God he's pathetic

God he's pathetic
>muh cool glass of lemonade

“We like cuddling! Muscles are disgusting! We don’t like men who are obsessed with the gym! We want to look better than the man!” they would say.

At this point, I started getting annoyed with their behavior, and asked them the following question:

“What type of man are you looking for?”

They paused for a second, and replied “Well, obviously a nice guy that’s going to treat us with respect, and who can communicate in a way that does not offend us.”

At this moment, I had a big smirk on my face, knowing damn well that what I was about to say next would cause them to flip out.

“So then why do you cheat on your boyfriends for asshole guys like me?” I exclaimed.

They were silent for a few seconds, and then suddenly went full bitch mode.

“You’re such an asshole, Alex! You don’t talk to a lady like that! Go fuck yourself! You don’t know what a woman likes!” they screamed.

Of course, their words didn’t faze me.

I just sat there in a calm and collected fashion, as I sipped on my cool glass of lemonade.

After about 5 minutes of them ranting at me, I cut them off and said “So when are we fucking? Next Tuesday or next Saturday?”

They quickly glanced at each other, as their eyes and mouths widened.

“What did you just say???” they barked.

“You heard me. Are we fucking next Tuesday or next Saturday?”

Interestingly enough, they started giggling and eventually began playing my game.

They would say things like “You are so bold! You are so bad! You are something else!”

Just as expected, they were coming on to me.


>God he's pathetic
>Says the guy that makes threads about youtubers they dislike on a Mongolian soap box racing forum

Please tell me he didn't really write this

he did

>Someone wrote bad cringy fanfic about themselves on the internet

I feel like im dying inside every time I read this

Yeah it's actually on his website

He is beyond retarded for thinking this is believable and posting it unironically

I refuse to believe someone was pathetic enough to write this unironically


his facial hair is the ugliest shit ever. if he grew some hair and shaved he might actually look decent.

why would he lie about it

Anyhow, here I am having a nice chat, when suddenly this Lebanese chick decides to barge in on my conversation.

She looks at me and says “You sound like you could be a guy on the radio”.

I thought this was kind of random, but I replied with “Oh really? That’s interesting. Although I’m not a guy who speaks on the radio, I do engage in online videomaking and public speaking. Perhaps this is why you would say such a thing.”

When I’m done speaking, this woman puts on a smirk.

“So you’re the big man, eh? Think you’re tough? How about you show me how to act like a man?”

At this moment in time, my nutjob radar went off. How come I always have to land on the crazy ones?

“Why do you care, and what do you want to know?” I asserted.

She pauses and starts giving me hard eye contact. “Give me some body language tips. What can you teach me?”

Playing on to her little game, I state “Well, I can tell from looking at you that you are quite comfortable in your own skin”.

Before I can finish my sentence, she cuts me off. “What makes you say that? You’re a mind reader now?”

I smile, and gaze directly into her pupils. “You seem quite intruged by me, you know that?”

Not even a second later, this girl is letting me have it. She’s screaming and bitching like there’s no tomorrow. “You’re so cocky! Who the hell do you think you are? You honestly think I’m attracted to you?”

Without flinching or getting upset, I calmly say “Listen lady. You’ve been giving me hard eye contact since we started, you’re extremely close to me, and you’re still standing here. If you didn’t want me, why the fuck are you still talking to me, and why are you wasting your time AND mine?” I point in the distant, and continue “If you want me, that’s cool. If not, then fuck off. I don’t need to talk to you. There’s a good 20 women all around me. I got options.”



lmao how tf does he have 90k subs on youtubb?

He's like Blaha 2.0

if this is true this is pretty sad. Solid lifting advice from this dude though... so not sure how that makes him an idiot. Maybe an spaz, but a clever one.

the scent of jelly lanklets itt is unbearable

jokes on you, I'm barely 5ft 8

why is he so perfect bros

He is proof that you can't out-lift autism. Especially if you're a manlet.

His neck training stuff is pretty legit though.

What happened when he and blaha started shitting on each-other?

Did they had an oiled up fight IRL ?

Yeah right, Alex wouldn't stand a chance, Blaha has three black belts in Oil Maga

Blahino btfo him

Jason please stop embarassing yourself even further...if at all possible.
First he indrectly shit on blaha by smashing PRs far outreaching his silly challenge then called him out on his delusions and directed the viewers to NattyLifter and ExposedTV, which means blaha cant call him out anymore without risking new viewers following the path down the rabbithole of blaha insanity.
Truly a masterful execution.

My fucking god I can't read the whole thing.

Alex got told by bloho and ran back to his bull Phil

>t. Betadestiny
Where's the video of him benching 300?

How tall is he again 5'6?

