>tfw drinking at home alone
What's up
How has your week been anons?
How's your lifting been?
>tfw drinking at home alone
What's up
How has your week been anons?
How's your lifting been?
Other urls found in this thread:
>What's up
>How has your week been anons?
Horrible. Had food poisoning and still recovering.
>How's your lifting been?
Out of action.
You could call it that.
Hey user! Here's to you! Cheers
>the food pois
Damn son what did you eat?
Had a drink with my mates, now chilling home with a glass of milk and seeing what my Veeky Forums friends are up to.
Week was good, managed to get plenty social gainz. Sadly fit-wise didn't have a good time, bench and military press stalled again, can't bring myself to eat enough. Have a good night, buds.
> Remind yourself that we're ALL gonna make it
Evening user! Here's to you!
Any other anons wanna join?
I'm fine. Question: are you trying to trick people into thinking you're the person in the photograph?
Oh no no, just some pics of a chick, not actually me
Got any plans for tonight user?
First week of strong lifts done.
Tfw your bumble match fizzles out.
So I'm just catching up on sleep. I might go to a yoga class this evening. And yes, I'm on a cut, I shaved my chest and belly to hopefully see my and better but I just see new stretch marks and scars from when i was a fat fuck.
Well today is a rest day for me, so I'm going to get baked and play Zelda all night. I don't often get the opportunity to play video games for more than 1 or 2 hours at a time so I look forward to these kinds of nights.
Sup user
Stay strong! Ha! Good on ya
Keep up the good work my man
Yoga sounds great!
Baked Zelda sounds like a relaxing plan my man
Abs* instead of and
Same drinkin with the lads
>got my low calorie vodka and seltzer water ready
god i miss beer.
Evening! Low calorie vodka? which brand
Recently started dieting about 2 months ago, started going to the Gym at my Uni. Today I overslept and missed my gym time and class.
More upset about Gym than class tbqh.
Evening user! don't oversleep the next time, promise
Here's another one for you guys, cheers
Anyone else drinking?
Probably going to get stoned and shitpost on Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums and /k/, feeling bummed out over not being able to do all 5 sets of OHP after going up in weight.
Such is like for a skinnyfat fag
Evening user! Ain't gonna be skinnyfat for long though amirite?
Not too bad. I cheated a bit but Im still down 2lbs from last week.
any drum and bass bros around?
Having a drink with the lads. Talking about the week, training etc
Fuck yeah, which one?
>What's up
Still on campus. Wrapping some stuff up then hitting the gym
>How has your week been anons?
Bretty good, can't complain. I'm happiest when I'm busy and these weeks have been very busy
>How's your lifting been?
Making progress. Felt great when I got past my embarrassingly low OHP plateau on Wednesday
Watching macros and trying to eat clean. Tried a week of nofap that ends tomorrow night. Wasn't really that hard, might try a longer one soon.
Evening my man, you'll make it! Treat yourself once in a while willya
Cheers to you then!
Ahoi user! How's your OHP now?
Thats the plan, I'm committed to getting yuge, its literally the only thing that is keeping me going, just sucks that my upper body is fucking week
>155lb squat/135lb DL
>tfw 125lb benchpress/65lb OHP
feels bad mane, prolly gonna be T Rex mode for a while
>mfw trying to learn the baseline for Roundabout
Dat solo part
You'll make it my man! Here's to you!
Feeling like shit since my company doesn't give me any work anymore, they want me to leave at this point. I make over 85k a year (before taxes) and not really working on anything fun or interesting
It is starting to bother me now
> How do you feel when everyone else is busy at work and you really don't have much to do??
Sick and my head has been very weary, absolutely no gains whole week. No dates even. Shitty week and cant even get social gaihs this weekend
>Dat solo part
Roundabout by Yes, the part when they jam out is fucking hard to do with a finger (not used to using picks)
starts at around 6:14
After a few months I'm finally past 90 pounds for 5 sets of 5... it's embarrassing. How are your lifts, user?
Hey man! What field you working in?
Ima drink to you getting better then!
Well don't fret OHP is one of the hardest lifts to progress. Haven't been lifting for 2 months now due to work need to get back into it but too much stuff to do, kicking it back this evening though! Need some more rum hang on a sec
Yes has some fantastic tracks. Phenomenal musicians. No idea how the drummer was able to pull off Heart of the Sunrise.
Breath of the Wild. Haven't been this obsessed with a game in a long time
not really my type of music but you just reminded me that i really need to play my e-guitar more thanks
Briefly talked to a girl who seemed to be into me today.
