Who else here morning yohimbine fasted cardio + afternoon lifting + 1 meal a day IF cutting masterrace?

Fat is MELTING off my belly and lovehandles. It's not even a placebo - after introducing yohimbine to my cut I saw my stubborn fat areas decrease in size noticably in days time. Magic shit

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where do you even get this shit in aus?


I drink a monster energy drink absolute zero while fasting and taking yohimbine in the morning. Is it good???

How long do you do cardio for? How many calories do you burn?

Can I take yohimbine on my off days ??

How much do you take OP? I take about 20gr a day

buy it online and it will get through customs

Any idea if it's ok to take with tribulus?

40-60 min steady state cardio. read the infograph.
it doesn't burn more calories, it simple enables the fat loss to be more evenly distributed so your gut and lovehandles are lost at the same rate as the rest of your body. it is NOT spot reduction, but helps you lose your stubbon fat the day you take it instead of having to burn the rest of your fat around your other body parts before stubborn areas are lost. you will immediately notice the results the day you start.

Can I take it before going to sleep mixed with fat burners? What do you think? Good idea or waste of yohimbine?

waste. you want to do fasted cardio on it for best rssults

What if I take it before work? I move a lot and I work nonstop for 8 hours straight.

at the end of the day user you get what you put in, you can try and squeeze yohimbine into your life at your convenience but it won't be as efficient as doing 40-60 mins of cardio after taking it. perhaps wake up 2 hours earlier than usual and go for a jog before work.

1) take yohimbine every day or only on cardio days?
2) you suggest 20 mg, the pills in ops pic (+ the ones i ordered) have 2.5 mg per pill.. Means you have to take 8 pills every time? All at once?

Pretty much described me.
Nothing beats the feeling of purity after cardio.


the purpose of yohimbine is defeated without doing cardio after taking it. do cardio every day or every other day with yohimbine. basically every time you plan to do cardio, use yohimbine aswell. it's important to keep a calorie deficit all the time, even if you don't do cardio on that day

I don't really do cardio I just hop into the treadmill and walk for about an hour burning 350-400 calories at most. Am I wasting my time? At the end of the day I am burning calories. I am usually too tired to run at full speed so I take it easy. Thoughts?

>I take it easy
try jogging at least, or fast walking. as I said you get what you put in. for fastest and best results just do a brisk jog for 40-60 and finish with a sprint

You mean 20mg/day, you cretin?

I just burned 600 calories in about 50 minutes
I do job every now and then


>tfw Yohimbine gives me deliberating anxiety

Why do all stimulants except adderall do this to me

Because you already have anxiety.

So what about the dosage. 8 pills of ops product to get the 20 mg?

i think bulknutrients sell it here

How do you even eat one meal a day and get all your micros/macros? Just a massive bowl of soup of something?

So no benefit if Im not pussy ass fast faggot ? Oh well, Im loosing fat steadil anyway. Go shill this sit in/fag/ FAsting General.

How can you read a post and not understand it? Are you 10 years old or have reading comprehension problems?

He is cutting. So his macros are about 1500 calorías a day. Get some fucking chicken, rice and complete the calories with a cheese burger or chocolate protein bar or milkshake.

Not that difficult

Wow calm down roid rage

THIS shit is illegal in Ireland, anyone's know how I can get it in?

Sips, Yohimbe reporting in
6'3 185

if you want to have a heart attack, sure.
But really, I tried it a few times, and my metabolism was going to fast for comfort. I was sitting still in a chair and my heart was going like 120 bpm.

I usually wait a few hours after the Y kicks in before any caffeine.

Will buying it on iherb work? In terms of it getting into Oz.

Oxyelite Pro is also pretty good

availible in the states, right?
Would it be correct usage if
>take yohimbine
>fasted cardio
>Regular day
>strength training in afternoon
>hypertrophy training in evening
i just want my lower abs and my love handles to pls go

How long are you supposed to take it?
Is consistent, sustained use required, ie every day for a month, or can you do short bursts, ie a week at a time.

Since people ITT have said it's only worth doing with cardio/fasted cardio, should you only take it on days that you do this or is it still worth taking every day, while doing fasted cardio every other day for example.

I only took it on days that I was doing fasted cardio. As it's kinda expensive, it was a way to save it for when it really counts.
Doubt you need a daily use, since there is no average plasma concentration required to get an effect.

Right there with you buddy, can't do stims, 20mg of yhb would have me on the floor shaking and crying thinking about going to work the next day or having to go to the grocery store.

saved that pic, thanks mane

>working out for women

The only gains you need for those are charisma gains

Physical gains should be for yourself

Do I have to be doing IF to take it or could I simply just take it and run after waking up in the morning and eat normally until I sleep?

