Hands down, best natty Veeky Forums youtuber

Hands down, best natty Veeky Forums youtuber

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is that guy insane though?

His nature stuff sorta reminds me of Ted Kaczynski

You mongol, that isn't natty

as natty as nattygraham and bradley martyn combined. Hell, he's almost as natty as mike o'hearn

Why is this guy so sketchy?

Are the use of crystals natty?

he looks oily as fuck and flushed all the time, hes not natty

This channel tho :o

>WoW youtube name

His advice on picking exercises, mind-muscle connection and the exercises he's created are all great.

Guy is weird as fuck, but at the end of the day who really gives a shit.

>exercises he's created are all great
The """exercises""" he's creates are all snapworthy


nether shrugs are dope af

Seconding. Two sessions totaling 48,040lbs of volume of just nether rows and my upper back actually exists now. Like lower and mid and upper traps are popping when it was flat before. Can't wait to see what 5-10 more sessions does.

Ignore the name, was trolling some faggot in the QTDDTOT

Is that video satire? Pseudoscience crystal-loving nutjobs trigger me

>popular fitness youtuber
>100% natty
pick one

He doesn't even have 2k subs

I kinda get triggered by this whole nether row thing.
First of all they are a shrug, not a row. Second, he literally didn't invent anything.
Bent over shrugs have been a thing forever, they are sometimes referred to as Kelso Shrugs (as they appear in pic related, interesting book btw)
I guess "Nether" is just a cooler name.


>First of all they are a shrug
Technically correct, but when people hear "shrug" they immediately think of... shrugs. When people hear "row" they think horizontal pull.

>Second, he literally didn't invent anything.
While I've never heard of Kelso Shrugs the first few results showed barbell versions with no chest support. The support lets you really get weight on the bar by taking your low back out of the equation, and the landmine is required once there's support because you simply can't get dumbbells heavy enough. Not only that, but doing one side at a time lets you get a ridiculous stretch at the bottom compared to a barbell.

Not sucking the dude's dick, but he's naming it to get more attention/subs and it is a new lift.

Is this a new meme? Taking pics of obvious roiders and say they are natty


>perfect lighting
>focuses on an area of the body no one else does

He seems natty to me. His back is his most impressive body part, and he doesn't have that inflated look while being lean. In his videos he looks dyel sometimes depending on the angle/lighting - just like all natties are cursed to do.

>being this delusional
Well I guess you will realise when you lift for longer than a few months

I am fucking impressed at that strength display but that video had me laughing


>Chest shrugs
What the fuck am I watching.


Are weighted chinup negatives legit?


>being flippantly dismissive of alternative theories of sports medicine
why be so closed-minded? there's so much in the world that can't be explained by science
how do you explain this man's literal superhuman strength?

also eight repping 1000lbs on the squat is not a feat of "superhuman strength". he is really strong though. I guess that's what you get when you train for a long time using anabolic steroids.

idk he says in the video he probably didn't invent it but he couldn't find it anywhere so he just named it after his yt name

Incline flies without being limited by actually using your arms so you can load it way heavier

Why wouldn't they be? When a lot of people are trying to get their first chin up they train negatives so clearly it works to some degree.