least bit funny, and I tried to get them an open mind. I don't hate jews so much that I wouldn't say Seinfeld isn't good.

You mean anyone working on their neck, basically?

XRA is hilarious, Sam is cringe.


I'm the only one that does in my gym at least, and it's the biggest in town.

I wonder if I have any other Veeky Forumsizens in my gym except me and my friend. Do they know? Because he and I are the only ones who do neck workout

This can now be the tell-tale sign of a Veeky Forumszien.

you must be retarded then

Dude you're so far behind, he's fit as fuck now. Getting gainzzz

But why am I so attracted to him

His charisma.

A white supremacists? No

How the hell do all you end up here? Sam occasionally lambastes the anti-white narrative in American academia and culture. Doing so in no way implies a feeling of superiority over other racial groups. Is your mind that black and white to think that anyone who says "stop this anti-white crusade" is a "white supremacist"?


This is not true. Pretty sure Sam and Ethan are friends, I always see Sam like Ethans stuff on instagram

>How are these kikes even popular?
i have no idea.

Good thing see at least Veeky Forums hasn't turned on Sam. He's butt hurt so many idiots i can't help but love him.

U sound like a nazi

no u



99.95% of Veeky Forums would lose in a fight against Sam Hyde

If that fight happened to be to the death, they would be slain and Sam would be victorious.

Im not some altright try hard, sooooo

He was making fun of fatties that were using the "body acceptance" movement as an excuse for their bad habit. Unless in his next video is about how sexy is fat, he's not being hypocritical in any way.

But you probably knew that huh ya big goof?

desu most of his fanbase lingers around hoping he'll return to being a masochistic NY jew running around humiliating himself and mocking retarded YT videos, those fucking podcasts are boring as fuck and only reveal just how edited were his original videos to make him appear funnier

I'd let him win and fuck my bucci.

It was Sam, you retards. He admitted to it and he can't keep getting away with this shit

Lurk more

Become a race driver, I've done some endurance races with 90 min stints and my neck is thicker than my head now thanks to holding a helmet in place at 1.5g+ in corners

>$500k in Bitcoin

more like 1k now lmao

do you guys think he did all those shootings 4 realz?
he gets accused so much at least some have to be true

Well he said in a video recently he is, but it was a nice looking car so.

Most of them were simply fake news, sam did kill quite a few people though, but so far the law could not prove he did any of them, same with all the deep web assasinations he "allegedly" paid for. Dude didnt get his show by being all sunshine and rainbows thats for sure.

Source on him admitting it? Why wouldn't that jew just say so then? I saw another video where someone asked the jew (sorry, I don't know his name) to do a show with Sam, and it was very awkward but he said Sam was all right.