She looks exactly like my ex
Should I go for it lads?
Evening user! Go for any chance you get you'd regret it in the end if youdidnt#
Sure, pal. Give it a shot. At worst it's a learning experience.
>She looks exactly like my ex
The fact that this is a perk for you isn't a good sign.. but what the hell, go for it
sup user. im pooping at the gym and it is going well.
week has been great my new gf has been spending the night every night and i dont see myself getting tired of her. we read eachother spooky ghost stories before banging and it feels amazing.
lifting is good im on 531 bbb so the gains and strength gains are slow but steady but i balance it perfectly with my life
im eating with intention to lose weight but am not tracking anything on a daily basis. going well no stress
Evenin lad!Gym poops best poops. Good on ya, you will make it and what kind of stories do you read each other?
>ex is out partying and im alone on a friday night yet again
I love Yes, grew up listening to them and Pink Floyd because my dad and uncle would always argue about whose better
I've heard great things. Maybe I'll make that my gains goal reward.
Evening user, don't be sad she isn't getting those sweet gains you are!
>How has your week been anons?
Bad, just like every other week the past month, feel very lonely and unwanted
>How's your lifting been?
Good, just starting out, only been a few weeks but all my lifts have progressed, except OHP, fuck OHP
Just eating a ton cause hungry skelly
Hey there user! i too feel lonely af but hey guess what you're not you're here with us
Is a bookstore like Barnes and Nobles a good place to meet a girl? Been thinking of going to the starbucks and reading Meditations tonight just so I won't spend another night in my room
what good are all the gains in the world if you have no one to share them with?
True, this is comfy. As much shit as we give Veeky Forums for being a terrible place, I actually can't imagine my life without this place, I can come here and laugh and get the feels and rant like I can't anywhere else
To ensure that the weak fear the strong
I've been thinking of doing this, going to a starbucks or barnes and noble and reading, then maybe a qt will come up to me and be like what are you reading?
But probably won't happen
Hey guys I just entered grad school and some how my fellow students like me and think I'm a normal well adjusted person.
They are always trying to get me to go out with them, but I would rather stay home alone. What do I tell them when they text me tonight?
I'd prefer they not know the autistic truth, but I don't like drinking an staying up late.
I've been thinking of trying out the same thing. I like Barnes and noble and it's better than sitting in my apt.
I hope my girlfriend is off her period so that I can ejaculate inside her tonight (unprotected, of course).
Me too. I have refried beans w/ salsa w/ rice as my chaser. I'm watching Juji video and it's disgusting that he is literally shilling a nigger porno website.
Try it my man
I really feel you there user but things'll get better
Yep especially Veeky Forums i believe that on this board the majority of people actually have some sort of social life
I code for a living but the only type of work i get is literally beneath my skill level and i cant take it anymore
>makes me feel useless to work on such small projects
>mfw thinking the same thing
Its gonna be up to us to make the first move
I too work in IT any big companies hiring?
There's no way they don't know you're autistic already. You're fucking with me and your whole post is a lie or they already know you are a retard. The question is do they want to help you or watch you burn.
>Tfw fired 3 weeks ago
>can't drink
>living off $1,000 in savings
>gotta pay rent next month
>and car
Gonna spend the weekend studying for organic and analytical chem wish me luck in pursuing these brain gains brehs
>H-hey, what book are you reading?
>Just a book, can you not bother me I'm trying to read
>Y-you too
That's how I imagine it'll go
Don't know, I'm in devops
It'll get better bro, u lifting?
Damn this rum is getting to me slowly
Best of luck my man!
Any website you could look for an open place?
>the woman is on EZ Street
>the man is suffering
Yes that's life.
What am i seeing here?
thanks user i believe i'll make it, we all will. :') we read creepypasta and nosleep stories. most of it is shit but occasionally we'll actually find a decent creepy story
right in the feels brah
>How has your week been anons?
Stressful, I have a pretty rough semester, but it will be fine.
>How's your lifting been?
New PRs in squat and diddlydoos this week. Finally jumped on creatine/pwo after nothing but whey for months. that shit works.
Dirty bulking another 8 lbs up to 230 so I can cut to 200 so... dirty as fuck. I'm not counting but prolly between 4-5k a day of everything around me. So far I've had 2 scoops, a deviled ham sandwich, tuna fish salad sandwich, eggs, apples and peanut butter, and a burger. Prolly going to have some potato soup, spaghetti, a tub of cottage cheese, and a shake before bed. Eating is becoming a chore now, but I'll probably be bulking until november/december.
