Is he Natty?

Alright, Veeky Forums. I've been following this man with this amazing old school physique on Instagram. I'm always wondering if he's natty though. What do you think?


for sure natty

Yep, as natty as they come

Can confirm.

Yep. Everyone can look like this inside of 6 months.

don't let the haters fool you OP they just use their shit progress as a measuring stick for guys like this who have great genetics and perfect diet, could probably look like that within a few years natty

maybe one cycle but you can tell hes natty look @ the traps

Totally natty, brah. Workout programs and diet have become so advanced that they can emulate heavy steroid abuse from the 70s.

might be , doesn't looks absolutely insane and probably just knows how to train properly , daily vacuums shit like that

suuuuper natty

At least natty.
Probably super-natty

that tat is fucking hideous

Can easily hit that in 1 year by proper diet and lifting weights 3x a week.

...but old school bodybuilders roided to the gills...

Not in the 50's

What exactly is the point of even wearing a shirt at that point?

Also jesus what is that tattoo

I did my research on this guy. His instagram bio says "Natural old school bodybuilding" so he must be natural. Case closed.


>bodybuilders weren't on test in the 50s

its a set of puffy nips from being soooo natty

lad roids were made in da 30s...

i fucking love nigga's with afros
look at that guy, he looks so friendly

more like Dic Raisin' amirite

An unfinished tattoo of an octopus dragging a ship down

>The one guy that doesn't lift legs

Obvious natty and vegan as well. Not to mention, probably had shit genetics but made it work with hard work, perseverance and good diet.

anyone smart enough to get that big natty would never have such a cookie cutter tattoo

Ikr, it's dregerate

>always post pics of himself eating junk food n meat

>being this retarded

>I definitely got that guy

u got minion-meme'd boy!

Why does he have ThePirateBay logo tattooed on his chest?

testosterone was chemically isolated in 1935 and up through the 1960s was known as the "golden age of steroid chemistry" because of how much research and production of new compounds happened

bodybuilders in the 50s were definitely using steroids and they were probably seen as marvels of modern science

He looks great. Weird to see a physique like that in 2017. We need more guys like that.

>shoulders rolled forward to flare lats and flex chest
>"Look at the traps"
Either a clever troll or a total retard. Do that pose in the mirror and watch your traps disappear like magic.

Because he's a sailor, and he wants you to wash his poop deck