Tfw no Veeky Forums loli gf

>tfw no Veeky Forums loli gf

Other urls found in this thread:

Wow this hurt me inside

>Tfw no gf of any variety

Ah, so you're a pedophile.

>TFW no STALKER gf to pass the 5.45

Why live?

>you don't mind if I chalk up the next time we spoon

what does that even mean?

we're doing this huh?
well i'm stopping it
women are really not all it's hyped up to be
i banged sloots and the first few months it was fun but then i just felt board with it. then i got a girlfriend and althought it's fun to cuddle and talk about stuff with her she just became something in my life and now is part of a routine same as working out. where eventually you don't even notice that your doing it. also with a gf you lose some friends



>tfw your one of the big screencaps (jontron)

t. no gf virgin

Found the virgin.

I'm posting in Veeky Forums. I'm not sure why this something that needs to be pointed out.

Anyone have Norwegian(™), wojak?

Fuck I don't remember that posts getting so many responses, I should've stay longer. But that's pretty much one of the greatest posts of Veeky Forums. So simple yet so deep.

If I work really hard and give my best, would a girl like her be possible?

Is there hope?

you need to actually look for girls they won't come to you

No I mean that if I train and improve could I be worthy of someone like her.

Looking for one goes without saying.

she won't be a loli but yeah you could find her

date a girl (male) who lifts


what does a man need to do? he needs to present to a women the cumulation of his life experiences by being charming, interesting, funny, have a fucking personality.

what do women do? they just grow on you man

stop this beta male(™) mentality, she'd be more repulsed by your lack of confidence than anything

No it's not you idiot it's even worded wrong it says "I love you for you who are"

She's a woman, women don't have good grip strength. That's why them and DYELs use chalk in the gym.

>tfw there's a 140cm muscular qt at my gym

dated a girl who could squat heavier than me, i m a bit lanky with weak knees and she had this compact powerful beaner frame with thick legs & ass. she ended up leaving me for an even more dyel.


alright Veeky Forums here's the fuckin plan
next week i water fast for like three days so i get good and lean in the face
then i buy a tripod for my phone off amazon to get some quality pics of myself that aren't pointed up my nose or something like a selfie
then i finally sign up for tinder on a burner facebook account with my new pics

will i make it?

1. if you just looking for a fuck its about appearance
2. if your looking for a relationship, you better find a good gf. for example my gf is a tomboy so she isn't like normie girls with the starbucks and the snapchat, she watches anime and is like a 8/10. Normie girls suck to be in relationships with, as they will annoy you with everything you hate about norime culture. constantly taking forever in bathrooms and eating vegan shit that you have to eat then and if they have "cheat days" you also have to have one or else they feel fat

Don't mind me


>you will never bake cakes with your own loli
It hurts

>tfw no STALKER 2
>it would've been released 5 years ago

still hurts

>knee wraps
get the fuck away from me equippedfag


Not my style, but I'm sure some pedos like you would fall head over heels for her.

>tfw bestfriend is loli femme gym bro
>tfw she's lesbian

The next step user is kids so you can quietly spend your time reassuring yourself they weren't a mistake.

And then be graded years later on your parenting skills based on if you're living in a shitty nursing home.


>chalk up next time we spoon

when i was going to commercial gym some 15yo was mirin my 3.5pl8 rdls

she was doing them with like 40kg, which was still somewhat impressive because it waas her bodyweigh


In the original it did, but someone edited that out for the screencap.

Post more like this, please. I want to really wallow in tfw no gf.

Some of them get weirdly specific

thats pretty fucked up desu

Only legendary post I've ever seen in person.

wow tell me more

i didn't post in the thread though
what else would you like to know? think i've said everything

Same. I posted in this thread and the sorry I made cube thread, so that's 2 modern classics for me


I was being sarcastic you damn idiot. Who gives a shit if you saw that thread?

There's a bear inside your stomach.


>my gf is a tomboy so she isn't like normie girls
>my gf
>isn't like normie girls
Lurk more

just give her a good dicking and set her straight then she'll go crazy for you

The cub's been kicking you for weeks

My gf got sick and died last year user. Why would you post this.
I miss her so much.

was she hot

Very. Especially after the first round of chemo.
She was skinny before, but damn she went super model in a week.
After the second and third, not so much. Her hair started falling out. And reality hit. That she probably isn't going to make it.


Lesbians are lesbians until they aren't lesbian. What I mean is that lesbians aren't real, and they would all love a good dicking. Any "lesbian" who is a decent looking woman WILL "switch" back before she gets too old to land a husband, I've seen it happen many times and they'll just change their story to "teehee I guess I was bisexual all along".

I'm happy she at least got to be a sick cunt.

The only real lesbians are the butch dykes.


>tfw the fake lesbian meme is real

For the most part I agree, but even some of the butch girls are faking it. My cousin just recently became a disgusting butch lesbian after the end of a long term relationship. She had been into guys her whole life, and just a year or so ago had transformed into a raving vegan/feminist. She started running marathons and lost weight to the point of losing fertility and got so insane that she drove away her boyfriend of 3-4 years.

Point is, like 90% of these young lesbians aren't actually lesbian and won't remain that way forever, they are probably down to fuck hot guys on the down low too.

come on man

I'm sorry to hear that user, I couldn't imagine losing my gf like that.
At least she spent her final days with someone who loves her.

I get a huge kick out of these pics

>talking to qt
>"Hey we should go get some lunch sometime"
>"I'm always busy"
>Keep talking
Just fuck my shit up I friendzoned myself.

I wish that I had known in

>the sorry I made cube thread
that shit was funny

That genuinely is terrible, I can't even imagine
What did she get sick with?

posting the only one I have saved

Don't do this to me

>Especially after the first round of chemo

>tfw no Veeky Forums acrobat gf

wtf i want a blind gf now

a blind gf would be great for me because she couldn't see how objectively unnatractive I am :(

Audible kek

Just get a gf and throw acid in her eyes


I give a shit.
Cool, bro


>been talking to a gymnast girl on tinder for a day
>already getting scared of fucking it up even though i shouldn't give a damn
>she is also into fantasy and we've literally only talked about books
Fuck man. I don't even know how to move it forward without it sounding too forced and fake. Sucks being autistic desu...



fucking /meg/ gave me a new fetish i can never hope to fulfill.

>around elves watch yourself



I know that feel bro - just go on gut instincts. Usually it's right and stalling and overthinking never works

what the fuck
rias is the best girl


You are going to delete this RIGHT NOW

d e l e t
