>implying I'm not training
Get rekt fgt
Implying I'm not training
Meanwhile, I have a job.
and what are they doing while I am training?
injecting steroids, which are easier to get there than in the first world
getting AIDS and malaria
Not one of those guys look like they use gear
meanwhile you have GAYDS like your whore sister.
Stealin yo bitch
>Meanwhile, I'm a pathetic wage slave
Their form is fucking TERRIBLE. Go to 0:16 and watch the nig swing his entire body to curl with 1/2 the ROM. Holy FUCK this is awful to watch.
And where is Rhodesia today
Where is South Africa
The niggers will always have the strongest aid from the communist left
>meanwhile I have Quality of life, opportunity and bountiful of leasure.
>Implying I can't have all that and still be bigger than these thirdworlders.
Turned to shit when the whites left, so yeah.
There's that.
And what a lovely country south africa is.
Gang bangers, you gotta love em
>Quality of life
work 50 hours a week, get sick, die repeat
that's why all small businesses thrive and there is no criminal corporatism in america
>bountiful of leisure
all entertainment in the us is degenerate, makes people sick, fat, and stupid. also, "bountiful of leasure" is grammatically incorrect , and "leasure" is spelled "leisure" you dumb fucking immigrant faggot.
>meanwhile im blowing hot air up my ass and still live in my moms basement
I work 35-45 hours a week, with fairly flexible hours.
>all small businesses thrive
Ofcourse they aren't and aren't supposed to either. But if you have talent, work hard you might just make it work.
Dude you are such a pussy apologist for the third world, if you truly can't make a great life in america, you are a fucking suspended adulthood faggot.
>no matter how big or small you are, we are all equal and get along here
>tfw you will never train in a Ghani gym with your black brethren who want you to succeed as much as themselves
All niggers must hang
- strong guy from Full Metal Jacket who cucked a nigger
With subpar training they sure as shit might be on roids to look like that.
The fuck do they do to progress in weight? Search until they find what they estimate to be a bigger rock?
What Flintstones episode is this?
Difference is, those blacks changed their spears for guns
The playing field is a lot more even now
White people changed their guns with drones.
You're retarded if you think that even ten million aspiring rappers with modern assault weapons would pose a threat to a civilized westenr natioj which spends at least 0.5% of its budget on military.
>niggers on aids meds the post
Well, what's your point exactly?
they don't need when western powers are taking niggers by the millions and not having white babies.
In what context?
Because that's exactly what's going on in the Middle East and the US is struggling against a bunch of sand people
smackin' lips
Are those weights even heavy enough? Concreate weighs way less than steel or iron.
ayo hol' up
well what else can a nigger do once theyve built a mud hut and raped every 12 year old in the village?
Making your own gym out of garbage and lifting with your impoverished friends looks pretty fun desu
Yeah but it doesn't make that guy better than me, this is just racebait.
ex South African here, your pic is why it makes me laugh when poltards say the blacks are gonna genocide the whites. Half the whites in South Africa are armed to the teeth and they've been itching to kill some nignogs ever since apartheid ended. Growing up my family had like 3 pistols and 2 rifles stashed throughout the house and my dad taught me to shoot when I was 7. Meanwhile the blacks spend all their money and free time on booze and strip clubs
The rhodesians fought niggers with guns not spears though, you dumb nigger.
>Visit Kenya
>Literally half look starving while other half are starving
>Everyone is sub 5'11
Who came up with this Black= Mr Olympia meme?
Yeah, sure whatever, let's say africans inherit the earth. That would be the end of an age, the end of a species. All of the niggers in the north will die, in fact if whites stopped sending aid to africa right now, if whites stopped propping up the industry and farming in africa right now, most of them would drop dead in a year.
There is no takeover of european civilization. The world has been artificially propped up by this system and it can only be properly maintained by whites, though the asians could probably keep it afloat for a while until they run themselves into the ground as they have always done.
I don't think a lot of people understand the gravity of the result of the next 50 years of civilization. I wonder if 10000 years from now they'll be looking back at relics of our bygone era and ever know what potential we threw away.
east africans are dyel.
west africans, especially the ones brought to americas for slavery have high levels of muscle mass
If it ever gets to the point where Africans can inherit the earth, it'll be the Asians or Arabs who take it, as they have no qualms about 'racism' and whatnot so they'll either enslave them or blow them the fuck out and move in.
>those blacks changed their spears for guns
>The playing field is a lot more even now
rhodesian war wasnt some colonial war in the 1800s you buffoon. it took place in the 1970s and both sides were using firearms.
>the communist left
You meant kikes, it's kay I got you bro