Fuck scraped knee at gym

Do I need to see a doctor?

Can I get a slice of that pizza?

clean it out with peroxide you retard

did you grow up in a fucking barn?

Will Whiskey do the trick or nah?
I have no peroxide

How fucking stupid are you? Please be baiting.

>Bubbling puss
Yes, you seem unable to care for it adequately.



yeah looks pretty infected senpai

i hope you live in a country without public healthcare so your retardation isn't a burden on the system and you have to pay for your stupidity

I've just been putting Neosporin on it
Been replacing gauze like a motherfucker too


Fuck this shit happened on Friday, I figured it would be fine by today

You dont need to go to the doctor for this shit, you useless, interdepentent slut.

Your wound is slightly infected, but its easy to treat. Just wipe it with alcohol, dry it and cover it up. It will scab in a couple of days.

Basic first aid lad, learn it.

Peroxide is not good for cleaning wounds.
Soap and water is better for wound cleaning than peroxide. 70% alcohol is a good sanitizer, it causes many bacteria to burst from osmotic pressure, or be denatured by the alcohol. Alcohol resistant bacteria is no uncommon. Soap is best because of its unstoppable physical action.

Neosporin is a triple antibiotic and should be stopping it from being infected... Unless it doesn't. Then you're in for a bad time.

Op could get this taken care of for $20 or less if he had insurance or wanted to go to a free clinic. Doctors are always trying to kill you though, so I don't blame him.

spraying that shit isnt gonna do much. Its got a layer of infection. If you knew what you were doing id say you should clean out the wound and then start again.
By the looks of it your either too dirty, low immune system or you dont understand how to are for it so doing that wouldn't be smart.
Just try to wash that shit thoroughly and soak it in disinfectant.

Wash the wound and bandage. If it doesn't get better in a day, go to doctor.

I got some antibacterial soap and washed it with water and a paper towel. Then I doused that bitch in 70% isropopyl and covered it in a new bandage

Thanks brahs

It might help if you try to shave around the scraped area to prevent any hairs from getting into it

what do you mean by clean out the wound?

Wish me luck brahs hopefully will be repping 3 plate for the first time this Thursday

ok neosporin protects from re-infection after you've already cleaned out the wound but you need an antiseptic like peroxide first to actually get rid of the infected shit.

you need to get RID of the bacteria before you apply an ointment that prevents them from regrouping. dammit you don't even need to go to the doctor. mommy could do this shit for you.

>Fucking your shins up that much with baby weight
Dude just wear sweatpants.

>Has three different antibiotics in it
>Use peroxide

Dude, gtfo.
Historically hydrogen peroxide was used for disinfecting wounds, partly because of its low cost and prompt availability compared to other antiseptics. It is now thought to slow healing and lead to scarring because it destroys newly formed skin cells.[46] Only a very low concentration of H2O2 can induce healing, and only if not repeatedly applied.[47]

im afraid of staph, so i'd go see a doctor just to make sure it isnt that

You know how I know you're American?

Hahah nah it's from tripping and falling on pavement. It's 3 plates on squats bby


B-b-buh the bubbles! It must be working!?!

Wtf op I had these "injuries" when I was a kid

is that fat or pus? anyway its over OP you gonna need to amputate that,pray to jebus


nah-- it looks fine. unless that red border starts to spread or you notice a fever/chills/more pain you should be fine.

clean it once a day w/ warm water. Dont use soap or any shit cause your probably too dumb to find the right type


change the dressing once/twice a day with NON-ADHESIVE gauze.

am doctor persons

Neosporin and cover it with some gauze while you sleep. Make sure you let it breathe when you can though and you should be fine.

>other people's sweat, drool, tears and other bodily fluids scraped into your knee
You're fucked


RIP OP time to grab the flame and cauterize it

That's an excellent way for it to get infected.

Huh, I wish I hadn't watched that

No, but vodka will.


rub some dirt on it you wimp

That's staph infection? huh, None of the wiki articles I looked up related to staph had that picture

Actually kind of cool to see the muscles inside once you get over your urge to vomit



Vitamin E capsils.

Just pop them and rub the gel on your wound.

Worked best during my football years.

look up mrsa

Use this shit.
I had the same problem a couple of years ago and my friend told me to use this. Worked like a charm, cleaned it up in a couple of days.