What mode is that guy laying on his stomach?

What mode is that guy laying on his stomach?

me in the reflection

what are these laying down on towel/blanket on grass photos

where are these people at

a park maybe? do you ever leave your basement?
also I want to put my penis in that woman

>yea lets go to the park ill put on my swimsuit, grab the towels

>yea heres a nice spot with like 12 other people nearby


Jesus user...you realise parks can get full and you have no choice but pick a spot with people near by?

i'd kill to be able to put my dick in a woman like that after a long hard day.

Image how lucky that man is, to be able to come home to her and dump his load inside her and fall sleep.

It would complete the puzzle. But the missing piece is the only thing that keeps me going, I'll be alone forever but atleast I'll be able to squat 500 lbs.

It's just normies doing normie shit.

I've done the whole "sit on grass with people in an area with other people" and it is fucking boring beyond belief. Especially in the US since you can't even fucking drink in the park.

Hanging out in parks wasn't too bad when I lived in Scandinavia tho, we'd set up a small grill, get wasted and grill some meats.

>It's just normies doing normie shit.
Wow.....careful with those edges, boy.

Nice one reddit lmao :D

What are you even talking about? Did you wake up this morning with a burning need to type the word "edge"? And my post just happened to be the first one you read?

Because it doesn't make sense any other way

There was nothing edgy about his post, you brainlet.

>go to the park
>sit and lay on grass
What's the appeal?

Girls get to show off their bodies in swim suits to chad and they sunbathe to get tan. Guys are either chad or beta orbiters.

I feel ya feels.

The problem is when we see a woman like that we think how can I be more deserving? I need to be the best I can be.

When chad sees her he thinks - how can I fuck her and her sister?

right click - 0 rezults on tineye and google.

>why do this chad?

>ignoring bikini clad woman taking up 50% of the photo for barely noticeable naked buff guy in the background
Sasuga Veeky Forums!

i need that view from behind

sasuga indeed..

My friends and I do it sometimes. We usually bring a cheese board and some cured meat and stuff and get wasted on wine and beer while eating expensive food cause we're fancy as shit.

That and we sometimes play horseshoes and bocce ball and stuff.

Picnics are fun if you know fun people

It's warm, soft, you can socialise and you have room for big groups, or to take up a lot of space with a small group if you prefer.

Don't see how it's not appealing.

>reading is boring
>enjoying being outdoors in a city is boring
>sun bathing and getting nessesary sun time is boring
>hanging out with friends is boring

Goddamn your life is depressing

Chad is already the best he can be, we still have to improve for obvious reasons.

>Chad is already the best he can be


its just perspective difference.
We sabotage ourselves with low self worth ad feelings of inadequacy while I've personally seen inferior beings get on with qt's.

I like reading but people are usually uninteresting. I also like the outdoors, but again, not with other people in it.

I could do it if I wanted (and have) but I don't, because I like it more this way.

Well my point is if you aren't predisposed to think highly of yourself, being a fat ugly dyel virgin doesn't help.

>Especially in the US since you can't even fucking drink in the park.

Not in San Francisco. You can go to Dolores, with a 6 pack and a rollup a spliff.

Itchy chest as soon as he stands up mode

Grass is not comfortable. Blankets on grass are though.


No, user he's just evolved from a hunter-gatherer and not a farmer. The world is moved by movers, not sitters. Dumb cunt.