>why do you train legs user
Why do you train legs user
I legitimately enjoy squatting and deadlifting, otherwise I would upper body bromode
>why do the three of you look like shit
>how about that, huh
So I don't get tired stamping on your stomach if you try and trap me
They are just teasing questions working up to getting my to take off my pants and show them my big hairy ass
No girl has ever asked me that, i did notice several girls staring at my ass and been getting compliments tho. Some even slapping me on them cheeks.
Imo juicy glutes look hella sexy
Why do you think this is something a human female would ever ask?
So I can carry the three of you to my bedroom.
That's literally an invitation to flex for them and have them grope up your thigh.
>Why do you train legs lol xd
>"This is why" *flexes quad*
>Omg wow you're so toned *brushes dick touching your leg*
I don't interact with human females.
That's one of the most autistic comebacks I've ever seen on this sight lul.
why the fuck would they go to a party, just to drink pepsi?
this is why i hate women. all dumb ass hoes.
it's fun
pls no bully
I drink water at parties.
What do you think about me?
>H-Heh...Got 'em
>I have no clue what real parties are like outside of over-hyped college movies
>theyre probably 30 years old now
They are there for benis, not for alcohol
>implying I do.
I mean, I like to ride my bike and my legs getting bigger is an indirect byproduct of it.
I don't do it to train legs though, more like cardio overall.
Isn't it easier to lose fat if you have more muscle?
i smoke hella loud bro.... mad chill really. girls love when you can roll a big ol doink
>you guys unironically took it serious
You're just jealous of my perfectly sculpted glutes, aren't you? ;)
>Let me show you
>drinking alcohol at a party
Everyone look at this guy and laugh
>w-why do you train your books so much huh?
>*awkward silence*
>chad comes to cool the situation
>has a fourway and gets to tittyfuck the girl on the left
You have no idea what the feeling of alcohol is about do you :D?
Probably just associating it with socialising or addiction.
Wtf I know the girl in the middle.
Who are you?
Glutes for the sloots
>a female actually initiating conversation with me
Y-yeah that happens to me all the time heh
I got bad news for you, user...you might be gay