What do you do when people disrespect you?

What do you do when people disrespect you?

post on Veeky Forums about it

tonguepunch their fartbox

>start an arguement
>opponent has shit arguements
>win arguement
>opponent feels like a worthless shit
feels good man


Get heart racing, get away fast then ponder about it for hours while trying to convince myself that i am better than him/them

I don't react in the moment, but I spend days/weeks and sometimes months/years thinking about it and then I become extremely angry due to the fact they made me feel that way months and I get even more angry.

I have to stay shut in to avoid people to stop myself from becoming a monster. I really don't do well around others and find that I am better off being alone, it's whats keeps me calm and happy and not thinking bad thoughts because I never put myself in the position to get shit on anymore by having dropped out of society.

Talk to a psychologist

Shrug/laugh it off, who really cares?

I honestly don't know.
I can't remember the last time I was disrespected.

hit their face repeatedly

Say nothing to this person ever. Treat him like he doesn't exist.

that feel when 197cm and 116kg, and if any other big guy comes up to you it's to say whats up bro and pat you on the back. manlets keep their head down.

Get angry and act like a passive-aggressive pussy

You laugh at me? I wrath at you!

If people tease me I'll tease them back, usually end up making friends.

Honestly I can't think of a time when anyone has "disrespected" me as an adult.

I am an extremely violent man upon disrespect. It works in humiliating the aggressor but the repercussions of it probably aren't worth the action. I almost undoubtedly feel sick with guilt about it and just wish I was witty enough to put them down socially. It works I guess but as ever my mind bogs me down with feels. Once you are infected with Beta it's talons will always be stuck in you in some form or another

People that consciously/unconsciously abide by social hierarchy

Pic related.

Are you me?

Doesn't really happen. I'm 195 115 kg. The few times it happened since I was an adult was some drunk ass skinny manlet trying something that looked like an attempt at suicide by big guy. I didn't really get it, honestly. I like fighting and have quite some MA experience but every time it happened my most rational self took over and I just tried to calm them down. I don't pussy out, just stand there stoically and talk calmly. I don't even feel a rush, it's weird. Since I stopped drinking out I don't think it's going to happen ever again.

>sgoing on
>something you need help with
>like you gonna do some
>i thought so