>le charisma meme

Bump for Aus
Can't see it there

just so you know those machines are notoriously unreliable. just do a very fast walk and make sure you break a sweat and don't eat for at least 3 hours afterwards
yeah, but take a half dose the first time or even lower to test the waters
buy it online and it will get through customs, mine did I live in the UK
strongsupplementshop.co.uk I got mine from here and it got through both times
afaik yes it's available in the US
>take yohimbine
>fasted cardio
>wait at MINIMUM 3 hours before eating
>Regular day
>strength training in afternoon
>hypertrophy training in evening
it will only work if you are in a caloric deficit 100% of the time. you can do it once a week, once a month, every day, whatever, the more you use it the faster your gut and lovehandles will vanish
you don't have to be doing IF but you can't eat for at least 3 hours after doing the fasted cardio. spiking insulin ruins the effect and is even detrimental. just stay in a caloric deficit

Can you not take if in the morning you do a Hiit run?

you can take it whenever you want, as long as you are fasted, do cardio after for 40-60 mins, and you don't spike insulin (eat) for at LEAST 3 hours after.

I wanna try it, but I only can do fasted cardio on saturdays (30-40 min jog/sprints), usually take one cup of black coffee after that until around 12pm when I break my fast (doing 16:8 IF).

Would that be enough? how much would I need (29yo male, 67 kg, 15%bf)?

Yes. It's 100% legal in the states. You can find it in some pharmacies with the rest of the supplements.

I did a stack where I replace ephedrine with yohimbine. It was crazy. It really was like legal clen. I don't recommend it for any lengthy period of time though or if you don't handle sims well.

Why the fuck do you need this at 67kg?

I would try it if I knew I were actually getting yohimbine HCL.
>Findings published inDrug Testing and Analysisby Cohenet al. indicated that only 2 of the 49 yohimbine supplement brands tested provided consumers with both accurate information about the quantity of yohimbine as well as information about the potential adverse effects.
>Dr Cohen worked with scientists at the National Center for Natural Products Research at the University of Mississippi and Cornell University, and found that yohimbine levels varied greatly, from zero in some cases to 12.1 mg per recommended serving.
>Only 11 of the 49 supplement brands listed a specific quantity of yohimbine on the label, added Cohen et al, while most of these were“inaccurately”labelled with actual contents ranging from 23% to 147% of the label claim.

If you want actual results, run yoh, dnp, EC stack. I'd do fasted lifts and cardio or just fasted cardio. Lost 25lb in 6w, no damage to strength or workout capacity.
Then again I was also cruising 200/200 test/tren.

>5'7'' manlet
>15% bf, most of it around lower torso and inner thighs.

I wanna be able to see sort of defined abs (around 10-12% bf I guess), then start to bulk.

I'm about to run dnp (continuing actually from 4w prior), clen, EC, and yoh (only for fasted cardio) for 3-4w.
I WILL get 8%.
Started at 110kg, at 191cm, down to 102.3 currently. That combo will take me from 99.5 to 92 at least, maybe 90. Hopefully lower so when I gain the carb weight back I'll sit at 93-95kg.

>run yoh, dnp, EC stack.
Nigga most fatties are going to die if they try that combination.

Wonder what happened to all the DNP threads, Veeky Forums used to be obsessed with that shit.

Yoh is only taken prior to LISS cardio. Its a waste otherwise.
Should be eating low carb so dnp shouldn't matter for heat.
Might get high hr while doing LISS with all that but you can just wait til after the yoh wears off to use the ephedrine.
Caffeine is a necessity for each. But yoh and ephedrine might give a 2% boost on metabolism temporarily tops.
Low dose dnp of 100-200 daily is 11-22% increase in metabolic rate. Can easily do 300 if you have AC. Anything above that is rough when its 60deg+. I was sitting in 55deg AC when I was doing 350.

How dangerous is this stuff to take? Any adverse effects?

Midly increases heart rate while exercising. And that's at a full 0.2mg/kg.
Some people get hot flashes. Its not on your system long and its only for fasted LISS cardio. Any other time its useless. Insulin in the bloodstream blocks it so it has to have been at least 5-6 hrs since your last meal.

>(or as I call it the douchehouse)
every time

Thats pretty good motivation lol

I thought that stuff was getting monster boners

Is yohimbine + EC stack retarded?

Its 6:40 here in the uk, currently doung fasted cardio, had my yohimbine, black coffee, 20g of creatine, 30g of glutamine.

I am in the shape of my fucking life. I have obliques and gf is very anxious, everytime I leave the house she's asking if any females have jumped on me. She even said my fat belly seemed like a genetic trait.