The level of delusion on his site is astonishing.
Why do manlets have such a chip on their shoulder over height,they would be so much happier if they accepted who they are and not try to overcompensate.

where's a video of you standing up you wheelchair bound obese nutjob?

>ad hominems and strawmen

There's no way...

full alpha

>Current Year
>Not writing fanfics about yourself being alpha


lmao what the fuck

is this real life?

You faggots all know you'd go gay for him. He's that alpha.

Basically sums up every story ever posted in TRP

They are closer to hell.

I unironically like Alex's fitness content
Fight me

It's legit, after he talked about neck training (i assume he heard it about it from lookism or the misc)

Jeff nippard, scott herman, and all the youtubers jumped on in neck training craze as well as the rack pull above the knee shit

>when you're the only one that recognises this shitty pasta and you don't even visit Veeky Forums often


Didn't this manlet freak out over finding out bearmode is also a gay term and tried to fucking "rename" it?

>muh cool glass of lemonade

lost it

>I smile, and gaze directly into her pupils. “You seem quite intruged by me, you know that?”
Alex is pretty suave
Seriously though I hope he doesn't try to pull off stuff like that IRL

LOL this is probably betadestiny. No one gets this triggered over e-celebs, watch.

Eric Bugenhagen is a fake weight cuck.

See? No one cares.

>You’ve been giving me hard eye contact since we started, you’re extremely close to me, and you’re still standing here. If you didn’t want me, why the fuck are you still talking to me, and why are you wasting your time AND mine?” I point in the distant, and continue “If you want me, that’s cool. If not, then fuck off. I don’t need to talk to you. There’s a good 20 women all around me. I got options
fucking hell m8

Whenever I see someone who actually knows the name of debating ""strategies"" I just assume they debate people in the youtube comment section & that their whole education comes from watching "Science vs Religion" vids

>still calling it bearmode when it's clearly called orcmode
are you gay or sumn?
>Eric Bugenhagen is a fake weight cuck.
I hope you don't seriously believe that, pal. He's all we have.

Jason fuck off you cuck, nobody gives a shit about you, you are less relevant than even betadestiny 100fold, just off yourself already.


Cool i live in that city

Or just, you know, someone who passed 9th grade English

nobody uses those in real life, I only ever hear them when some retards debate. It just indicates that you rely on some dumb rulebook instead of common sense and are desperately trying to show off knowledge in order to scare your opponent away.

The evidence is out there dude, besides, why wont he take up the people who call them out on their offers or compete?

We have no one.

You don't properly recognize it.

That's from his fucking website, DUDE.

dubs and I record this in my best impersonation of manlet destiny saying this.

this is funny as fuck

link retard

>tfw you realize a dude took these photos

His dumb fucking face in these pics never fails to make me laugh

Trying this hard.

It might be true, considereinng the degenerate doomed society we live in to be honest. I mean, there are around 4 threads on Veeky Forums right now about nothing but degenerate fucks discussing getting their dick wet. Quite embarrassing, I don't really think "how do I bang cosplay sloots" or "gym sluts"(with 200+ webms of bimbos doing meme lifts flaunting their gake silicone asses) threads belong here. Go to instagram or something


you sound like a huge fag

Yes, and ?

Check em.


This guy looks like he

>Acts out "How to be alpha" articles to the letter and ends up looking pathetic

>Has no friends

>Smells like old cold cuts


What city

why is his neck so thin even though he's a self proclaimed thick necked slayer lmfao

>bearmode when it's clearly called orcmode
>not going werebearmode

This guy never touched a pussy or boob in his life.


>ITT people on Veeky Forums underestimate the female brain
the only cringy thing about this is that it was written

his videos are actually really good
dont know why you lot hate him, seems like there is no real reason


>letting a whore touch your temple
>letting a cunt steal your bodily energy

because this is Veeky Forums, every board hates on things that are rising in popularity, but I will agree that alex has said and written some cringeworthy shit over the years, and he's only blown up from being featured on omarisuf's channel

muh bear mode

c'mon guy we're waiting.

Not my job. I'm not here to spoonfeed you

>implying this isnt the level of delusion portrayed by 90% of Veeky Forums as well

PTSD from there. Literally all post are cancer.

youre here to suck my dick

This will never be attractive to women. Only gay neckbeards online like this shit.

And people take advise from this guy. He looks like shit even for a megamanlet

fucking hell, look at them necks

>that intense gaze
time to put out brah

name a more iconic duo

blaha + delusion

Me too nigga... But order 66 this guilding goat its piss


>I knew right then and there that they were soon about to get served
fuck man, i'm sitting in class right now literally crying from laughter. post more please.

kek do people still say that?