359lbs 5'10 have some muscle but really can't see it other than forearm and shoulders..want to lose lots of fat which means less calories..but I want to build muscle at the same time..which means I need to eat . Need advice on how to achieve perfect balance. Ultimately weight loss is my main goal .
359lbs 5'10 have some muscle but really can't see it other than forearm and shoulders...
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kinda in the same boat. Hit the gym, count your calories. I'm cutting atm once i hit my goal, i'll start bulking.
read the sticky you fucking faggot
you're fat as fuck so just take in 360g of protein with a multivitamin and water.
>359lbs 5'10 have some muscle
nigga you aint even on the representation
Hi OP.
If you don't have a time constraint, cut until you reach your goal weight - don't pay too much attention to muscle building yet - and then bulk and build muscle once you've reached your goal.
The /fat/ general will provide you with memes and motivation.
I understand this is Veeky Forums and il get shit replies ..its a well know fact but il wait for actual advice..not some homo protecting the board ..this is my post and il ask what I want even if someone already asked the same question.
Thank you
There is no perfect balance. Just deficit eating and lifting.
t. someone who lost 200lbs
Did u have saggy skin after
yes. its real bad and a constant source of depression and anxiety. i still refuse to go shirtless.
still better than being morbidly obese/dead.
You don't need to bulk nigger, you'll gain muscle so long as you get 1g of protein per pound you want to weigh lean. So at your height you probably want to be 170lbs, so eat 170g of protein per day (two baked chicken breasts), keep your carb intake under 100g, keep your caloric intake under 2900. You might also want to keep your fat intake as good fats only (fish/nuts) but its not really required unless you have an LDL cholesterol problem (you probably do, see your doctor)
Also don't buy anything breaded and never buy soda again, not even diet soda, Zevia is fine because Stevia does not cause an insulin response like Aspmartame does, but Stevia may effect your fertility.
I really want to avoid saggy skin.. if I were to lift religiously and could I avoid that ?
>implying lean body mass is 360lbs
He'd end up wasting money, and not hitting his ideal calorie deficits.
Just change your diet, eat balanced healthy meals instead of soda and pizza erryday. Have a protein shake instead of a milkshake.
You can make a lot of beginner gains while losing weight, especially if you're as fat as you are. If you find yourself low on energy, eat more. You will continue to lose weight as long as you lift regularly.
Stop thinking about it and just do it, faggot, it works. Or continue being a fat fuck forever.
Any tips on losing weight fast but avoiding the saggy skin? Like..will lifting keep it in check?
water fasting
the body eats up the excess skin
Not that user but here..
77 day water fast
Before and after pics
Pretty impressive stuff
Interesting..but he isn't as far as I am..so..results still scare me. But wont hold me back.
360 /5'10
You dont get to talk about muscle till 160 lol
Go cut, eat clean green vegies/chicken/can tuna for 5 months, drink water and black coffe
thank me later fatso