Who else here morning yohimbine fasted cardio + afternoon lifting + 1 meal a day IF cutting masterrace?

Fat is MELTING off my belly and lovehandles. It's not even a placebo - after introducing yohimbine to my cut I saw my stubborn fat areas decrease in size noticably in days time. Magic shit



yohimbine is good but everything in this picture is broscience

"it work" because people who take it actually start doing cardio + Kinda forced If ( so they eat less generally )

I added yohimbine + fasted cardio to my routine for about 3 months. Then I ran out of yohimbine but kept going with the fasted cardio.

I kept burning fat at the same rate.

It's really 98% effort/diet and 2% supplements like these.

But you burn fat more quickly the more you have to burn lol

anything that makes you want to die like this stuff does is doing something do your body.

It works

it's not about burning more, it's about burning it in the stubborn areas so you don't end up with vascular arms and a pot belly. you'll end up with a more even spread of fat, so you can look aesthetic or even normal with a higher bf

>yohimbine fasted cardio

Yohimbine has a very spotty record of fat loss.

Fasted cardio has been scientifically debunked.

If you want real fast loss, fix your fucking diet then get some clen or DNP.

You can't burn fat in specific areas you twat.

Is that a good bf to cut at when you want to use yohimbine? what should be the highest bf% max for yohimbine when you start?

you are misunderstanding the point. When you cut down bf% there are certain areas where your last fat deposits are (lower abs etc). These fat deposits are hard to get rid off. Yohimbine can help here. It's not about toning/spotreduction etc.

Yohimbine can't do any of that shit because it's junk supplement companies sell to idiots like you under the guise of legal fat burner.

the mechanism of action of yohimbine is to block alpha receptors. places dense in alpha receptors, (stubborn areas like lovehandles and belly) are the last to lose.
yes, you cannot spot reduce, but yohimbine allows your stubborn areas of fat to be burned sooner rather than being the very last thing that is burned off

don't knock it till you try it and see for yourself

dude your weight loss is consequence of your 1 meal a day and your cardio

are you retarded? it's cheap as fuck. read Quad's infopic. Quad know's his shit, you newfaggot

that's a good rule of thumb


Yeah, and Ronnie Coleman only used creatine and protein powder.

What argument is this you dumb faggot? You know there's other ways to get low bf besides hopping on a gram of tren?

Is that stuff legal in Europe?

>Do not take with other stimulants
>take with 200mg caffeine

Why do I feel like there's some conflicting info here?

not in the UK at least, but I bought mine online and it didn't get seized at customs

I took this with adderal once. Big mistake

caffinne would probly be similar.

Im using it and it pays off. Its really good. Especially for my sex drive. Libido is on top of the roof.

>Fat is MELTING off my belly and lovehandles...after introducing yohimbine to my cut I saw my stubborn fat areas decrease in size noticably in days time..

Veeky Forums is the new daytime television?

I'm starting a routine almost EXACTLY like that, except for 2 meals a day (4/20 IF). I stay on 4/20 IF all the time, but I always cut by adding fasted LISS cardio + YHCl. I'd recommend it for people who are at 15%bf max, tho. I'm currently at ~14% after a bulk and I'm aiming to go back to ~9%.

Jesus fuck you dense faggots, actually get informed about what's happening before shitposting.

YHCl does not cause fat loss, we know that it is the calorie cut itself that does it. We also know that we can't "spot reduce" because whenever there is a need for the body to consume fat storages, it does it (almost) evenly throughout the body. What happens is that by being a selective alpha-2 adrenergic receptor antagonist (i.e. alpha blocker), YHCl shifts this fat breaking balance because of the different amount of alpha and beta receptors in different regions of our body, allowing the infamous "stubborn fat areas" to break down faster than usual, at an equal rate of other fat areas.

also. the after effects of yohimbine+cardio will make your nipples have the same effect as if they were cold for the rest of the day. it is essentially a cure for people with a small amount of gyno

At the moment I'm on yohimbine+modafinil+caffeine+nicotine, and I feel fine, so IMO it's okay to take yohimbine alongside other stimulants if you can handle it. I'm generally immune to psychological side effects though, so maybe that won't work for other people. Also I'm taking more yohimbine than other people recommend; I take like 20mg every hour while fasted, for like 120mg total per day. Losing weight crazy fast. Also on tren atm.

The first month or so that I took yohimbine I lost a lot of weight. It seems to be less effective now than it was the first time.

I've taken Yomhimbine a few minutes after an ECA then run cardio. The ECA makes my heart go about 10 more beats a min than when I run a certain pace without it; not sure what the Yohimbine does if anything. Pretty sure all the effects that people want from Yohimbine can be achieved with greater efficacy with ECA anyways, plus you get a slight repression of appetite.

>I take like 20mg every hour while fasted, for like 120mg total per day
kek slow down user you're gona fucking kill yourself if you're not careful

what does it say if i find the guy hotter in this than the girl?

Try Yohimbine+Forskoline
More muscle retained, even stronger erections, more tst, more fat burned.

What the fuck bro, watch out for high blood pressure, even if you feel fine you might not be - you're at risk of a stroke with all that (which is the only reason I don't do it too)