Does Veeky Forums have a waifu that you lift for?
Does Veeky Forums have a waifu that you lift for?
yes i am married so i have a wife that i lift for
Yes, pic related.
My condolences
good goy
>Does Veeky Forums have a waifu that you lift for?
that a real question, user?
> be me
> ask grill out
> she somehow said yes
> completely forgets about plans and ditches grill
> still really into her but im a beta cuck and was embarrassed to contact her
> now she's dating a complete copy of me except he's bigger
> lifting to improve myself physically socially and mentally, also to fuck that dude up
> after awhile i began to force myself into situations i was uncomfortable in trying to develop more socially and to get out and actually do shit. My life is completely better now
> the dude is still bigger tho
Please reread the OP, this is a thread for 2D.
he said nothing about 2D you fucking weeb
whos this freak
Valmet from Jormungand
Nearly the same as mine, i broke up with her because she was messing me about and tryna get me to chase her. She cried few months later see her out with lad that looks alot like me when i grow stubble but bigger. im quite well paid and i never told her, mentioned it to a mutual friend the other day just for shits and giggles
im so fucking determined to cuck him
Yes, pic related
Shoo shoo, back to plebbit you go
my ex broke up with me and doesnt exist in my reality anymore; does that count?
Who is she? She seems pretty cute.
astolfo fate g.o
>he lifts for pixels because he can't get love and affection from real girls
Literally cannot make this shit up
Of course, my nigga.
patrician taste
she's mine tho
The best
Also AssClass was shit
I lift to protect Crona's smile and tight boipucci!
dont start this shit again m8
and to op
I can't post my waifu without breaking GR15 so I lift to be strong like a saiyan
I want to make him proud
>Implying I can't
>Implying they don't just disgust me
3dpd are literally uninteresting, unclean whores
The ultimate degeneracy
Is that ebola-chan? I thought I was the only one, who prays for her comeback
>3dpd are literally uninteresting, unclean whores
>t. Bitter virgin
My nigga.
>ywn be gently rowed in Mars
>soo much projecting
ok buddy. We talk again, when you have made a few woman choke on your dick before finding out that you cucked their poor bf
Yeah dude I'm totally projecting
Kys weeb faggots
Based god
>ywn come home after a long day of hero patrolling your city only to be received by a frog bj from your frog wife
waifu claim thread?
I already claimed her years ago, but just in case
>t. roastie
Who dis?
Reporting for duty.
I imagine her cheering me on during my reps.
I had her.
Lost 40kg in 6 months and ended up in severe depression knowing I will never love anyone as much as I loved this fictional character.
I moved on.
Now I only lift for myself.
Of course, I love cute girls doing cute things.
my n-word
but also for other stuff
Why is this freg so cute?
Thighs are my true motivation
You abandoned her.. think of how it must have hurt her
She's dead, nothing hurt her anymore.
for the tomboys
God tier taste.
tomboys don't exist, user. They are something that disappear after middle school..
Ooooh wait. I see ;) ;)
>tfw I'll never be a borderline shota to be her cute little assistant
At least I'll be fit.
Same, my friend.
I do but I won't post her here until I make it, need to be proud of myself first.
here's some fit inspiration though
In between waifus right now any recommendations for 18+ I can jog for?
Still love you. 17 years and counting, baby.
God tier taste. I lift to emulate my waifu. Pic related, motivates me to get off my ass every day.
Based trips
Dumb frogposter.
Of course. They say Crab is quite a delicacy, after all.
Why are LL grils so fuckable?
>you will never be in a Methonium doujin
I am literally seething right now
Have a higher quality version, my fellow patrician
Fucking garbage
Thanks buddy
Of course I am.
(S)he will never ever notice me though
>tfw you'll never be as strong as your waifu
Doing it for her.
Good taste here.
>tfw 18.99 for one pound of claw meat
Gotta love the Midwest
I want to take her to a regular restaurant for some normal food
Because Hori is a god that keeps pumping perfect girls
>Le every grill is perfect grill XDXDXDX
God I fucking hate MHA shitters it's babbys first anime, such a Fucking horrible show
My gravity waifu
Where do you think you are?
What a fucking horrible game.
true patrician
I would like a source on this image so I too may enjoy catgirls
The manga is pretty nice in my opinion. Also pls enlighten us with your superior taste.
>inb4 Cowboy Bebop