>tfw drunk
>tfw wallowing in a feels thread instead of just distracting myself with something fun
Stop it stop it stop it stop wasting the 1 night where your brain is supposed to not be stressed out
Good on ya, cheers!
Ahoi there! never neglect the diddlydidoos! Also beware of the crea-teen
Hey man! I'm trying to mix up some tunes besides managing this thread
also, I think one of the girls who works at my gym's juice bar is into me but I'm to awkward and nervous to actually move it forward.
Why bruh, creatine added 4-5% across the board for 1rms and 10lbs of water weight in 2 weeks.
I have a question. I'm cutting, but I've found the easiest way for me to not eat too much is to only eat 1 meal a day, and typically that's dinner. Will that fuck with my metabolism or something and make it harder to lose weight? Or is that just broscience?
Also, I'm a newbie to drinking, which is better, bacardi gold or captain morgan 100 proof?
Just say hi my man and go from there!
Just joking remember to drink at least 1L of water more than usual! Creatine sure is no meme if water is being drunk enough my man
Yes. Haven't watched gym videos in probably a year. Started watching a bunch since I got fired since I gotta fill up time. I have let my form and routine go to waste, kek. Watched some Hodge Twins video today and had a great lat/back workout 20 minutes ago. Fixed up my DL form too. I try my best to look at things from the good side. At least I have more time to study for my SATs and go back to college
>muh GI bill
>muh free college tuition
Man, I fucked myself from jumping job to job because most of them were slave labor (factory setting) with very little pay. I've gone to two interviews and they both asked me why I was jumping around so much. Fucked if you do, fucked if you don't (no job experience) I had a "dream" job with great pay but got fired due to lack of experience (kept making rookie mistakes.) Fuck. I really liked that CNC job ;_;
Just go bro so you have people to talk to the rest of the semester year. If you opt out right at the beginning, you're gonna be alone the whole year. Unless you don't mind it.
Evenin user! go with the captain as rum > all
I've talked to her a bit already. I just don't know how to move it past our talking about workouts and what's happening at that very moment. Just need to figure out a natural way to ask for her number or to go out without it sounding just forced and out of the blue.
You're acting as if girls think the same way guys do. If a girl is reading in public she probably WANTS someone to walk up and ask her what she's reading. She's doing it for social points, not mental gains. BONUS: if she's really nerdy, she's probably craving social interaction.
Don't sweat study and try to make the best out of your situation my man!
Just be upfront and confident bro if she says no oh well whatever
>>muh GI bill
>>muh free college tuition
Have you gone to college yet? That BAH is pretty damn sweet, especially if you're rooming or staying with family
>tfw BAH is 1.8k for me
>savings plan dictates I put away 1.4k and live off of 400 since dad is letting me stay in his place
>anything I didn't spend by next BAH check gets put into savings
Gonna make it financially brah, now just gotta make it with my lifts
Will do user, thanks.
My 25th birthday tomorrow.
Thinking of signing up at the gym. Got literally nothing else going on.
Nice to hang with you guys Veeky Forums.
Nice to hang with you lad! You got a program to follow?
Go fucking sign up right now.
Those are both pretty awful. Get the kraken if you are going to get crap rum.
Stronglifts 5x5 looks decent.
It's almost midnight lol.
>What's up
Just a little excited for tonight, first week all night ill get to relax and play some vidya
>How has your week been anons?
hard, studying and doing hw all weel
>How's your lifting been?
good! hurt my rotator cuff 3 weeks ago but this week it finally felt good enough to get an upper body lift in, and lifts in general going well
nope just a life style change, cutting out obviously bad shit and trying to eat healthier
When I used to drink this was my go to.
>drink it straight or with ice, tastes like coffee+dark licorice
>mix with coke to take it easy, tastes pretty good
Also it has cool packaging.
Stronglifts is a good starting point my man best of luck!
Cheers m8 vidya sure is relaxing, what vidya you gonna play?
Sign up tomorrow then! Spend your birthday bucks on some gains. Stronglifts is pretty good too for them starter strength gains, just be wary that it helps with strength but not necessarily physique.
Literally did nothing but eat, sleep, lift, play destiny. On dnp so I'm sweating constantly.
Lifting is obv stalled on heavy cut. Lifts are miserable cus shaky and weak.
Currently cutting at -800, which is like -1900 on dnp.
Ahoi there user! Watchout with that dnp please don't go kill