I think women are insecure because they themselves have been whores, and think "if I fucked that 6'2 bodybuilder then other females will do it to my bf". Women are whores and thats why they hate each other

it does. my boners are fucking diamond after a yohimbine run

What's wrong with fasting?

newfat here, this is some kinda meme aint it?

Hey what's the glutamine for? Just getting into this yohimbine shit

Anyone tried hades's hegemony yohimbine? Dont wanna buy shit product but not many options in the uk

I got mine from iherb dude. Cheap and legit.

I wouldn't mess with Stims on a fast unless I was supplementing sodium and potassium.

What product? I type yohimbine and I get bombarded with loads of different brands and stuff. Thank you.

Why not? I haven't eaten anything in the last 14 hours and I just got 20mg of yohimbine and 500mg of caffeine and I am running at the mill right now on a empty stomach

The very same bottle that OP posted a picture of.

2.5 mg pills

Found it, thank you. Had to Google it, for some reason it doesn't show up on the website when you type it on the search bar.

Scratch that, it says not available. Got any alternatives?

>hurr durr 20mg give me anxiety and heart problems
0.2mg/kg, if you aint 100kg dont take that much. it IS used to induce anxiety in related studies after all, by, alas, giving more than that.
>hurr durr fastingfags pls go
insulin inhibits yohi effect, can do strenous cardio before to lower insulin but anybody who would does not need the yohi to begin with
>hurr durr taking it without exercising does not make me slim
it just upregulates receptors in your critical fat areas, it has no inherent fat loss properties and you need to actually burn it still
>using yohi and EC
google vasoconstrictor + vasodilator + caffeine, shit bricks. it can be done but not by newfags

Can you get this in Leaf-land? must you run everyday? or can i just run on my off days from lifting? (3 days)

It's dangerous to take an MAOA inhibitor like yohimbine with a noradrenaline booster like ephedrine.

I bounce around from 140-150lb, borderline twink mode but still skinnyfat. love handles and gut forming. I probably walk 3-4 miles a day and sauna after. 14mg good dosage to start?

yes. but already the very top of the range for your weight. start with 10 and see how you feel

How long does YHCl lasts mixed in water if its kept refrigerated?

Can anyone link a seller that ships in europe? The shit i can buy around here is not clean :>

do not mix, buy capsules or cap your own nigga

musclelab. warning: arguably not too legal, and horrendous jew prices depending on what country you live in

>do not mix
Why wouldn't I?
It's way easier than weighting it and/or encapsulating it, and cheaper

doesnt really mix well (the raw powder, if you actually open up caps I have no idea but thats still kinda dumb lol), and this is not something you want to get 5mg one chug and 35mg the next with.

it will only work if you are in a caloric deficit 100% of the time. you can do it once a week, once a month, every day, whatever, the more you use it the faster your gut and lovehandles will vanish

Has anyone tried clen and yohimbine at the same time?

I fuckin ordered from A1 supps to Ireland, got caught in post, sent back to them, they didn't refund....

If you find somewhere let me know, I would love to get my hands on this shit.

If you're stirring it yeah it doesn't, but I put the powder in a bottle and shake it, it mixes perfectly. Also the whole point of mixing it is obtaining a homogeneous, uniform mixture making it easier to dose, not having to microdose powder. It's the recommended for who doesn't buy caps or don't have a 0.001g precision scale. I just wanted to know how long can I leave it there in the refrigerator...



there is no yohimbine on this website

So it can't be used during a bulk to lessen the fat gain? even if eat at a cal deficit on cardio day (once a week)?

Didn't check before, they seem to be out of stock

Your body doesn't count days or whatever, all it knows is its current hormone levels. I'd say it works if you use it FASTED on your cardio day once a week, and if you eat at a deficit that day, yeah.

You have to login

Cool, another question, does it matter if I drink my coffee after the fasted cardio? Also, if I weight around 67 kg are 5 caps of the stuff on OP's pic enough and safe?

Remember what I said is a guess, I don't guarantee it works that way.
>does it matter if I drink my coffee after the fasted cardio?
With the coffee before you'd have an increased heart rate and metabolism, thus using more calories during the cardio. But it can't be too bad drinking it after...
>are 5 caps of the stuff on OP's pic enough and safe?
If you take 12.5mg first time I think you're gonna panic and have a heart attack or stroke, just ease into it. Start with one. Then experiment with two, and so on...

Nice, thanks user.

You literally HAVE to take caffeine with either yoh or ephedrine for it to-do anything. And again youre looking at MAYBE 1-2% metabolism boost if you combine them. Clen is 5% at 40mg. Dnp is 11% at 100mg (both extremely low doses).