I found a new gf for isley
/plg/ - panzer lifting general
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I want to bludgeon her to death with the blunt end of an axe
where did it all go so wrong
death of western civilization WHEN????
God.. isley is such a fucking loser
The gangs all here
i dont have gymo
i squat 2 plates which is better than 99% of plg. im on bulk rn so ofc i dont look great lol
hey I have the solution
First you need to get a length of rope. Something strong and sturdy, none of this climbing stuff or bondage toys. Then, tie it in a loop and place seven smaller loops around this one. Proceed to hang this rope from your rafters, and yourself from it.
Why did you post this? What upset you so much about that post?
that's gyno
re mi nd er
those are called pecs buddy lol. but i know youve never benched a day in your life you squat autist so im goin easy on ya
Skinny boy skinnny boy where your muscles at
My body looks like budas in his fattest
Running. Not even once.
why the fuck is it not legal to kill communists
they arent even people
the government is enslaving me to their will and limiting my ability to express my will to systemically purge and crucify the red plauge
literally only faggots like that band
you suck large hairy penises if you like them
how does this make you feel?
Yakob I know when you post without your trip
im not clicking your malware
Holy fuck that humming was so cute
Mine heart
shit. post non retarded anti-communist music instead
My heartttt AHHHHHHHHH
is blueshoes literally hercules??
Why is your benis brown
Can you make it hard and show me it?
I'm a girl btw
she's fucking 31 years old
what the fuck man
The perfect age for a woman
got it backwards my dude.
no pot brownies tonight
Fucking kek
Good, don't make me jealous. I need more connections.
>I need more connections.
Just go down to your local dispensary and buy some?
Surely you live in a free country, right?
>mfw writing a purposfully provocative historically revisionist paper on the Rwandan Genocide
You're more pathetic than he'll ever be.
I disagree with this
That's the hardest it'll get.
why are you such loser
meh. she's ok
mice projection
I'm making the point backed by research that the RPF was guilty of counter-genocide during their seizure of Rwanda and that they suppressed dissenters who wanted this exposed
Thoughts on this?
I literally don't blame him
Stripped down to my skin and my bones
he's an idiot for marrying some stupid whore
he's an idiot for putting her name on the mortgage
he's an idiot for sharing a bank account with a woman
Love is blind. Are you telling me you wouldn't do any of those for pretty little Rebeka?
panzer btfo
You look like a diety?
I meant I have the body of an old and fat highschool arts teacher
Is panzers manface waifu going to go cut his dick off with raffy?
Are you also old and fat?
no yes
Are you strong? It's okay to be fat and strong. Look at isley. That is goal mode for gdes.
But it's even better to be lean and strong.
There's a big spider in my room and its been there a while.
>Tfw this spider has stayed with me longer than anybody else ever has
I love you spider bro.
I love you too, sean.
nice projection
How can a fat guy obtain a good wilks score?
>be skele
>start powerlifting
>strength go up
>strength stalls
>eat more
>gaIn muscle
>strength goes up
>good wilks
fat guy :
>be fat
>start powerlifting
>Lose fat
>strength go up
>strength stalls
>cant eat more cz alrdy a fatfuck
>strength stays/regres
>shit wilks
>mfw theres a female latvian transfer student in my class
>30 year old lady in class wants to do group work with me
what means
cuter than rebeka?
she's kinda tall so not really
she's like as tall as me if not an inch taller
Fucking Manletmericans, when will they learn
you keep cutting until you're not a fat guy anymore
>he's so short that girls are commonly taller than him
You are so critical of other people that perhaps one would suggest you're projecting your own insecurities
You know Panzer is like 5'8", right?
What's the thing on the right from?
I want to die.
[adult swim] - Xavier: Renegade Angel
I want you to be okay
I'm excited
Everything will be ok sean
Don't jump bibby this is a gay accepting board
Listen to green day at 4am and everything will be alright
Not me
Your phone looks mad
Stop using the amoled theme
It's on power saving mode
Use tomorrow theme
Show file names
Remove the WiFi / cell data icons
Centre your time
Don't use icons use text for battery
Phone aesthetics are important
>You know Panzer is like 5'8", right?
I was guttered when I found out I was 5'11 and not actually 6'0
Poor panzer
I'm 170cm and you guys are telling me panzer is only like one inch taller and 20kg heavier. How fucking fat he is, no wonder he can't do oly lifts you actually need to be athletic for them.
What app is thay
>tfw discovered I was 188.5cm in the evenings instead of 190
Flourens clover
Made by some fat neck beard on /g/. Only accessible on f-droid or if you download the APK. Not available on iOS.
then your strength starts going down
Seeking: gf
Perks: can share cheesesteak with me :(
Thanks I was using an old version that used to be on the app store
This looks so dry, please tell me you added some sauce to that.
> Sharing your food and not hoarding it all to maximize gains
funny enough I thought it was too moist and oily
I sauteed the peppers and mushrooms in butter and cooked the steak in its own rendered fat so it was far from dry
a tad too moist for my taste desu
Im not a girl but I like eating and we can watch rebeka videos together
Can't sleep too excited. This sucks.
But your wilks starts going UP. Then once you're lean you actually bulk correctly and do your best to make progress while staying that way so you don't have to cut 40lbs next time you cut.
how do you feel about brazil? :3333
Fucking Americans.
dunno then, maybe it's just a photo, but I also like my food basically swimming in good sauce. That's also how I get most of my calories
Not even close, but I guess I don't really know proper word for what I mean.
So you're not a fat redneck covering everything you cook in added sugar concentrated tomato paste that you bought at wal-mart?