Wich one is harder, a one arm pull up at 250 lbs bodyweight

wich one is harder, a one arm pull up at 250 lbs bodyweight

or a 500 pounds bench press ?

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Five hundo bench.

lets see. one you can do without roids and one you can only do with roids. that answers your question

mark henry benched 500 in highschool no roids

this is what retards actually believe.

he didnt go to highschool?

It wasn't in pounds. Kg.

>two unrelated exercises that target different areas of your body and serve a different purpose
>which one is harder

Heh, looks like the guy from scrubs


which one is harder, a 50lbs deadlift with one finger each hand or 250lbs squat with no legs?

Much like the one arm push up the one arm pull up doesnt have an accepted form standard. I've never even seen someone on youtube due it without either twisting to a neutral grip, hanging their legs at some odd angle to move their center of mass under their hand etc. Pretty shit exercise desu

he stopped entering strongman competitions because he didn't want to roid, he has pretty much been injury free his entire WWE career. Big Show also could bench 500 no problem no roids. There are some big, strong men out there I know it's difficult to believe because you're weak.


a one arm pull up at 250lbs has never been done before in the history of earth(if it has please show me a video of it) while a 500 pound bench press has been achieved by numerous powerlifters.
The kind of stress you would put on a single arm during a chin up at 250lbs is beyond the human realm.
What kind of one arm pull ups have you been looking at? A lot of guys have done it with clean acceptable form, although I have never seen anyone thats extremely heavy do it.

Pretty much every single one I've seen on youtube. If you manage to find one without a neutral grip I'll be sure to point out some other way they gimmick their form to make it easier.

sounds doable if you are 350 pounds or whatever

at 1:27 he does a perfect one arm chin up on rings.
In terms of the one arm pull up specifically, it's nearly impossible to keep your torso horizontal to the bar while pulling up. It doesn't make it that much easier.
Look at 2:50 for one arm pull up on the bar as well

Nah, that's Carla. Shes a chick

Alexey voevoda did it at a bw of 275 lbs
Yuri vaslov did it at s bw of 280 lbs
Bert asserati could do 3 at a bw of 110 kg

All genetics freaks

ALSO this guy who claims being 102 kg or so did an one arm pull up wirh +10 kg


A one arm pull up untill 300 lbs bw is possible with good genetics

Now going over you need sone serious ape genetics, and in that point yea, theres no history recording about such feat

When you do this on rings the ring will rotate to the most optimal grip location it is therefore impossible to keep supination properly. Also he clearly tilts his legs out to keep his center of mass directly under his arm. Notice how close his chin goes to the ring when he gets up there, its pretty much the same thing with one arm pushups where the location of the body's center of mass determines the degree of difficulty... I don't know how you could consider this correct form. There is NO form, they are just pulling themselves up with one arm. Thats not an exercise thats just a movement, nothing wrong with that but its the same difference between "standing with your hands" and doing a handstand

Forgot to lord vital

He stood at 200 lbs and could bang 10 one arm pull ups at 190 lbs

It was said his max bench was 400 lbs with not dedicated training at all

This guy was the strongest calisthenics guy but was on roids

Just to add onto your response, the 2nd example that user provided also clearly shows the guy twisting to a neutral grip. I have agreed with your railing against the one armed pull up question thus far

Where do you keep your center of mass during chin ups? Behind your ass?
During a bench press, you should not lock out above your shoulders, instead you should lock out right above your belly button, since you don't want to be cheating by having the center of mass in the most optimal position.
>Thats not an exercise thats just a movement
>its the same difference between "standing with your hands" and doing a handstand
I think you have never done a chin up or a handstand in your entire life
literally could not find videos of any one of them.

Yuri vaslov and bert asserati was like 50 years ago lol

Alexey voevoda theres a clip about him (he was on roids and was armwrestler world champion when he could so it) in youtube, i dont remember its name

Go to therapy for pathological lying

Oh snap

The clip I saw was him doing assisted one arm chin ups for reps. I didnt see any clip with a real one arm chin up.


A guy who goes to my gym is a 7 foot tall 300lb+ natural strongman and lumber sports competitor and he's benched 500lb, but there's no way he could even do a normal pullup

Later? Later what? How is that an answer?

Do you mean latter, you fucking mung? Please kys, sage elsewhere


This nig was 190 lbs nax and banged sone one arm pull ups

Yeah sure I've never done a chin up or a handstand ever but apparently I can appreciate all the subtleties of a proper gymnast handstand and these were lost on you

He cant do pull upa because nigga never worked the movement and never really hit his biceps at all

There are plenty of elite powerlifter who neglects biceps and probably sucks at armwrestling because of this

There was a pro powerlifter benching over 600 lbs who said he got beaten at armwreatling by 16 yeas old amateur armwrestling kid because he neglected biceps for years

Such a random assumption to say he cant do a one arm pull up because his fucking biceps are weak. The simple truth is pound for pound strength goes down as one gets heavier

Arm wrestling isnt just bicep strength. The 16 year old probably had very good technique as well and just easily overpowered his biceps.

Yes but with such bench, he should bang at least 20 normal pull ups, its not about p4p strenght but about balance

Idk why DYEL people still claims the technique thing, its a meme

Armwrestling is all bicep and forearm, bicep being more important because bicep mantain the arms tension and are the responsible to put your opponents arm down

Top armwrestlers have strong biceps than anything else

Top arm wrestlers have very strong biceps and forearms because they compete with other top arm wrestlers who have good technique as well. Ask any arm wrestler which is more important and they will tell you technique comes first.

>technique comes first

Adam Raw is over 210lbs and can pop one (ONE, don't expect more) out. Considering he doesn't do a lot of one-arm work, 250 is not far fetched. I'm sure that if he gave it the same amount of attention as he gives to dips, he'd probably be able to do it.

Here, nigger.
You either can or can't do a one-arm pull up. He can.

Adam raw is a roided nigga who tried to pretend their scrawny pajeet public hes natty lol

That guy, with all the weight hit on dips, should be closing a 400 lbs bench

We're not arguing about roids, though, just about whether or not this shit is possible.
And it is plausible.

Also, you forgot to add that he's whoring his gf out and calling it "art".